Daily Life After Marriage in the 1960s
Daily Life After Marriage in the 1960s Chapter 5

Chapter 5

“Ah, you’re all home. Just the right time for me to find you,” Huang Qiujuan said with a beaming smile as she pushed open the door and walked in.

Jiang Leyun instinctively moved closer to Jiang Suihan, called out “Aunt” with his head down, and said nothing more.

Jiang Suihan’s eyebrows twitched slightly, and she forced a smile. “It’s rare that Auntie still remembers to visit us. We’re truly flattered. Sorry, our place is so shabby that we have nothing to offer. Please, Auntie, don’t feel obliged to stay.”

“If there’s nothing pressing, Auntie should probably head back. If others see you here with us, it could stir up unnecessary gossip, and it’ll be hard to clear up the misunderstandings later.”

This aunt wasn’t easy to get along with. She was opportunistic and self-serving. When there was something to gain, she could be extremely flattering and enthusiastic, the type who would smile and grovel for personal benefits. But when there was nothing to gain, her attitude would change instantly—cold and distant, as if she were afraid of catching any bad luck.

When Father Jiang was reported, Aunt’s family immediately severed all ties with the Jiang family, fearing any association with trouble. Even after Jiang’s father fell seriously ill and passed away, they never came to visit.

Jiang Suihan had long seen through their true nature and had no desire to waste time with such people.

Huang Qiujuan’s smile nearly faltered, becoming a bit stiff. Internally, she cursed, thinking how insufferable the child was, deserving of a head injury.

Jiang Suihan’s forehead was bandaged, making it difficult to see the extent of the injury—whether it was severe or if it would leave a scar. The girl’s face was now quite valuable. If it was disfigured, Huang Qiujuan’s plans would be ruined.

Since there was still use for the girl, she couldn’t afford to fall out with her.

Suppressing her anger, Huang Qiujuan put on a renewed smile. “Xiaohan, I know you might still be holding a grudge against us for being harsh back then, but it was all unavoidable, not what your uncle and I intended. We’re all family, and we want to help you, but it’s been really tough.”

“Your uncle and I aren’t influential, and we couldn’t do much. We just need to get through this tough time first. Once we get through it, we’ll be able to help you. Isn’t that the right way to look at it?”

“Look at you, you’ve lost weight. You’ve been through a lot these past few months, and Aunt feels so sorry for you. What a good child you are. Why is fate so cruel? From now on, Aunt will make sure you don’t suffer any more. What happened to your head? Who hurt you? Your face is important. Have you seen a doctor? What did the doctor say?”

This performance might not win an Oscar, but it should at least get a nomination. Unaware people might actually be deceived into thinking Huang Qiujuan was a genuinely caring aunt.

Jiang Suihan lifted her gaze and caught the brief flash of coldness and contempt in Huang Qiujuan’s eyes. She exerted a bit of force, pulling her hand from Huang Qiujuan’s grip, her expression cold.

“The doctor said to take good care of it. Whether it will leave a scar is uncertain. Anyway, A’jun and I didn’t have enough for breakfast, and there’s nothing left at home. How about this, Aunt, could you lend me some money and food coupons so I can buy some groceries at the supply and marketing cooperative?”

“You said earlier that you wouldn’t let us go hungry again. Since you’re so kind and conscientious, you wouldn’t let us starve, would you?”

“It’s not much, just fifty yuan should be enough for a while. We’re family, so I won’t beat around the bush. The doctor said I lost a lot of blood from this injury and needed to replenish my strength, otherwise, it could affect my health later. A’jun is still young and needs extra nutrition. If it’s not enough, I’ll borrow from Auntie again next time.”

Seeing Huang Qiujuan’s face turning increasingly ugly, alternating between pale and green, was quite amusing.

Jiang Suihan continued with a pretended sense of grievance, “Oh, Auntie, why does your face look so bad? You wouldn’t not want to lend the money, would you? I know some people are good with words but stingy when it comes to actually helping out. It’s my fault for thinking too highly of people and being too naive.”

Jiang Suihan had said both good and bad things, making a bold request. A typical worker’s monthly wage was only around twenty yuan, and this amount she asked for was equivalent to over two months’ salary.

Did she really think their money grew on trees? How could she have the audacity to ask for such a large sum right off the bat?

Huang Qiujuan’s face shifted from pale to green, and back again. Thinking about the purpose of her visit, she clenched her teeth and forced a smile.

“It’s not that Auntie doesn’t want to help you, but the family is truly in a difficult situation due to the trouble your father caused. Your second cousin’s job was lost, and your uncle’s promotion was snatched away by someone else. Fifty yuan is too much, we really can’t spare it. I only have two yuan on me.”

Jiang Suihan wanted to refuse with dignity, but the harsh reality was that she and her brother needed to eat. Two yuan could buy quite a lot, and she wasn’t picky.

She reached out, took the money from Huang Qiujuan’s hand, and put it in her pocket right in front of her. Seeing the reluctant expression on her face, Jiang Suihan felt quite pleased. Sometimes, happiness is built on others’ discomfort.

Huang Qiujuan took a deep breath, worried that if she hesitated any longer, Jiang Suihan might make even more shameless demands. She decided to get straight to the point and cut through the red tape.

She pointed to a man standing nearby. “This is Comrade Qin Rongguang. His father is the factory director. You just said your family is short on money, right?”

“Well, then, it’s perfect. You two young people should get to know each other better. Once you’re married, Comrade Qin can arrange a job for you, so you won’t have to worry for the rest of your life. Your brother can attend a nearby elementary school. This is a rare opportunity, and since you’re my niece, I’m thinking of you first. Otherwise, it might not have come to you.”

Huang Qiujuan’s words were somewhat exaggerated. Qin Rongguang’s father was merely the deputy director of the factory. There were three deputy directors, not to mention the chief director above them.

Qin Rongguang stared at Jiang Suihan’s injury, frowning. It was such a pretty face, now marred by a wound that ruined its beauty. He wondered if it would scar, as he didn’t like imperfect things.

He pretended to be reserved and nodded at Jiang Suihan. “Hello, Comrade Jiang. I’m Qin Rongguang. You might be meeting me for the first time, but I’ve seen you before. Your aunt has already explained the situation. My family has been urging me to find a wife. Although your family background isn’t ideal and you have a younger brother, I don’t mind.”

“As long as you marry me, you can rest assured that no one will hold past matters against you. If you want a job, I can help you with that. I can also support your brother. I have just one requirement: that you be obedient. If you can meet that, I can help resolve your current problems.”

He didn’t like the idea of his wife working outside. A woman should stay at home, bear children, and serve her husband.

Jiang Suihan was repulsed, feeling like she might vomit up her breakfast.

Her attitude was cold, and she couldn’t be bothered to even glance at Qin Rongguang. “Sorry, I’m not interested in ordinary men. My partner must be at least 1.8 meters tall, handsome, polite, and gentlemanly. Clearly, you don’t meet my standards. I’ve made myself clear, and there’s no need for further discussion. I have other matters to attend to. Please leave.”

This man was the scum she had dreamt about in the hospital—the one who ruined ‘Jiang Suihan’s’ life. ‘Jiang Suihan’ had lost her life over this scum, while he remained carefree, and Huang Qiujuan lived a prosperous life on the hush money, feeding off ‘Jiang Suihan’s’ misfortune.

Both of them were terrible people!


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