Miraculously Manifesting on the Road to Exile, I’m Mistaken for an Ancestor
Miraculously Manifesting on the Road to Exile, I’m Mistaken for an Ancestor Chapter 11: A Loyal Dog to Its Former Master


Seeing Lu Xingyao’s reaction, Gu Xingzhao couldn’t help but laugh out loud. “Lu Qing, your grandson is quite amusing.”

“Please, Ancestor, forgive him,” Lu Qing said, embarrassed. Normally, his eldest grandson seemed dependable, but now he was acting as if he’d lost his mind.

Lu Qing smacked his grandson’s head hard, his expression stern. “In front of our ancestor, you must not speak nonsense.”Lu Xingyao’s head buzzed from the hit. He nodded, still in shock, needing time to process the idea that their ancestor had truly manifested.

Gu Xingzhao decided to get up and take a walk. As she wandered around, she found herself near the rear of the caravan, where she heard soft sobbing from inside one of the carriages. She guessed that it was the young princess, now demoted to a commoner, crying again.

Inside the carriage, Cai he was gently consoling her mistress. “Your Highness, please don’t cry anymore.”Shunyu, with red-rimmed eyes, clutched Cai he’s hand. “Cai he, do you think my brother was just joking with me? Maybe in a few days… he’ll send someone to bring me back?”

Cai he knew the truth but couldn’t bear to see the princess so heartbroken. She could only go along with her words, hoping to give her some comfort. “Your Highness, don’t worry. I will stay with you, and when His Majesty changes his mind, we’ll return together.”Hearing this, Shunyu felt a little better.

The young girl was only fifteen, facing such a huge change with no close family by her side…

For a moment, Gu Xingzhao thought of herself. She was twelve when her grandfather passed away. If it hadn’t been for the help of neighbors…

Seeing her own past reflected in Shunyu, Gu Xingzhao felt a deep sympathy and compassion for the young princess.

Before leaving the ancient realm, Gu Xingzhao spoke to Lu Qing. “The young princess has suffered much. If you want to help her, go ahead. Don’t worry about me.”

Meanwhile, back in the Imperial Palace.Emperor Jin was reviewing a memorial when an attendant brought him a cup of hot tea. “Your Majesty.”Taking a sip, the familiar aroma made Emperor Jin furrow his brow. “Has the exile group left the city?”

Hearing this, the officials waiting in the hall looked at each other in confusion. Why was the emperor asking about this now? Was he having second thoughts?

Most of the people being exiled were innocent, but it was the emperor who had decreed their punishment. What could they, as his subjects, say about it?

Take the Lu family, for example. Lu Qing, had been appointed as a grand councilor by the previous emperor. His conduct and achievements were beyond reproach, but he had simply been too meddlesome. When Emperor Jin first ascended the throne, he wanted to fill the harem with beautiful women, but Grand Councilor Lu had advised him that doing so would give him a reputation for being overly indulgent in pleasures.

When the emperor wanted to build a new palace, Lu Qing had argued that the existing palace was perfectly fine, and constructing a new one would waste resources and anger the people.

When the emperor sought to punish some old ministers who had supported other princes, Lu Qing had warned that such actions would dishearten the scholars and officials across the land.And last year, when the emperor considered sending the princess to a foreign land for a political marriage, Lu Qing had again cited the late emperor’s wishes as a counter-argument.

But Emperor Jin was not like his father, who had been known for his wise and tolerant leadership. His mother had been a palace maid, and he had grown up being ostracized by the other princes. This had made him extremely insecure and resentful.

The late emperor’s first act was to posthumously honor his mother, while Emperor Jin, in contrast, was ashamed of his lineage and regarded his mother’s background as a disgrace.

A ruler with such a mindset could not tolerate a minister who constantly pointed out his flaws.The officials thought Emperor Jin was asking about the Lu family, but the attendant knew better. The emperor was asking about the princess.

“Your Majesty,” the attendant began cautiously, “the exile group left the city yesterday at noon.

“Emperor Jin raised the tea to his lips, but just as he was about to drink, he slammed the cup back down onto the table, glancing coldly at the officials below. “You are dismissed.”

“Bring Luo Yuan to me.”

After the officials had left, a general clad in armor entered the hall, covered in dust from the road. “Your Majesty,” he said, bowing.Without looking up, Emperor Jin asked, “The prisoners left the city yesterday. Do you know what you must do?

“Luo Yuan remained kneeling. “I understand, Your Majesty.”

“Shunyu is still my sister. Wait until they’re farther from the city, then handle it swiftly. Do not let me down.”

“I will not fail you, Your Majesty.”

After Luo Yuan left, Emperor Jin coldly eyed the teacup that had once been used only in the princess’s quarters. His voice was icy as he spoke into the hall, “What did Shunyu offer you?”

The attendant, trembling with fear, immediately prostrated himself on the floor, his face turning pale. “Forgive me, Your Majesty! I was only ever a servant in the princess’s household—”Emperor Jin sneered. “Such loyalty to your former master. I’ll grant you the reward for your devotion.”

The teacup shattered on the floor, and moments later, attendants came in to drag the servant away.…

Back in the modern world, Gu Xingzhao tidied up and left her house with a shopping list she had prepared the night before.

Living in a remote town meant that to restock her store, she had to drive to the city, a trip that took over an hour. Normally, she rented a car, but since she’d made the decision late last night, she hadn’t had time to arrange a rental and had to call a taxi instead.

The driver, a man in his thirties or forties, kept glancing at Gu Xingshao through the rearview mirror. After about ten minutes of driving, he couldn’t resist striking up a conversation.

“Miss, you’ve got a great figure. Where do you work?”

“The police station,” Gu Xingshao replied, not even looking up from her phone.

Last night, after posting on social media about her “painless” experience as a mom, she received a flood of comments. Some people commiserated with her about the challenges of raising kids, saying how hard it was to earn money for milk powder.She smiled at that. Fortunately, she didn’t have to worry about buying milk powder.

Others talked about how difficult it was to deal with crying and fussy children.She thought for a moment. Well, the Lu family had been pretty obedient, with no crying or fussing.

Some commenters assumed she had gotten married and had a child, even going so far as to gossip about it in her class group chat. Some even speculated that she had been supported by someone during school and had given birth right after graduating.

Then there were those who claimed she’d had countless boyfriends in school, even going as far as to seduce her roommates’ boyfriends.

Once the rumors started, they spread like wildfire, with everyone adding their own bits of gossip as if they had witnessed it all firsthand.Gu Xingshao was astonished to learn so many things about herself that she hadn’t known before. The rumors were so outrageous that even she, the subject of them, was shocked.

The driver was equally taken aback by her answer. He forced a laugh. “Really? You’re a police officer?”

Gu Xingshao said, “Just kidding. I’m not cut out for police work.

“The driver let out a relieved sigh. “I thought so. You don’t look the type.”

He then pulled out his phone and brought up his WeChat QR code, grinning broadly. “Hey, miss, how about we add each other on WeChat? Next time you need a ride, I’ll give you a free lift.”

Gu Xingshao smiled back. “Sure, you’re really kind, sir.”

She reached for her phone as if to scan the code. “Most drivers aren’t as helpful as you. When they find out I’m a forensic pathologist who dissects corpses, they practically throw me out of the car…”

The driver froze. “What? You do what?”

Gu Xingshao blinked innocently. “A forensic pathologist.”


Dreamy Land[Translator]

Hey everyone! I hope you're enjoying what I'm translating. As an unemployed adult with way too much time on my hands and a borderline unhealthy obsession with novels, I’m here to share one of my all-time favorites. So, sit back, relax, and let's dive into this story together—because I’ve got nothing better to do!

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