Gentle Training for the Wild
Gentle Training for the Wild Chapter 7

Chapter 7

Youyi invited Fu Cheng to dinner at a newly opened restaurant.

The simple forest atmosphere happened to match the green skirt she wore today.

Without the bothersome pestering, Youyi was in a good mood. In the afternoon, she also went to get her hair done with Sheng Sheng and the others.

Her hair, now down to her waist, was trimmed a bit and curled at the ends.

Her naturally black hair made her skin look even whiter.

The beautiful girl looked even more stunning today.

This was the first time since their marriage that they were having a formal meal together.

Their marriage had been hasty and absurd. They had been tied together with a marriage certificate when they were still completely unfamiliar with each other.

Youyi had asked herself why she agreed to the marriage, aside from fulfilling her grandfather’s wish.

Perhaps it was because she was a sucker for looks.

She had thought Fu Cheng looked good at first glance, and marrying him would at least be kind to her eyes.

Youyi handed over the menu and said generously, “Order whatever you want.”

Fu Cheng took the menu.

His arm still bore the bandage Youyi had put on him. The pale blue color clashed with his overall cold and stern demeanor, but he seemed indifferent. He looked at Youyi and asked, “What do you like?”

He could eat anything, it depended on her preferences.

“I’m treating you to this meal,” Youyi smiled and said, “Just order what you like.”

Fu Cheng ordered a few dishes and returned the menu to her.

Youyi preferred sweet flavors and liked Jiangsu and Zhejiang cuisine. Looking at Fu Cheng’s choices, she thought they had enough, so she added only two desserts.

Fu Cheng asked, “Are you in a good mood today?”

Youyi nodded with understanding, “Yes, I’ve been happy these past few days because I haven’t had to see annoying people.”

The restaurant served dessert first, a cinnamon apple puff pastry. Youyi took a bite, and the fruity cheese flavor immediately tantalized her taste buds. She looked up at Fu Cheng and asked, “Do you want to try it?”

Youyi was about to get another spoon for him, but he took the one she had used and ate from it directly.

Youyi was stunned.

“You—” How could he use her spoon?

Fu Cheng didn’t seem to mind. Her reaction made her seem overly uptight. Youyi swallowed the words she was about to say.

Had their relationship reached the point where they could share a spoon?

“I just remembered, I met you when I was young,” Youyi changed the subject. “In my first year of middle school, you and your grandfather came to my house. You were already this tall back then.”

Her grandfather and Fu Cheng’s grandfather had been comrades during the Korean War. Fu Cheng’s grandfather had been wounded and saved her grandfather’s life. Her grandfather had remembered this for a lifetime.

When her grandfather passed away, he told her to be grateful and that Fu Cheng was a good person, assuring her that their relationship would be good.

Youyi asked, “Do you remember?”

At that time, Fu Cheng was twenty years old and already a student at the National Defense University. Youyi, who was only 160 cm tall, had to look up to see him.

Twenty-year-old Fu Cheng was arrogant and often argued with his family. That day, he had been punished by his grandfather with a military cane and had come to visit old comrades.

A pretty little girl had asked him why he was injured and had secretly given him a small cake, saying it would make the pain go away.

It was a strawberry tart with a bright, plump strawberry in the center.

It was her favorite cake, which she had bought with a week’s worth of pocket money and generously gave to him.

She had gently blown on his wound, saying it would soon feel better.

Fu Cheng’s eyes were dark, and he only said, “I remember.”

Youyi was happy and said, “I remember too.”

He wasn’t as fierce as he was now and was somewhat paler back then. She remembered him as a very handsome older brother, and she liked him a lot.

“I’m sorry for what I said before,” Youyi apologized. “I was just angry, so please don’t take it seriously.”

The things she had said in anger were really just out of frustration.

“Actually, I have a good temper. I never get angry with anyone.”

She spoke sincerely, praising her own temper as if it were natural.

“So I was being unreasonable?” Fu Cheng asked, interpreting her words.

Youyi’s voice grew softer, “Well, yes…”

“Alright, I won’t do it again next time.” Fu Cheng nodded in agreement.

Youyi noticed that he was very calm and agreeable.

Youyi tentatively asked, “So… you’re not angry anymore?”

Fu Cheng nodded.

He hadn’t intended to be angry with her.

It was her who had ignored him after losing her temper.

Fu Cheng seemed particularly agreeable today.

Youyi smiled at him, her eyes curving up, and said, “Enjoy your meal. Eat a bit more.”

“Can I have some of the other dishes too?” Fu Cheng asked.


Youyi was momentarily confused.

His expression was indifferent, and it seemed he didn’t mean anything else by it.

But it was also said in a very ambiguous way.

Youyi’s expression faltered, “Sure.”

Fu Cheng cut up a plate of steak and handed it to Youyi, whispering, “Then remember this and don’t hide.”

Youyi lowered her head even further.

It was around eight o’clock after dinner when Youyi received a message from the group asking her to go to the counselor’s office.

She told Fu Cheng to go back first.

Fu Cheng offered to escort her, but Youyi said it was inconvenient to drive and that walking was faster.

The restaurant was not far from the school. As she walked forward while texting her roommates, who had returned from the office and said there were documents that needed urgent signatures, she typed: 【I’ll be there in ten minutes.】

Just after she put her phone away, she suddenly heard a noise behind her.

Turning around, she saw a thin, frail man staring at her intently.

There weren’t many people on the street, and the alley near the north gate was poorly lit. Youyi’s heart raced, and she quickly averted her gaze.

She quickened her pace. The streetlights behind her flickered, casting a long shadow. She glanced back and saw the man following her, holding something that glinted with an eerie silver light.

Youyi clenched her hands at her sides, her back growing cold with fear.

If you go further, you will enter the alley.

Youyi paused for half a second, then grabbed her phone, turned around and ran out.

She ran faster and faster in the direction she was coming from.

She didn’t dare stop.

There are lingering memories surging in my mind.

In the same dim night, the filth and terror of human nature were laid bare.

Yellowed teeth stained with smoke, the black, disgusting grime beneath the fingernails—there was a knife in his hand, and he came over to embrace her, pressing the knife against her neck…

The cold blade cut through her skin.

Everything was disgusting, the stench of rotting sewage.

It was nauseating.

Youyi snapped back to reality, her high heels sinking into the cracks in the ground. She grabbed the railing, looked back, and realized she had run a long distance.

Escaping from those terrifying memories, in those panic-stricken scenes, even the most beautiful flowers would be crushed.

There was no one behind her anymore.

The summer night breeze brushed against her face, and the coolness at the corner of her eyes reminded Youyi to calm herself. She took a few deep breaths, trying to calm down.

It was alright. Nothing had happened just now.

It was all from the past, it was over.

Her heart was still pounding. Youyi looked up and saw Fu Cheng appear in front of her.

His tall figure cast a shadow over her, calm and silent. Youyi rushed to him, and when her cheek touched his chest, she almost burst into tears.

She had managed to hold back the tears, but seeing him, all her emotions flooded out in an instant.

It was Fu Cheng.

Fu Cheng was here.

Fu Cheng pulled her into his arms.

“Youyi?” He called out, his large hand steadying her, pulling her into an embrace. Seeing her in such a bad state, he just held her close.

Youyi truly cried.

At that moment, he was her lifeline, a god descending from the heavens.

She was immensely grateful that she had him.

Fu Cheng held her tightly until her sobs gradually ceased. He reached out to wipe the tears from her face.

His broad, warm hand brought a strong sense of security.

“With me here, what are you afraid of?”

Fu Cheng’s voice had never been so gentle. He was like a towering guide, blocking all her fears, a powerful deity before her, telling her—

“We’re family. I will always protect you.”


Her family.

Youyi’s heart ached, her shoulders shaking with sobs.

Fu Cheng’s hand rested on the back of her head, completely shielding her. His brows furrowed slightly. He had never seen her cry so intensely before.

“Be good, Youyi.” Fu Cheng gently patted her back, his voice husky.

His car was parked nearby. Fu Cheng took her into the car, and as she had stopped crying, she slept on his lap. He supported her head with one hand.

The faint woody scent mixed with his unique pheromones was a familiar and reassuring smell for Youyi.

“Feeling better?” He massaged her hand, soothing her slowly.

Youyi nodded, “Mm.”

“Tell me what happened?” In the small space, his voice was cold and stern. She felt exposed, like a snail without its shell, laying all her vulnerability bare.

And he had the strongest shell, effortlessly protecting her.

“It’s nothing.” Youyi shook her head slightly, “I was just overthinking.”

Something must have happened to make her overthink.

Reflecting on her reaction when Du Li had entangled her, it was clear she had been excessively scared.

Fu Cheng didn’t press further. His hand rested on her back, his broad palm providing a profound sense of security. The tall man sat upright, looking down at her with his usual stern expression, his voice cold: “Trust me, I won’t let anyone hurt you.”

If anyone tries, he’ll kill them.

Youyi looked up, her eyes still showing moved emotions. She had once been left alone on a precarious boat, but one day, a large ship had lifted her from her lonely vessel, providing her with a harbor.

Not just any harbor, but the largest and safest one.

Fu Cheng is very powerful, the most powerful person Youyi has ever seen.

With him by her side, she felt an overwhelming sense of security.

Youyi gently nuzzled his lap and nodded.

Youyi said, “I want to go home.”

She was now very reliant on him. Fu Cheng agreed without letting go and called a chauffeur.

“We’ll be home soon.”


Hello, Ayalee's here ฅ^•⩊•^ฅ I want to share with you guys my favorite leisure time read through my translation. Do support me on my Ko-fi page if you guys enjoy my translation.•⩊•

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