Echoes of My Heart Throughout the Court
Echoes of My Heart Throughout the Court Chapter 20

Chapter 20: Wow! Where did the uncle go!

Well, it goes without saying, of course, you support whichever side provides the most excitement!

Spectators have no stance!

Xu Yanmiao regretted not having sunflower seeds, peanuts, and cola at hand to enjoy the spectacle fully.

[It would be even better if a fight broke out!]

[If a fight broke out, Mr. Quan would be invincible! At his age, who would dare touch him! He alone could fight his way in and out of the court!]

The officials: “?!”

They were suddenly immensely relieved that Quan Yingzhang didn’t have an official seal and couldn’t hear Xu Yanmiao’s words.

[Wow! From Shangshu to Lunyu! You can tell they wouldn’t argue properly. A nitpicker would argue how many times the Master said something in the Lunyu! If you can’t say it, it means your learning is insufficient!]

Modern Confucians: “…”

Classical Confucians: “…”

We already said we’re not nitpickers!!!

Debating in your style isn’t just being stubborn!

The classical Confucians slammed the table angrily: “Modern Confucians, listen up! Since you discuss the Gongyang, I ask you, Gongyang Spring and Autumn is known for its subtle meanings and great principles. How many subtle meanings and great principles are there? What are they?”

—We are not nitpickers. However, Xu Yanmiao’s method is really useful, hehe.

Moreover, we have evidence and reasoning. Asking how many “sayings” there are might be unreasonable, but the subtle meanings and great principles in Gongyang Spring and Autumn are promoted by your own school! And now you can’t even state how many subtle meanings and great principles you have. Isn’t that inappropriate?

The modern Confucians were stunned, looking at each other, feeling distressed.

They had never noticed this flaw—besides Xu Yanmiao, who would count how many “sayings” there are or how many subtle meanings and great principles there are!

Their great leaders hadn’t summarized or organized this! It’s even worse than “sayings”! “Sayings” can at least be counted.

—Their great leaders were busy integrating modern Confucianism with politics. For them, the Book of Songs is used for admonishment, Spring and Autumn for judgments, and the “Five Classics” could guide every action of Confucians or set national policies.

—And there’s also Chengwei, which annotates Confucian classics, surpassing the “Five Classics”, such as claims that “Confucius was born of the essence of the Black Emperor due to his mother’s prayers, with many supernatural phenomena”, or “The current dynasty can replace the previous one because we overcome them”, or even “Heavenly-human response”.

Anyway, they were focused on various matters and never thought of perfecting their foundational studies.

Now being caught by the classical Confucians on this flaw, they were sweating profusely and speechless.

Xu Yanmiao cheered internally.


[I didn’t expect the classical Confucians had such a hand!]

[They are clearly out to destroy the modern Confucians!]

The classical Confucians smiled shyly.

Oh, not at all, you’re too kind.

The Ministry of War official glanced at Xu Yanmiao, feeling a toothache.

They were just debating! They were really just debating! Although you initially fanned the flames, making the debate more intense, it was still just a debate!

First, you suggested the Ancient Text Shangshu might be a forgery, almost making the classical Confucians a laughingstock—if the Ancient Text Shangshu were proven to be a fake, there would be no “ancient text” from the start, and without “ancient text,” there would be no “classical Confucians”.

Now, you made the modern Confucians realize they didn’t even know how many “subtle meanings and great principles” they had—this is like saying you admire Confucius but don’t even know that Confucius is Kong Qiu. How can you claim to admire him!

The two sides had gone from arguing directly to stabbing each other in the back; if they didn’t stab to the point of no return, they’d consider it a loss!

On the other side.

Deep in the dungeon.

The Crown Prince had stretched his neck a thousand four hundred and forty-four times since he woke up in the morning, checking every five breaths on average.

The false heir wrinkled his nose at the former son-in-law: “His uncle is coming back today.”

“That person who’s praised as the unparalleled Scholar of the Wen Yuan Pavilion?!” The former son-in-law showed an envious expression: “Mr. Ji is the head of the modern Confucian school, and he’s also the Grand Tutor, with a close relationship with the Crown Prince. I’ve heard that the Emperor and Empress regard him very favorably, having made his sister the Crown Princess and marrying the Crown Prince’s direct sister, Princess Qinghe, to him as his primary wife.”

Moreover, since his daughter was married off during the campaign, she wasn’t even a princess yet, so naturally, she could hold official positions.

The former son-in-law was utterly envious.

The false heir suddenly turned his head, his pupils widening slightly: “He’s here.”

In the dim dungeon, the sound of measured footsteps approached. After the flames on the wall flickered a few times, a black boot appeared first, with dark golden threads outlining mountains and rivers, looking both dignified and elaborate.

Then, a man emerged from behind the wall, looking pale and cold. But as he looked down at the Crown Prince, he revealed a warm smile.

The Crown Prince rushed to the cell door, half-kneeling and looking up, shouting with emotion: “Uncle!”

Ji Sui felt a pang of heartache; his nephew had never endured such suffering. The dungeon was a dreadful place… His nephew had even lost weight!

After clarifying the situation, Ji Sui’s face tightened, and he frowned deeply: “I know who did this.”

The Crown Prince’s face suddenly showed malice: “Who is it!”

Who ratted him out!

Just as Ji Sui was about to speak, a chubby figure in official’s black attire, with surprisingly agile movements for his size, darted in. He whispered a few words into Ji Sui’s ear. Ji Sui’s expression suddenly changed, and he stood up to leave.

The Crown Prince: “Uncle!”

Ji Sui hesitated for a moment, turning to look at the Crown Prince’s greasy, tangled hair, dirty and dusty. He initially wanted to pat his head and offer some comfort. But…

—He was a neat freak.

In the end, he couldn’t bring himself to touch his nephew and quickly said, “I will definitely rescue you,” before turning and leaving.

The Crown Prince called after him: “Woo, uncle! I’ll be waiting for you!”

Ji Sui walked out, removing his outer robe: “Why did Quan Yingzhang suddenly come to court? How could the classical Confucians raise their heads?”

The small official, carrying a set of neatly folded official robes and bending low, walked quickly behind Ji Sui: “It seems he was called back by an official named Xu.”

The small official was surprised that the prominent figure in front recognized the name.

“Xu Yanmiao? How come he’s everywhere!”

Upon hearing that the official was named Xu, the expression of the Grand Tutor and Wen Yuan Pavilion Scholar turned grim.

After changing into his official robes, he rushed to the palace, only to hear the damned classical Confucians showing off: “You keep talking about subtle meanings and great principles. What are the subtle meanings and great principles in the Gongyang Spring and Autumn? Tell us! Can’t say them, huh?”

His expression instantly turned cold.

He walked straight in.

“The Gongyang Spring and Autumn has a total of twenty-nine subtle meanings and great principles.”

Seeing the modern Confucians nearing their breaking point, the classical Confucians’ eyes grew more fervent.

They truly hadn’t expected that today they could directly dismantle the modern Confucians, restoring the classical texts to dominance!

Just then, a cold voice suddenly came from outside the hall—

“The Gongyang Spring and Autumn has a total of twenty-nine subtle meanings and great principles.”

The voice recited as it walked in.

“First, revenge is honorable. Can revenge last for nine generations? Even a hundred generations…”

“Second, expelling the barbarians. China is not a continuous line, Duke Huan saved China by expelling the barbarians and eventually achieved success…”

“Third, valuing death and righteousness. When faced with the death of Qi’s Duke Qing, sacrificing oneself…”

“Fourth, punishing rebels and thieves…”


The person walked slowly to the middle of the modern and classical Confucians, finishing reciting the twenty-ninth principle.

Then, with a cold sneer, both in tone and manner, full of arrogance and disdain: “Classical Confucians…”

With a slow and low tone.

“Are you even worthy to discuss the classics?”

The modern Confucians, as if seeing a savior, shouted in unison: “Mr. Ji!!!”

The waiting process was incredibly sweet and joyful.

The Crown Prince rested his chin on his hands, waiting for his uncle to return.

—His uncle must be going to plead with Grandpa for him!

Quan Yingzhang and Ji Sui, one eighty-six and the other forty-six, led their respective factions in a fierce battle of words, tearing the heavens and earth apart, disregarding all decorum. Their exchanges were sharp and bitter.

Don’t think that literary debates are genteel; phrases like “a wretched death,” “hasten your end,” and “disgusting dog slaves” were mild. Terms like “heaven’s dog,” “animals raised by forgetful beasts”… after all, Mencius had once insulted the Moists as “beasts” and the farmers as “southern barbarians with bird tongues.”

This verbal battle raged from morning until noon.

The jailer brought food for the Crown Prince.

The Crown Prince disdainfully replied: “No need, take it away.”

I’m about to get out! Who wants to eat this awful prison food!

Quan Yingzhang rolled up his sleeves: “You inhuman pigs and dogs! Without understanding benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom, and trust, how could you understand Confucius!”

Ji Sui slammed the table: “The righteousness of the ruler and father is the way of heaven and earth, you beast without a lord or father!”

Time passed from noon to evening.

The jailer brought more food.

The Crown Prince, somewhat irritated, flipped the tray with his hand: “I said I don’t want it!”

The food spilled onto the floor, and the Crown Prince didn’t even glance at it. His stomach rumbled, and he stared expectantly at the corner of the cell.

My uncle must be figuring out a way to rescue me!

“Brat!” A group of people held Quan Yingzhang back, the old man full of energy: “Go back and study your scriptures! We’ll debate again tomorrow!”

“Old man!” Ji Sui retorted: “You come whenever you like! Have I ever feared you? The classical Confucians are so heretical, I will make sure they are unaccepted by heaven and earth!”

By midnight.

The Crown Prince lay on a pile of straw, his stomach rumbling loudly, staring blankly at the ceiling.

Uncle, where have you gone, uncle? Woo woo woo woo woo woo woo…

Ji Sui sat in his study, frowning as he flipped through classics and historical texts.

The twelve-inch candle burned slowly, shrinking inch by inch.

The moon set in the west, and the candle burned down to the length of a finger.

At the crow of the rooster, Ji Sui stood up and stretched.

“I feel like I’ve forgotten something.”

“Wait a minute!”

Ji Sui quickly stopped a page of the book from being blown over by the wind.

“So that’s what I forgot!”

He put on his official robes and walked out with great momentum.

“Those thieves of the classical Confucians! Today, you will definitely have to beg for mercy on your knees!”

The twenty-nine subtle meanings and great principles of the Gongyang Spring and Autumn are referenced from The Great Meaning of the Spring and Autumn.

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