Miraculously Manifesting on the Road to Exile, I’m Mistaken for an Ancestor
Miraculously Manifesting on the Road to Exile, I’m Mistaken for an Ancestor Chapter 37: Is There Really No Hope?

Gu Xingzhao was immediately curious—what exactly was a “coffin line”?

[In ancient folklore, a coffin-shaped line on the palm was believed to indicate that the person was suffering from a severe illness and would not live long. Even if their life was extended, they would endure great pain.]

The system provided a timely explanation.

One of the attendants, unwilling to hear such grim news, pointed at the doctor and shouted, “What nonsense are you spouting! My lord is in the prime of his life, strong and healthy—how could he be near death? You’re just an incompetent doctor!”

The doctor, not one to be insulted, flung his long sleeves in indignation. “If my skills are insufficient, then by all means, seek someone more capable!”

He had seen many patients with similar symptoms, and they all had the same fate: death. When he said there was no hope, there really was no hope. Even the imperial physicians wouldn’t be able to save him!

One of the other attendants quickly pulled his colleague aside, whispering, “Why are you shouting at him? This is the best doctor in the county…”

Over the past two months, they had seen every doctor in the area, but none could cure their lord. At least this one could relieve his pain somewhat—if they chased him away, what would happen to their lord?

Paying no more attention to the doctor, the attendant turned to Lu Qing with a sigh. “Elder Lu, my lord was awake yesterday and wished to speak with you, but he has since fallen unconscious… I fear your visit today may be in vain.”

Lu Qing sighed, lamenting the unpredictability of life. “Let me go in and see him.”

Only then did Gu Xingzhao notice a man lying unconscious on the bed, drenched in cold sweat. He looked about the same age as Lu Zhou, likely in his forties.

Gu Xingzhao followed Lu Qing inside and asked, “Lu Qing, who is this?”


Hearing Gu Xingzhao’s voice, Lu Qing breathed a sigh of relief. He had been worried earlier when she hadn’t responded, fearing something had gone wrong.

Lu Qing explained, “This man is Yu Heng, a former student of mine from many years ago. He was under my tutelage for a long time. Today, Du Hangwu brought me here, saying that Yu Heng had something important to tell me, but now he is unconscious, and the doctor says there’s no hope.”

Thinking back to the doctor’s words, claiming Yu Heng didn’t have much time left, Lu Qing felt a pang of regret.

So that was why Lu Qing had been brought here. For Du Hangwu to bend the rules, Yu Heng must be someone important.

Gu Xingzhao hesitated for a moment and then asked the system, “What’s wrong with this man? Is there really no hope?”

[Initiating medical scan…]

[Diagnosis: Perforated appendicitis. The patient’s appendix in the lower right abdomen is severely infected. Due to a lack of treatment, the infection has spread, leading to septic shock. The patient is in critical condition.]

[Treatment recommendation: Open surgery or laparoscopic surgery to remove the source of the infection.]

The system’s interface displayed ultrasound and CT scan results of the abdomen, clearly showing the shape and size of the appendix.

Gu Xingzhao frowned. If it were just a simple case of appendicitis, it could be treated conservatively. But with a perforation, bacteria had likely spread throughout the abdominal cavity, leading to a dangerous infection. In severe cases, this could result in septic shock, eventually leading to multi-organ failure.

In short, Yu Heng’s condition was extremely serious, and in ancient times, it would have been a death sentence.

Gu Xingzhao found herself in a dilemma. Although the system’s marketplace offered medical tools, she wasn’t confident she could save him. Surgery required a sterile environment, and while she had observed surgeries during her medical training, she had never performed one herself.

But with the patient already in shock, if she didn’t intervene, he might not survive the next couple of days.

Nervous, she debated between “saving” and “not saving” as the two options spun in her mind.

“Lu Qing, your student’s condition is indeed very serious. With the current level of medical knowledge, he cannot be saved and will likely die.”

Lu Qing sighed internally: “I understand.”

Everyone has their fate, and some things simply cannot be changed.

Gu Xingzhao continued, “But I can try.”

Lu Qing was stunned: “Ancestor, do you mean that you can save Yu Heng?”

Gu Xingzhao glanced at the system panel, reluctant to make any promises. “His condition is extremely critical, and I cannot guarantee success—I can only try… Do you understand what I mean?”

Lu Qing clenched his fists, recalling the sight of Yu Heng when he last saw him. Even a slim chance was better than simply waiting for death.

Lu Qing replied, “I understand. What do you need me to do?”

Gu Xingzhao looked around and then placed two large bottles of disinfectant on the floor. “Find someone to thoroughly clean this room, especially around the bed. Wipe everything down with these two bottles. After that, clear the room of everyone. I’ll need about two hours, and during that time, no one can be inside.”

Though he had his doubts, Lu Qing didn’t question her. “I understand. Please wait a moment while I discuss this with the others outside.”

Gu Xingzhao nodded. “Alright.”

When Lu Xingyao saw the two large bottles, he immediately knew the ancestor was present. Without needing Lu Qing’s instruction, he eagerly picked up the bottles and followed his grandfather.

Hearing that Lu Qing might have a way to save Yu Heng, but that they needed to clear the room and have it cleaned first, the two attendants were puzzled.

Lu Xingyao clutched the bottles of disinfectant tightly, his excitement barely contained. “The ancestor is going to perform a miracle!?”

Luckily, he had come along today—otherwise, he would have missed this opportunity!

The last time the ancestor saved Liu Xiangbai, it had been too dark for him to see anything clearly. This time, he was determined to witness the miracle firsthand!

The doctor, upon hearing this, scoffed, “I’ve been treating illnesses for years, and I couldn’t cure this—what makes you think you can?”

He didn’t mean to sound dismissive, but the person in front of him didn’t look like they knew the first thing about medicine. How could they possibly save him?

Lu Qing didn’t bother arguing with the doctor. He knew that he couldn’t save Yu Heng himself and would have to rely on the ancestor, but this wasn’t something he could openly discuss.

One of the attendants looked conflicted. Over the past two months, they had consulted countless doctors, all of whom had said Yu Heng couldn’t be saved. Now, to hear that Lu Qing claimed he could help—it was hard to believe.

Besides, they had never heard of Lu Qing having any medical knowledge.

The other attendant, however, seemed to reconsider, pulling his colleague aside and whispering something.

During the past few days, they had heard rumors about the Lu family being protected by a deity. Stories of divine intervention, where the deity had saved the Lu family and even struck down their enemies, were spreading.

“Maybe… just maybe, Elder Lu really can save our lord.”

After all, their lord had always held Lu Qing in high regard. Lu Qing wouldn’t do anything to harm him. With nothing to lose, they might as well let Lu Qing try.

After weighing their options, the two attendants finally agreed. “We’ll make the necessary arrangements. Please do your best, Elder Lu.”

After convincing the attendants, Lu Qing went to discuss the matter with Du Hangwu.

When Du Hangwu learned that Lu Qing needed two hours, his expression darkened. He had intended to set off today, but given Yu Heng’s connections, he reluctantly agreed.

However, seeing that even a highly skilled doctor had been unable to help, he couldn’t help but wonder what a scholar like Lu Qing could possibly do.

Could it be…

Dreamy Land[Translator]

Hey everyone! I hope you're enjoying what I'm translating. As an unemployed adult with way too much time on my hands and a borderline unhealthy obsession with novels, I’m here to share one of my all-time favorites. So, sit back, relax, and let's dive into this story together—because I’ve got nothing better to do!

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