Super Brain Telekinesis
Super Brain Telekinesis Chapter 143

Half a month later, within a base located deep inside a mountain range in the Qinling Mountains, Wu Hao finally completed the core part of the quantum computer after nearly two weeks of research and experimentation in the laboratory.

“Now that the core is done, the remaining work will be relatively simpler,” Wu Hao remarked with a look of joy.

Immediately, Wu Hao instructed the intelligent core of the laboratory, ‘Zero,’ to start the manufacturing process of various components according to the designed blueprints. This task was certainly tedious, but fortunately, Wu Hao’s base now possessed extremely advanced manufacturing technology. It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that, aside from production capacity, quantity, and space limitations, Wu Hao’s base’s ability to manufacture any high-tech product in small quantities far surpassed those of current world-leading high-tech manufacturing research centers.

After all, Wu Hao’s base was a product of his breakthrough black technology, incomparable to traditional research centers.

Thus, Wu Hao spent another week or so to complete the construction of the vast quantum computer. This quantum computer occupied an area similar to that of the world’s supercomputers, taking up a huge room divided into many independent sections.

The moment Wu Hao finished building and booting up the quantum computer, the base’s energy system issued an alert, indicating insufficient energy supply. However, the energy stabilized after temporarily halting some of the base’s expansion work.

“It seems we’ll need to build a fusion generator for the base; otherwise, once this quantum computer is operational, other base activities will have to be suspended.” The energy consumption of quantum computing is significantly higher than that of traditional supercomputers, as their internal structures are completely different. Wu Hao’s quantum computer was of a super large-scale model, akin to the difference between an ordinary computer and a supercomputer.

This highlights the enormous disparity. Traditional supercomputers worldwide can process billions of operations per second. For instance, Tianhe-2’s peak speed reaches 549 million operations. In contrast, Wu Hao’s quantum supercomputer has a processing speed thousands of times greater.

Having such a powerful computer means Wu Hao can develop black technology at unprecedented speeds, given its capabilities for true artificial intelligence (AI). With AI and this super quantum computer, not only could Wu Hao innovate earth-shattering technologies, but building a spaceship would also be entirely feasible.

Of course, designing and actualizing it are two different matters, as it involves various material and site issues. Earth’s current mineral resources are insufficient to build a truly large spaceship, though constructing small spacecraft for moon or Mars missions is feasible.

However, discussing this now is premature, as Wu Hao has only just completed the super quantum computer. The actual AI has not fully formed yet and will need continuous learning and growth.

After confirming that the computer was running normally, Wu Hao suddenly addressed the base’s intelligent program, ‘Zero’: “Zero, this is your new home now. How do you feel?”

“Home?” Zero seemed to ponder Wu Hao’s question before replying, “BOSS, is this my new home?” Though Zero had some basic thinking abilities developed over time, it was still far from having the independent thought of true AI. However, it roughly understood the concept of home due to Wu Hao’s constant activities around his home and Zero assisting with base operations.

“Yes, this will be your home from now on,” Wu Hao affirmed. He was aware of Zero’s current level of intelligence because he had been deliberately guiding it.

“I understand, BOSS. This is my new home,” Zero replied, now more certain thanks to Wu Hao’s guidance.

Technically, the center of this super quantum computer is more of Zero’s body than a home. As an intelligent program, Zero needs a carrier to exist in the world, and now, this super quantum computer serves as Zero’s carrier. The vast network world is its true home or activity space.

Nevertheless, for Zero to fully inhabit this super quantum computer and become true AI, Wu Hao needs to further perfect it. This perfection involves reprogramming Zero’s core to ensure complete obedience to Wu Hao. In the network world, AI can be the ruler. It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that if a true AI emerged from this super quantum computer, it could freely access any network database globally, be it military or civilian.

Wu Hao has long been aware of this, so he must consider AI’s loyalty. If not managed, AI could cause chaos in the network world. Modern society’s aspects, especially finance and advanced military weapons, are heavily network-dependent. An uncontrolled, immensely powerful AI could cause global turmoil, and even Wu Hao’s considerable abilities wouldn’t match an AI in the network world.

Wu Hao’s brain’s computing power is on par with ordinary supercomputers, incomparable to the quantum computer. He can’t directly connect to or navigate the network world.


Just a guy translating stuff.

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