Miraculously Manifesting on the Road to Exile, I’m Mistaken for an Ancestor
Miraculously Manifesting on the Road to Exile, I’m Mistaken for an Ancestor Chapter 1 : Ancestral Spirits!

That night, a cold wind howled outside, and the old television in the living room emitted a crackling noise from time to time.On the screen, an elderly man in a purple official robe, with silver beard and white hair, knelt to receive the imperial edict. He took off his official hat, and the luxurious golden hall made his thin back look even more desolate.

In the drama, the emperor finally took action against the current Grand Secretary, Lu Qing. The Lu family was raided and everyone was imprisoned, and the entire clan, old and young, men and women, were sentenced to exile for three thousand miles and were to be escorted out of the city in seven days.

“This dog emperor is so cruel!”Gu Xingzhao curled up on the sofa, watching the handsome and elegant old man in the drama being stripped of his official robes and escorted into prison, she cursed with tears in her eyes, and didn’t forget to grab a handful of potato chips to stuff into her mouth.

She didn’t know which wicked screenwriter had come up with such a plot. Such a good old man, a grand secretary of two dynasties, had devoted his whole life to the people and the court, but in the end, he had such a miserable fate.

In ancient times, exiles had to wear shackles on their hands and feet and walk step by step to a desolate land three thousand miles away. In the cold winter and heavy snow, countless people froze to death on the road.

The old man was nearly seventy years old, and his health had been poor since his youth due to his busy work in politics. How could his frail body withstand such a journey?

The Emperor, a dog, had always had a grudge against Lu Qing but couldn’t find any fault. Concerned about his own reputation, he used the opportunity of establishing an heir to frame Lu Qing for disrespect and exiled him three thousand miles.

The screen went dark, and Gu Xingzhao jumped up from the sofa, quickly rushing towards the malfunctioning TV. With practiced ease, she slapped the top of the old, clunky machine several times.

This was the twenty-seventh time this year. It was really affecting her ability to watch her “son.”

She had considered replacing the TV, which was at least twenty years old, but she couldn’t find any information about the series online. It didn’t specify which channel it was on and there were no advertisements, leaving her with no choice but to rely on this old relic.

For two whole years, she had been faithfully following the series, never missing an episode. She had watched Lu Qing grow from a young man to an elderly Grand Secretary, and now he was imprisoned and exiled.

Suddenly, the screen lit up again. Gu Xingzhao patted the dust off her hands and sat back on the sofa, picking up the bucket of potato chips and continued eating.

On the screen, the Lu family members who had been imprisoned were being punished. The prison guards had taken a lot of bribes, especially from Lu Qing. Under the pretext of interrogation, they deprived him of food and water, subjecting him to all kinds of torture.Lu Qing was beaten until he was covered in wounds.

Gu Xingzhao’s heart raced as she watched, half-covering her eyes. She thought to herself, “This actor is so dedicated. The way he’s being whipped doesn’t look fake at all. It’s unfair that this series isn’t popular.”

It was late at night in the Great Jin Dynasty.Lu Qing was covered in injuries, hadn’t eaten for three days, and had not had a drop of water. He was lying weakly in a corner of the prison, knowing that his days were numbered.He had passed the imperial examination at fifteen, become the top scholar at eighteen, and at the age of thirty, he had been appointed to the cabinet by the previous emperor. He had served as a grand secretary for two dynasties and had been honest and upright in his official duties for decades. Yet, he had ended up like this. He only blamed himself for implicating his entire clan.Lu Qing sighed. He wondered how the rest of his family was doing. At the thought of this, he lost his appetite and didn’t even want to drink water.

Gu Xingzhao’s eyes turned slightly red: “It’s not like you have the conditions to look good in prison.”Lu Qing, who had never believed in ghosts or gods, now hoped that heaven would open its eyes and give his Lu family a way out.Looking at the scene before her, the once handsome and elegant little old man, who still had a hint of fairy-like air about him, suddenly seemed to have aged decades.

Gu Xingzhao’s eyes turned red. “Screenwriter, you have no heart!” At this rate, he wouldn’t survive seven days in prison, let alone be exiled in seven days. He would starve to death.She pounded her chest and stamped her feet, “Why does such a good person have to be exiled and then suffer punishment in prison for seven days? The injury is to my son, but the pain is in my mother’s heart!”

She wished she could jump into the TV and chop up that dog emperor.Suddenly, there was a flash of lightning and a rumble of thunder, and a mechanical voice accompanied by an electric current sounded:”Host Gu Xingzhao detected, family tree bound successfully, channel opening!”This untimely voice startled Gu Xingzhao, and she jumped up from the sofa, slamming the potato chips she was holding into the TV!With a “pop,” the screen showed Lu Qing, who was devoutly praying to heaven, being hit squarely on the head by a round, long cylinder that appeared out of nowhere. The potato chips scattered all over the floor. The little old man, who had been on the verge of death, was startled by the blow and immediately stood up, cursing, “Who dares to bully me when I am old and weak!?”Lu Qing, with only his life left, was ready for any punishment. What kind of underhanded tactics were these sneak attacks?But all he got in response was the silent stillness of the room.

Gu Xingzhao was silent. That voice didn’t sound old and weak.

After a while, she realized what had happened and widened her eyes. She looked at her empty palm and then at the TV, “!!!””

Her old TV can actually eat potato chips? It’s possessed!”In the scene, Lu Qing had regained his previous appearance, though still downcast but still dignified. He looked around, groped forward, picked up the cylindrical object on the ground, and rubbed it in his hand. The strange patterns and strange writing made him frown: “It looks like a foreign object. How could a foreign object appear here? Could it be that foreign spies have infiltrated the capital with evil intentions?”

Meanwhile, Gu Xingzhao, the “foreign spy,” was standing in front of the TV, holding a kitchen knife, her heart pounding. She was ready to chop up this old antique at any moment.But she couldn’t resist reaching out and touching it. She discovered that she could actually pass through the screen. She moved forward a little and felt like she was touching something. She tentatively patted it. Whoa, it felt like a ball, and it was hairy!”!”

Lu Qing covered his head in shock and took a few steps back.He felt as if someone had patted his head, but there was clearly no one else around.

Realizing that she had patted the old man’s head, Gu Xingzhao couldn’t help but laugh.

The clear laughter echoed around, and Lu Qing’s pupils constricted suddenly. He looked around sharply, “Who? Who’s laughing?”

Gu Xingzhao was surprised that he could hear her laughing. She cleared her throat and said, “Lu Qing?””Who are you?” Lu Qing frowned, his eyes alert. This foreign spy was really good, to have infiltrated the Great Jin Prison.

Looking at the little old man in front of her, Gu Xingzhao stroked her chin and pretended to be mysterious, “I am a descendant of the Lu family who ascended to immortality hundreds of years ago. I heard my descendants prayer and, seeing your countless merits in life, I have come to help you through this difficulty.”As she said this, she silently clasped her hands together in her heart, “Ancestor of the Lu family, please forgive me for impersonating you. I’m only doing this to save your descendants.”

Lu Qing was stunned. An ancestor from hundreds of years ago? The family genealogy did record that some of his Lu ancestors had been obsessed with cultivation…He had indeed been praying in his heart just now, but the voice sounded like it belonged to someone who was about the same age as his granddaughter, who had just gotten married last year.

Gu Xingzhao naturally knew that the old man wouldn’t believe her so easily. She thought for a moment, put down the kitchen knife she had been using for defense, turned around, and took a cup to pour some water. Along with a bag of bread, she sent it to Lu Qing in the TV, proving that she had really come to help him through this tribulation.Her eyes were filled with love, “Drink some water and eat something first.””!!!” A cup of water appeared out of nowhere in front of him. Lu Qing, nearly seventy years old, was shocked. His eyes widened and his mouth gaped open.It was like a knife twisting in his gut.

Dreamy Land[Translator]

Hey everyone! I hope you're enjoying what I'm translating. As an unemployed adult with way too much time on my hands and a borderline unhealthy obsession with novels, I’m here to share one of my all-time favorites. So, sit back, relax, and let's dive into this story together—because I’ve got nothing better to do!

1 comment
  1. Drowningsparrow has spoken 1 week ago

    sounds interesting, thank you for translating


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