Transmigrated Into a World of Villains: I Took Out the Protagonists After They Read My Mind
Transmigrated Into a World of Villains: I Took Out the Protagonists After They Read My Mind Chapter 12

Chapter 12: The Great Tyrant Is Now Unstoppable

He had already known that if the emperor had investigated the Left Prime Minister, then he would certainly be next.

Sure enough.

The Governor of Shuntian could only kneel on the ground, repeatedly calling for the emperor.

The Great Tyrant’s phoenix eyes were deep and cold, his face filled with merciless cruelty. “Confiscate the Prime Minister’s estate, and all the embezzled funds will be returned to the national treasury. The Left Prime Minister will be stripped of his rank and investigated, thrown into Dali Temple, and sentenced on another day.

None of his direct descendants, up to the third generation, will be allowed to take the imperial exams or enter the court as officials.

As for you, Governor of Shuntian, since you and the Left Prime Minister are such good brothers, you can go to prison together and be companions on your way to the afterlife.”

[Did my scumbag father just suddenly activate a cheat code? He’s exposing corrupt officials left and right! Amazing!]

[Why does Scumbag Father look several times more handsome today than usual?]

Little girl, you’re my cheat code.

You probably don’t even know it, haha.

It’s fine, keep grumbling—I’m listening.

The Great Tyrant looked at the little girl in his arms with affection. “Ah Bao, did I scare you just now?”

[Not at all, Scumbag Father was so handsome today!]

[Since you’re so happy after punishing the corrupt officials, make me happy too! I really want to touch that big golden bowl and lock, just to see if they’re as smooth as they look.]

Ah Bao’s hands were itching.

Oh no, she loved the feel of gold~

The Great Tyrant gently pinched Ah Bao’s little cheek. “Since we’ve received so many gifts today, I wonder if Ah Bao likes them. Xi’er, bring over the golden basin so the Tenth Princess can have a good look.”

[Scumbag Father! You really are my real father! Love you!]

Ah Bao lay in the golden basin, holding a large golden bowl in her left hand and a large golden lock in her right.

There was also a huge luminous pearl on her chest, and a golden leaf stuck to her forehead.

She looked just like a little good-luck charm, giving off an exotic, adorable vibe~.

[If I could sit up, I’d definitely stuff all of them into my arms and sleep with them!]

[Wow, let the gold come even more fiercely, blind my titanium dog eyes!]

Seeing Ah Bao so happy, the Great Tyrant couldn’t help but smile as well.

“Someone, continue! Summon Minister Wang of the Ministry of Rites and Inspector Du!”

At this moment, news from the palace was spreading rapidly among the officials.

The one who gave the golden bowl? Imprisoned.

The one who gave the golden lock? Also imprisoned.

The officials: ??

Weren’t they just attending the Tenth Princess’s birth banquet?

How did they end up eating their way into prison?

The officials sat in their homes, legs trembling with fear.

Hmm… was this really a banquet?


This was a death sentence!

But with the emperor’s summons, could they refuse to enter the palace?

Of course not!

So, all the officials summoned to the palace brought gifts for the little princess, fully prepared.

After all, you can’t hit someone who’s offering a gift with a smile.

Bringing gifts is always a good move.

This time, though, they didn’t bring gold. The ones who brought gold ended up in prison.

Not bringing gold must be the safer option.

Meanwhile, the officials who hadn’t been summoned yet paced anxiously in their homes, fearing for their fate.

But soon, more news came from the palace.

“How did it go?”

“Sir, those who didn’t bring gold were sent to prison, but those who did bring gold returned home safely.”

The officials: ?

What kind of logic is this?

Why did the ones who didn’t bring gold get imprisoned?

“Sir, should we prepare gold or not?”

“Prepare it! Bring out everything we have! The more gold we offer, the safer I’ll be!”

That night, Ah Bao was overjoyed.

Looking at the golden basin on the table, piled high with treasures, she was practically drooling with happiness.

[We’re rich, we’re rich, hahaha!]

[It feels so good to receive so many gifts!]

[So many gold pieces, they’re so beautiful, I’m gonna cry!]

The Great Tyrant felt the little girl in his arms wriggling with excitement, and his smile grew even wider.

At that moment, Minister Wang of the Ministry of Rites and Inspector Du were seated below, trembling with fear.

But when they caught a glimpse of the emperor’s smile, they blinked in shock.

[Is… the Emperor smiling?]

Ever since they arrived that evening, the Emperor had been stern, and the two ministers had sat at the banquet without daring to utter a word.

They couldn’t figure out what was on the Emperor’s mind.

Just as they let out a sigh of relief—

[My dear ministers, don’t just sit there silently. With such a beautiful moonlit night, do neither of you have anything to discuss with me?]

Minister of Rites: ?

Discuss what?


Weren’t they here to eat?

Inspector: !

Is the Emperor asking about state affairs?

[The two of you have been handling the taxes in Zhongzhou recently, yet this year’s tax revenue is less than half of last year’s. Why is that?]

Faced with the sudden political inquiry, the two ministers’ hearts tightened once again.

They nervously began explaining matters to the Emperor.

After a lengthy discussion, the Great Tyrant’s anger flared up, and he slammed the table, rising to his feet!

The Minister of Rites was sent to prison.

Even as he was dragged away, he still didn’t understand how the Emperor had come to suspect him and secretly investigate his affairs.

Soon after, another wave of ministers was summoned.

[Ah! The Great Tyrant is unstoppable, no one can stand in his way!]

[Wow~ The Great Tyrant has gone beyond godlike!]

While listening to the ministers and the tyrant discuss state affairs, Ah Bao’s eyes were fixed intently on the large golden basin in front of her.

Thus, a peculiar scene unfolded that night.

As more and more ministers were sent to prison, Ah Bao’s golden basin became increasingly full.

Ah Bao’s eyes darted back and forth as she silently counted the gold pieces in her head.

[I can’t count them all, it’s impossible!]

[Dad, are there more ministers coming tonight?]

Ah Bao stretched her neck but didn’t hear the Great Tyrant summon anyone else.

In Ah Bao’s eyes, were those really ministers?


They were bringers of wealth!

For three full days, the Great Tyrant held continuous banquets with Ah Bao in his arms.

During this time, the Great Tyrant dealt with a total of thirteen ministers.

Ah Bao held a gold ingot in her hand.

[Is the Tyrant using the banquet as a cover to reform the government?]

[I must admit, my dad is really smart, with 180 tricks up his sleeve. He uses the banquet as an excuse to summon ministers, catching them off guard and leaving them no chance to react!]

[He’s rooting out corrupt officials and getting all this gold in return. Dad, you’re busy with your work, and I’m making a fortune! You truly are my real father!]

The Great Tyrant, upon hearing this praise, was secretly overjoyed.

One rooting out corrupt officials, the other collecting lavish gifts.

Father and daughter, working together in perfect harmony.

[Finally, I’ve cleaned out a wave of corrupt scoundrels.] The Great Tyrant sighed in relief. He couldn’t believe how many corrupt officials were hiding within the court.

Luckily, he acted quickly. Otherwise, the century-old foundation of the Tiansheng Dynasty would have been destroyed by these parasites.

Ah Bao yawned.

[Dad, are we going home now?]

[Ah Bao must be tired from these past few days. I’ll take you back to Yihe Palace.] The Great Tyrant stood up, carrying Ah Bao in his arms.

Ah Bao fought to keep her eyes open, refusing to let them droop.

[Dad, don’t forget my golden basin!]

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