Miraculously Manifesting on the Road to Exile, I’m Mistaken for an Ancestor
Miraculously Manifesting on the Road to Exile, I’m Mistaken for an Ancestor Chapter 27: Trouble at the Supermarket

Following his grandfather’s instructions, Lu Xingyao quickly took the bamboo basket and began distributing the chicken drumsticks to everyone under the cover of night. Fearing they might run out, he tucked a bag into his own coat first—after all, it was so cold that keeping them close would help retain some warmth.

As he carefully ran from one person to the next, distributing the drumsticks, the Lu family members stretched their necks long in anticipation. Some even rubbed their hands together, hearts pounding with excitement. They wondered what kind of food the immortal had prepared for them this time… Was it those small pieces of meat wrapped in yellow skins from before? Or perhaps the soft, fragrant white buns?

Maybe it was those round, plump rice balls stuffed with meat? Or the delicious dumplings?

There were many guesses, but when they finally received the chicken drumsticks, the Lu family members were dumbfounded. “?”

They swallowed hard. Was this… their last meal?

Gu Xingzhao was amused by their reactions. However, knowing that Lin Ting was the only one manning the supermarket, she couldn’t afford to linger here too long. After informing Lu Qing, she left.

The family members held their drumsticks, too reluctant to eat them. They thought the longer they looked at them, the happier they would be. After all, it wasn’t every day that an immortal appeared, and chicken drumsticks were even rarer.

Lu Yang gulped, barely remembering what meat tasted like. But recently, he had finally lost some weight, and his wife was no longer as annoyed with him as before…

With that in mind, he reluctantly handed his two drumsticks to Mrs. Xu.

Mrs. Xu also had two drumsticks. Seeing her husband offer her his, she was puzzled. “?”

Lu Yang sincerely wanted to take this opportunity to lose weight, to make his wife happy, and to become closer to his daughter. “I already ate a pancake earlier. You and our daughter should have the drumsticks.”

Mrs. Xu looked at her husband suspiciously for a long time. She knew he had always loved food, always eager to taste everything. Yet these past few days, he hadn’t eaten anything and had visibly slimmed down.

“Our daughter is still young; she can’t eat that much.”

Lu Yang was taken aback. “Then you…”

Mrs. Xu replied, “If you faint from hunger, Father will worry, and the child won’t feel good either.”

Lu Yang’s offer was declined, but he grinned foolishly, convinced that his wife must care about him to say such a thing!

She never used their child as an excuse before.

Meanwhile, their daughter, Lu Youtang, was happily gnawing on the chicken drumstick, looking up at her parents, thinking, “Father really treats Mother well.”

After distributing all the chicken drumsticks, Lu Xingyao nestled beside his third uncle, Lu Xingyan. He took out his two large drumsticks and bit into one. The meat was tender and juicy—his ancestor’s food was truly delicious!

At this moment, Lu Xingyao had completely shed his aloof, noble demeanor. With his legs crossed, munching on the chicken drumstick, he casually chatted with Lu Xingyan, who was eating slowly beside him. “Third Uncle, what do you think our ancestor looks like?”

Lu Xingyan recalled the voice he had heard—it sounded like someone in their twenties. But since the person had ascended to immortality…

“He must be an old man even more refined and elegant than our grandfather!”

Lu Xingyan: “…”

Lu Xingyao spoke with conviction, “White hair, white beard—maybe even his clothes are all white.”

As he spoke, he already had an image in his mind of a transcendent, white-haired, bearded immortal.

Lu Xingyan didn’t say anything, only smiling.

“Third Uncle, why are you smiling?”

“You make a good point. He must be an old immortal even more refined than father.”

Lu Xingyao gave his uncle a look that said, “You get me.”

Meanwhile, the so-called old immortal, Gu Xingzhao, had returned to the present day. Before she even made it downstairs, she heard a commotion mixed with coarse cursing from below.

“I don’t want this junk! Your supermarket is just scamming us out of our money! You heartless crooks, give me my refund!”

Lin Ting’s expression remained cold. “No refunds or exchanges after purchase.”

Li Yong grabbed Lin Ting by the collar. “You little brat, stop talking nonsense and get that woman out here to give me a refund! Did you hear me?”

Lin Ting, still calm, repeated, “No refunds.”

But his calm tone only enraged Li Yong further. He raised his fist and swung it at Lin Ting’s face. “You bastard! How dare you act tough!”

The punch landed hard, splitting Lin Ting’s lip and nearly knocking him to the ground. His eyes darkened, and he clenched his fist under his sleeve, veins bulging.

Li Yong spat on the ground. “You pretty boy dare to talk back to me?”

The violent scene had already scared away the other customers in the supermarket.

Gu Xingzhao hurried downstairs and saw what was happening just as Li Yong was about to grab Lin Ting by the collar again. She shouted, “Stop!”

When Li Yong saw her, he finally let go of Lin Ting. “Hurry up and give me a refund! My woman doesn’t know any better and bought a bunch of useless crap!”

Gu Xingzhao recognized him as the fruit shop owner from next door, someone she knew to be a troublemaker. “Bring the items and the receipt in good condition, and I’ll give you a refund right now.”

Li Yong frowned. “Receipt?”

He turned to his wife, who had been hiding outside the store. “Go get the receipt!”

Nervously, the woman stammered, “I… it’s at home. I’ll go get it right away!”

Without showing any emotion, Gu Xingzhao pulled Lin Ting behind her and gave Li Yong a different look before picking up her phone to send a message.

Lin Ting, standing behind her, said in a hoarse voice, “Sister, I’m fine.”

Li Yong sneered, his eyes sizing them both up before letting out a mocking sound. “Tsk, kids these days are really something. Not like back in my day… who knows which poor sap will end up stuck with you later.”

Lin Ting was furious. “What nonsense are you spouting?”

Gu Xingzhao tightly gripped Lin Ting’s hand, afraid he might rush forward and start a fight, despite feeling disgusted by the man’s leering gaze.

“If you want a refund, keep your filthy mouth shut.”

To Li Yong, Gu Xingzhao’s tone sounded soft and unthreatening, but he kept quiet, hoping to get his money back.

Soon, the receipt was retrieved. Gu Xingzhao took it and carefully checked each item against it, her brow furrowing.

The woman, nervous, stood behind Li Yong, giving Gu Xingzhao a pleading look.

Growing impatient, Li Yong slapped the counter. “How much longer are you going to waste my time?”

Gu Xingzhao replied, “There’s also a rice cooker. Bring it here, and I’ll refund you immediately.”

“Spit!” Li Yong sneered as if he’d just heard the most ridiculous joke. “The rice cooker was won in a raffle, not bought. Why should I give it back to you?”

He was determined to take advantage of the situation.

The woman forced a smile and looked at Gu Xingzhao. “Sister, please be kind and give us a refund. The rice cooker isn’t worth much, and I’ve already used it, so I can’t return it to you.”

“Besides, you can’t resell used items anyway!”

The woman’s face still bore the marks of the slap from her husband, swollen and red. It was clear that Li Yong was the one trying to take advantage, and if the rice cooker was returned, she might face another beating when they got home.

Li Yong sneered, urging Gu Xingzhao, “What good is a cheap rice cooker to you? Just give me my money back already.”

Dreamy Land[Translator]

Hey everyone! I hope you're enjoying what I'm translating. As an unemployed adult with way too much time on my hands and a borderline unhealthy obsession with novels, I’m here to share one of my all-time favorites. So, sit back, relax, and let's dive into this story together—because I’ve got nothing better to do!

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