Gentle Training for the Wild
Gentle Training for the Wild Chapter 6

Chapter 6

In September, Sheng University holds a short-term semester, usually lasting a week, to make up for exams or host other activities.

This year, the college announced that there would be military expansion training.

Except for the freshmen who have just completed their military training, all other students are required to go to the military training base to participate in this event.

When the news was announced, everyone groaned in distress.

Du Li looked terrible.

Since his return yesterday, he had been acting strangely, seemingly frightened, and his face was ashen.

During this afternoon’s physical education class, the PE teacher mentioned that a special instructor had been invited to guide them in shooting practice, laying the groundwork for their upcoming military expansion.

Students around him were discussing that this instructor seemed to be this year’s head military instructor, a retired officer.

As soon as he stood there, the crowd fell silent.

Du Li was distracted, not even lifting his head. When the instructor was explaining the shooting techniques, he seemed to notice a cold gaze directed at him after a few minutes.

“Third Platoon, second row from the left, step out!”

Du Li didn’t immediately respond until a classmate nudged him. He suddenly snapped out of his daze and looked up.

His face turned ashen.

It was the same man from yesterday.

How come he is here?

Du Li was momentarily paralyzed with fear.

He clearly remembered the fierce look from yesterday, and now the man was standing at the front with a stern expression, looking as if he might kill him any second.

“Step out!” The instructor’s tone was even colder.

Du Li’s legs were trembling. He dared not look at him and, trembling with fear, stepped out. As he approached, he was met with an overwhelming sense of intimidation.

“Repeat the shooting techniques I just explained.”

Fu Cheng stood in front of him, towering over him by a head. He directly shoved the gun into Du Li’s hands and said harshly, “Demonstrate.”

Not only had Du Li not listened, but even if he had, he couldn’t utter a single word in front of him.

He couldn’t even hold the gun steadily, his hands were shaking the whole time.

Fu Cheng stared at him coldly.

When Du Li almost dropped the gun, Fu Cheng asked coldly, “Did you hear me just now?”

No, I didn’t hear a single word.

Fu Cheng took the gun from his hands.

“One hundred push-ups.”

“Start now.”

For someone like Fu Cheng, who had undergone brutal training, doing three hundred push-ups was no problem. But for a weak university student like Du Li, even twenty was a struggle.

Especially for Du Li now.

He couldn’t even complete five push-ups.

Fu Cheng watched him coldly, showing no sign of leniency, until Du Li finally collapsed on the ground, exhausted.

He had barely managed ten push-ups.

“Can you continue?” Fu Cheng looked down at him.

Du Li shook his head repeatedly.

At this point, he didn’t care about his own pride.

“Then switch to weighted running, five kilometers.”

Fu Cheng ordered coldly, “Go now.”


“Youyou[1]FL’s nickname, I’m taking you to see something satisfying.” Huang Youyi[2]FL’s friend mysteriously pulled Youyi to the playground.

At three in the afternoon, the heat was at its peak. There wasn’t a breeze, and the thick, hot air seemed to be stagnant. The ground was scorching.

Du Li was running on the playground with sandbags tied to his legs, looking extremely disheveled and exhausted.

His heavy breathing could be heard even from where they stood.

Huang Youyi said with a smile, “I heard it’s the head instructor who’s giving them a PE class today. He made Du Li do a hundred push-ups as punishment, and he couldn’t even do five.”

“And then he was punished with a five-kilometer weighted run. It’s been almost an hour, and he’s still not finished.”

They could complete a five-kilometer run with walking and slow jogging in forty minutes, but this grown man couldn’t manage it.

When Huang Youyi saw this incident in the group chat, she immediately brought Youyi[3]FL to see the spectacle.

Let him keep bothering You Yi. After this run, he’ll be so exhausted that he won’t be able to move for a week, and then let’s see if he has any energy left to pester them.

“Too amusing.” Huang Youyi recorded a video and shared it in the dorm group chat. “It’s a pity I didn’t catch his best moments of doing those five push-ups. Otherwise, I would’ve made a video and put a QR code on his gravestone for future generations to see.”

Youyi wasn’t too keen on seeing Du Li.

Even if it was to watch his misfortune, she didn’t feel happy about seeing him.

She turned around and happened to see Fu Cheng.

He was standing aside, coldly watching Du Li.

There was an obvious look of disdain in his eyes.

Just… looking down on him.

A person who can only do five push-ups and struggles with a five-kilometer run has no right to covet…

His people.

Youyi realized that it was Fu Cheng who had punished Du Li.

Although she had already been grateful to him for scaring Du Li away yesterday, it was clear that today’s actions were because of her.

Seeing Du Li tortured like this was indeed quite satisfying for her.

Youyi looked at Fu Cheng, her gaze lingering for a few seconds until Fu Cheng noticed and looked up.

Youyi curved her lips into a smile.

Fu Cheng’s face remained stern as he took out his phone and sent a message.

Youyi’s phone rang.

She opened it to see Fu Cheng’s WeChat message—

【Are you satisfied now?】

Then another message.

【If not, I can continue.】

Youyi enjoyed the show, but she looked up at the scorching sun and worried that Du Li might not be able to endure such extreme conditions with his frail physique.

Youyi: 【That’s enough, it’s fine.】

Fu Cheng: 【Okay, we’ll continue next time.】

After running five kilometers, Du Li was so exhausted that he collapsed onto the ground. Fu Cheng looked down from above, approached him, and said a few words.

Du Li’s face grew even more unpleasant.


In the evening, Youyi went to knock on the door of Room 902.

Fu Cheng had asked her to pick up her clothes from the previous night—her clothes, including her underwear, were still with him.

As soon as she knocked, Fu Cheng opened the door.

Youyi said softly, “I’m here to pick up my clothes.”

Fu Cheng stepped aside to let her in, “Come in.”

“I’ve washed your clothes,” Fu Cheng said, glancing at her ankle. Seeing that the red marks had faded significantly, he said calmly, “If you don’t want to pick them, just leave them here.”


Youyi’s eyes widened in surprise.

It was one thing for him to wash the other clothes, but did he also wash her underwear?

Sure enough, when Youyi looked up, she saw her underwear hanging on the drying rack alongside his clothes on the balcony.

The pale colors stood out starkly against the dark fabrics.

Fu Cheng said, “At least you will have some clothes to change into next time.”

Next time…

Why was he even talking about next time?

Youyi swallowed nervously and instinctively took a step back.

Fu Cheng blocked her retreat.

He looked down at her and asked in a lowered voice, “Why are you hiding?”

She was very grateful for his help last night and hadn’t refused his actions, but now that Fu Cheng was speeding up after she arrived, Youyi found it very excessive.

His powerful and irresistible control made her feel uneasy.

Although… it was extremely comforting.

“Come sit over here.” Fu Cheng sat down on the sofa and gestured for Youyi to join him.

Youyi obediently sat down.

Fu Cheng reached out to hold her ankle.

Although Youyi seemed a little afraid of him, Fu Cheng knew that she at least did not reject him, otherwise she would not be so obedient.

Very well-behaved.

His rough fingers gently massaged the red and swollen area on her ankle and asked, “Does it still hurt?”

Her feet were beautiful—flawlessly white, with pale pink nails, and a delicate, slim ankle that seemed like it could break with just a pinch.

Youyi shook her head and replied, “It doesn’t hurt.”

Even though she said it didn’t hurt, Fu Cheng continued to massage her, applying gentle pressure that was quite soothing.

“Did you punish Du Li because of me?”

Fu Cheng asked, “Otherwise?”

Otherwise, there was no reason for him to give them a shooting lesson.

And it wasn’t because he wanted to teach.

It was the first time someone had been so blatantly protective of her, and Youyi suddenly felt that Fu Cheng didn’t seem as cold and unfeeling as she had previously thought.

He was willing to help her.

“Fu Cheng, let me treat you to a meal tomorrow.” Youyi said gratefully, “Thank you so much.”

Treating him to a meal was the best way she could think of to thank him. He had helped her get rid of a big problem and made her feel better. She felt she should express her gratitude in some way.

Fu Cheng didn’t refuse.

Youyi asked, “What do you like to eat?”

She needed to think about which restaurant to book, unsure whether Fu Cheng preferred Western cuisine, Japanese food, Chinese dishes, or what his taste was—whether he liked spicy or sweet food.

Fu Cheng replied, “I can eat anything.”

Although they hadn’t spent much time together, Youyi had noticed that he wasn’t picky about food.

Youyi said, “Then I’ll just book something randomly.”

“By the way, your hand.” Youyi saw that his arm always had new wounds before the old ones healed. Although they were just small scratches, it would be bad if they were not treated.

Youyi took out a bandage from her bag and urged him, “You should at least put a bandage on this wound.”

Last time, he hadn’t accepted it, but Youyi was genuinely concerned.

It hurts when you get hurt, no matter how minor the injury is.

Fu Cheng looked at the bandage, hesitated for a moment, and then extended his hand toward her.

“You’re going to put it on for me?”

He had helped her so much, putting on a bandage was the least she could do.

Youyi opened the package, carefully peeled off the adhesive, and gently placed the bandage on his wound after blowing on it lightly.

Fu Cheng looked down at her profile.

Her fingertips were soft, contrasting sharply with his hard, muscular arm.

She couldn’t help but think about how his muscles were engorged with blood during their most intense moments.

Her face turned a little red.

“Be careful.” Youyi softly advised him, “I noticed you didn’t wear any protective gear during the shooting class.”

Fu Cheng asked, “Why would I need that?”

Youyi replied, “To avoid getting injured.”

Otherwise, how would he have so many wounds on his hands?

Though it didn’t really matter, her attentive concern made Fu Cheng’s heart soften.

“You came to watch my shooting class?” Fu Cheng suddenly asked.

“I—” Youyi hesitated, realizing his gaze was approaching. She mumbled softly, “I, my roommate brought me.”

“Did you find it interesting?” he asked calmly.

It was unclear if he did it on purpose, but his face was so close to hers that Youyi couldn’t even discern what he was asking about.

He was indeed… very good-looking.

“It’s, it’s okay.”

“I, I have some homework to turn in.” Youyi stood up, avoiding his gaze, “I need to go back now.”

She hurried out, and Fu Cheng watched her retreating figure with a deepening gaze.


1 FL’s nickname
2 FL’s friend
3 FL


Hello, Ayalee's here ฅ^•⩊•^ฅ I want to share with you guys my favorite leisure time read through my translation. Do support me on my Ko-fi page if you guys enjoy my translation.•⩊•

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