Miraculously Manifesting on the Road to Exile, I’m Mistaken for an Ancestor
Miraculously Manifesting on the Road to Exile, I’m Mistaken for an Ancestor Chapter 21: Such Soft and Delicate Fabric!

Lu Xingyan recalled the stories and plays he had read in the past, but none of them ever mentioned a god snoring. And a god who loved gold and jewels? He truly couldn’t imagine what kind of deity this might be.

Lu Xingyan turned his back and tried to sleep, pretending to be deaf. After all, eavesdropping on a god’s snores would be highly disrespectful.…

The next morning, Gu Xingzhao was woken up by the noise and realized that everyone in the main hall was already awake. Liu Xiangbai, who had been in a high fever and unconscious the night before, was now being supported as he bowed and thanked the Lu family.

The other members of the Liu family were astonished. Their young master had been at death’s door the previous day, and even the doctor had been helpless. Yet today, he was already on his feet!

Could it be that the deity who had assisted the Lu family had appeared last night to save him as well? Was it possible that such a god really existed?

The members of the Lu family were secretly amazed. Their family’s old deity was truly miraculous. Liu Xiangbai had looked like he was on the brink of death last night, yet today he was almost fully recovered. Could it be… the legendary art of resurrection?

“Master Lu , I will always remember your kindness. If I ever have the chance, I will repay you,” Liu Xiangbai said, though his face was still pale due to his injuries.

Lu Qing helped him stand, a look of worry on his face, but also relief that Liu Xiangbai had survived. “There’s no need to talk about repayment. I’ve known your father for decades. We’ve been through a lot together, but let’s not dwell on the past. What matters now is that we’re alive.”

To Lu Qing, if anyone should be thanked, it was Gu Xingzhao, not himself. But it wasn’t appropriate to spread news about divine intervention.

Liu Xiangbai clenched his fist under his sleeve. “I understand,” he replied.

Gu Xingzhao watched for a while. Liu Xiangbai had a scholarly and refined appearance, looking like someone who had read many books. However, his eyes were dull, lacking light.

“Lu Qing, I’ve left some medicine for Liu Xiangbai. I wrote down the instructions. He should take it for five days, and that should be enough,” Gu Xingzhao instructed.

Lu Qing had thought the old ancestor had already left, but was shocked to find out she had actually stayed the entire night! Lu Qing was amazed: The ancestor stayed up all night?

Gu Xingzhao stretched and yawned, “I slept for a while after midnight.”

Lu Qing felt a pang of guilt. The old ancestor had labored all night because of them.

Gu Xingshao continued, “It’s been cold lately, and you’re all dressed too lightly. You might catch a cold at night. I’ve left some clothes that you can wear under your outer garments for warmth. Make sure to distribute them to the elderly and children who are most vulnerable to the cold. Especially you—your wounds have only recently healed, and you’re still weak. Don’t be shy about taking care of yourself; getting sick would only cause more trouble.”

Worried that the old man might feel compelled to leave the clothes for the younger ones, she explained, “I’ve prepared more clothes for everyone, but that Du fellow is keeping a close watch, and there’s only so much I can fit in the basket. Once you’ve put on these clothes, I’ll send more when the basket is empty.”

“I’ve also put in two packs of hand warmers. If it gets really cold, you can open them up and stick them on your clothes for warmth. The instructions are in there, so take your time figuring it out.”

Lu Qing felt a warm sensation in his heart. Although he was nearly seventy, the ancestor’s care felt like that of a parent to a child.

Upon reflection, he realized that this was only natural. The ancestor was, after all, the family’s forebearer, and in her eyes, all the descendants must seem like children.

Lu Qing: “The ancestor is so thoughtful. On behalf of the entire Lu family, I thank you for your kindness.”

Gu Xingzhao instinctively waved her hand, then remembered that Lu Qing couldn’t see her.

“Alright, while Du isn’t around, go change into the new clothes. Today isn’t as warm as yesterday.”

Even standing there with her coat on, she still felt a chill.

Lu Qing: “I’ll arrange it right away.”

After Gu Xingzhao left, Lu Qing, accompanied by Lu Xingyao, went to check the basket. The nearly empty basket from the previous night was now filled to the brim.

Lu Xingyao was puzzled. He had slept right next to the basket all night, so when had the ancestor managed to fill it? He hadn’t noticed a thing.

He reached in and touched the fabric, and was shocked.


He had never felt such soft and delicate fabric before! It was both light and thin!

Lu Xingyao glanced at his grandfather and, seeing that Lu Qing’s expression remained calm, quickly suppressed his own excitement, trying not to look too inexperienced.

But in truth, Lu Qing had been unable to remain calm the moment he touched the clothes. The old ancestor really was something; everything she provided was of the highest quality!

The basket wasn’t very big, holding only six sets of thermal clothing—two for children, clearly meant for Lu Zhou’s youngest son and Lu Yang’s daughter.

The remaining four adult-sized sets were divided: Lu Qing kept one for himself, one went to the family’s fifty-something-year-old steward Uncle Zhou, and the other two were given to two collateral brothers who had fought to protect the Lu family.

Those who received the clothes were thrilled but said nothing. They each removed their outer garments and put on the new thermal clothes. The soft, snug fit was incredibly comfortable!

If it weren’t for the need to avoid drawing attention, they would have preferred not to put the rough, tattered prison clothes back on.

Lu Youtang, dressed in her new clothes, smiled so widely her eyes curved into crescents. “Mother, I’m not cold anymore!”

Lady Xu was astonished. “Where did the old master get these clothes? They’re so wonderful… Could it be true that a deity has appeared to protect our Lu family, as they’ve been saying lately?”

The few who had received the new clothes were delighted, while those who hadn’t yet gotten any were filled with envy. Their eyes practically bored holes into the fabric.

One person couldn’t help but ask, “Second Brother, tell us—how do these clothes feel?”

The recipient couldn’t resist showing off, “They’re extremely comfortable! I’ve lived for decades and have never worn anything so warm and cozy.”

The others turned green with envy, but outwardly pretended not to care. “Look at you, getting all excited over a piece of clothing. It’s just clothes, right?”

But inside, they were all thinking, “I can’t wait until I get to wear clothes gifted by the old deity too!”

Lu Zhou eyed the fabric skeptically. It didn’t look particularly special—could it really be that amazing?

Lu Qing had lived nearly seventy years and had once held high rank and enjoyed the finest luxuries in the capital. He had seen all kinds of luxurious fabrics, including many bestowed by the palace, yet none of them felt as comfortable and warm as these. The truly remarkable thing was how well these clothes insulated against the cold!

Lu Xingyao, worried that some family members might feel slighted for not having received clothes yet, quickly explained that the basket was simply too small to hold more. Soon enough, everyone would get their turn.

His explanation put everyone at ease. Though their bodies were cold, their hearts felt warm.

“We’re so lucky to have an old deity looking out for us,” they murmured.

Meanwhile, the Liu family was too focused on their young master to notice what the Lu family was up to.

Before Lu Qing and the others had time to figure out the hand warmers that Gu Xingzhao had left, Du Hangwu walked in, sword in hand. Hearing the commotion from outside, his face darkened. But when he saw Liu Xiangbai standing there alive, his expression turned strange, and his hand instinctively tightened around the hilt of his sword…

Dreamy Land[Translator]

Hey everyone! I hope you're enjoying what I'm translating. As an unemployed adult with way too much time on my hands and a borderline unhealthy obsession with novels, I’m here to share one of my all-time favorites. So, sit back, relax, and let's dive into this story together—because I’ve got nothing better to do!

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