The Vicious Female Supporting Character Gets Adored by Kids on a Variety Show
The Vicious Female Supporting Character Gets Adored by Kids on a Variety Show Chapter 19

Chapter 19: Guilty Conscience

Every time Yan Kang saw Yan Wang, he appeared weak and dazed.

There are two types of dazed states: one was innate stupidity, and the other was acquired worldly indifference.

Though unsure which category Yan Wang fell into, he indeed acted like an idiot, showing no intention of engaging with the world.

In the vast Yan family, the old were sick, the young disabled, and the middle one was obsessed with entering showbiz like a madman!

Everything was going according to Yan Kang’s plan.

But now.

Yan Wang was quietly standing there.

His beautiful jet-black eyes were as cold as snowy mountains, chilling to the core!

That expression… was eerily similar to the old master’s look before he erupted in anger.

Yan Kang was startled, breaking out in a cold sweat.

This kid usually looked dumb, but now he was looking at him with such eyes?

A sudden sense of unease arose in his heart—

Could it be…

Was this brat pretending all along?

Impossible, right?

He’s only five years old! How good could he be at pretending?

Looking closely again, Yan Wang had resumed his usual expressionless face. That sharp and cold demeanor from moments ago seemed non-existent. His eyes were dull, as if Yan Kang had imagined it all…

Yan Kang took a deep breath. He must have had too much to drink!

But he still felt uneasy. Clearing his throat, he issued a threat to Yan Yueqing: “Remember what you said today! You’d better leave with your stupid son tomorrow!”

With that, he slammed the door as he left.

Yan Wang watched all this numbly. Only after his uncle had left did he slowly shuffle back to the hospital bed.

He held the IV line carefully, not daring to grip it tightly, moving sluggishly.

Seeing this, Yan Yueqing quickly went over and picked up her son, placing him back on the bed.

As they made contact, his small, thin body felt stiff in her arms.

Yan Yueqing apologized remorsefully: “I’m sorry, I spoke too loudly just now and woke you up!”

Yan Wang didn’t respond.

His long, curled eyelashes lowered slightly, concealing the complex emotions in his eyes.

Seeing this, Yan Yueqing felt extremely guilty.

Her own son was here resting on an IV drip!

And what was she doing?

She was supposed to be investigating NATE Pharmaceuticals, but ended up scrolling through her phone, discussing investment opportunities for other kids with the big shot. She even argued with her cousin and woke up her son…

Sigh! It didn’t sound like something a decent person would do!

Yan Yueqing cleared her throat, trying hard to establish a friendly relationship with Yan Wang: “Um… Wangwang…”

As soon as she uttered this ridiculous nickname, she instantly regretted it!

Her mind was flooded with criticisms!

What was the original owner thinking? Who would name their son like that?

Using his full name would be disrespectful to the King of Hell, but using this nickname sounded like calling a puppy… [1][1] a) “Wangwang” (汪汪, wāng wāng) In Chinese, “wang wang” is an onomatopoeia for a dog’s bark, similar to “woof woof” in English. b) “King of … Continue reading

What kind of mother would give her son such a name?


Utterly absurd!

She choked for a couple of seconds, then decided to change her phrasing: “Baobao[2]Bao Bao 「Chinese: 宝宝; pinyin: Bǎobǎo, meaning “treasure”; colloquially meaning “baby”」, are you thirsty? Do you want some water?”

Yan Wang was stunned by this sudden ‘Baobao!’

His eyes widened in surprise, and he couldn’t hide it!

Seeing this reaction…

It made Yan Yueqing feel even more heartbroken. She unconsciously said: “I’m sorry, baobao. Mommy has… neglected you for a long time… But from now on, it will never happen again!”

Yan Wang’s expression was as if he was listening to a foreign language.

Yan Yueqing wanted to stroke her son’s little face, but her fingers hovered in the air, not daring to touch him.

Those clear, boundless eyes looked at everything with indifference, devoid of emotion like a robot.

To outsiders, Yan Wang appeared as a physically frail and possibly intellectually challenged mute child.

But she knew clearly that her son wasn’t mute!

On the contrary, he was an extremely intelligent child.

Other five-year-olds could grow up happily under the care of their parents, however, he had no father, his mother had been crazy for years, and apart from the big villain Yan Kang, who knew how many others secretly wished for his death!

So, not speaking and playing dumb became his survival strategy.

After Qin Youran adopted Yan Wang, it took her a full six months to get him to speak.

Undeniably, her son’s guardedness was too strong!

And all of this was the result of five years of imprisonment!

She sighed and spoke from her heart: “From your birth until now, I haven’t fulfilled my responsibilities as a mother for even a single day, causing you to dislike this world and refuse to communicate with others… But… now I’m back.” Yan Yueqing looked at his pale little face and sincerely promised: “From now on, baobao, you can do whatever you want. You don’t need to worry about anyone or anything!”

Yan Wang remained quiet and still, as if he hadn’t understood.

This reaction was entirely within her expectations.

Their mother-son relationship had major issues, lacking even the most basic trust!

Given the terrible impression the original owner had left on her son, she couldn’t expect to change his mind with just a few casual words.

However, if Qin Youran could spend half a year getting him to speak, could she not have the determination to do the same?

Yan Yueqing quietly encouraged herself.

Little did she know—

Yan Wang’s heart was already in turmoil!

He looked at his mother, whom he hadn’t seen in a year, listened to her promises, and though his heart was moved, he forced himself to resist!

Don’t have false hopes!

Didn’t she hate him and wish he were dead?

Didn’t she think his existence was blocking her path forward?

Even when great-grandfather fell seriously ill and urged her to return… she had coldly hung up the phone.

Now… what act was she putting on?

Yan Wang thought it was more likely that she was just pretending.

His eyes remained listless…

Yan Yuejing had no idea of the thousand thoughts running through her son’s mind. As she soothed the little guy to lie down, she began to plan for the future.

Regardless of whether her memories were real or false, the Yan family was undeniably a den of wolves and tigers.

Yan Kang was openly vicious, the old master’s attitude unknown. She had no time to play werewolf with that group; leaving early with her son was the best solution!


What about Yan Wang’s thoughts?

Would he be willing to leave with her?

After careful consideration, Yan Yueqing decided to ask for her son’s opinion: “baobao, do you want to be discharged and live with mommy?”

Yan Wang, who had been trying hard to maintain a calm expression, was completely stunned.

His eyes were filled with unconcealed shock.

Yan Yueqing quickly waved her hands: “Don’t worry, I’m not insisting you leave with me! Of course, even if we were to leave the hospital, we’d have to consult with the doctor and ensure your safety first! I just… just…”

Her flustered explanation made Yan Wang feel a little sorry for her.

Yan Yueqing found herself getting more tangled up the more she tried to explain. She lowered her head: “I’m sorry, I know I’ve been irresponsible these past few years. It’s normal if you don’t want to leave with me… I…”


The soft utterance of two words was as faint as a mosquito’s buzz.

Yan Yueqing almost thought she had imagined it!

She jerked her head up.

Meeting Yan Wang’s dark eyes.

Though he tried hard to control it, she still saw—

Her son gently…

Nodded his head.

An enormous wave of joy swept over her!

Yan Yuejing excitedly stood up from her chair, her head bumping into the IV bottle.

She immediately looked up: “Oh no, I didn’t break the bottle, did I?” After carefully inspecting it, she sighed in relief, “Fortunately, it’s fine.”

This reaction, in Yan Wang’s eyes, almost made him want to smile.

But he lowered his lashes, gently closing his eyes.

He didn’t want to leave the hospital with Yan Yueqing!

He just… wanted to see what she was really up to!


1 [1] a) “Wangwang” (汪汪, wāng wāng)

In Chinese, “wang wang” is an onomatopoeia for a dog’s bark, similar to “woof woof” in English.

b) “King of Hell” (阎王, Yán Wáng)

This is a reference to the Chinese deity who rules over the underworld in Chinese mythology.

Meaning in context: Yan Yueqing is suggesting that using the full name “Yan Wang” might be disrespectful because it sounds like the name of this deity.

2 Bao Bao 「Chinese: 宝宝; pinyin: Bǎobǎo, meaning “treasure”; colloquially meaning “baby”」


Hi guys! I'm steamedbun... I do hope y'all enjoy my translations. If you see any mistakes, please do not hesitate to let me know and I'll fix them ASAP. Thanks💞

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