I Deliver Takeout Across the Multiverse
I Deliver Takeout Across the Multiverse Chapter 1: Graduation Equals Unemployment

“Congratulations, Host, for successfully binding with Cross-Dimensional Delivery. You are now an employee of our company, with employee number 0038…”

Yun Tutu was speechless. What?!

She had just been toying with the idea; she never seriously considered delivering food.

She tapped her phone, relieved to see the screen responding again. Thank goodness it wasn’t broken.

If her phone had broken, it would have been another huge expense—something she could hardly afford given her current precarious financial situation.

It had been several months since graduation, and she still hadn’t found a job that could support her.

Today, her rent was due, and after yet another failed job interview, Yun Tutu was losing hope. With rent looming, she had impulsively thought about delivering food to make some quick cash.

But this delivery app seemed… off.

With that in mind, Yun Tutu quickly scrolled through a few pages on her phone, confirming that it was functioning normally before reopening the Cross-Dimensional Delivery app.

She had never heard of this app before, but with so many delivery apps out there, perhaps it wasn’t surprising she was unfamiliar with it.

However, this app was ridiculously basic. It only had an order interface, a customer satisfaction rating, and a complaint window—nothing else!

She opened her profile page, which displayed her employee number: 0038. She sighed, thinking her luck was cursed; even signing up for a delivery app, she got stuck with such an unlucky number.

Did she really want to deliver food?

Her classmates who had also just graduated were living the life of urban professionals, while she would be donning a delivery uniform and riding a scooter around the city.

The thought alone was terrifying.

Forget it. She decided to uninstall the app. She still had a bit of money left in her account, enough to scrape by for a little longer. She’d only resort to this if she had no other choice.

However, when Yun Tutu tried to uninstall the app by long-pressing its icon, she discovered it couldn’t be uninstalled!

Even more bizarrely, though she had only just downloaded the app and hadn’t done anything with it yet, her personal information was already fully populated.

Employee Number: 0038
Name: Yun Tutu
Gender: Female
Age: 22
ID Number: ***

Orders: 0
Complaints: 0
Skills: CET-6 (English Proficiency)

Stamina: 30
Star Rating: 0

“Has data monitoring become this advanced?” Yun Tutu wondered, feeling a bit frightened. She was also thankful that her bank balance hadn’t been displayed; otherwise, she’d seriously consider withdrawing all her money and keeping it in her pocket for safekeeping.

Unable to find an uninstall option, Yun Tutu tossed her phone aside. “What a crappy app. I’ll have it wiped during a system reboot later.”

Feeling her stomach growl, she realized it was well past lunchtime. With little money left, Yun Tutu had no choice but to grab a cup of instant noodles from a convenience store, which she quickly prepared to eat.

Suddenly, her phone emitted a blinding flash of light, making her eyes sting.

Yun Tutu clutched her chest in shock and cautiously glanced at the screen. Before she could make out anything, a transparent screen appeared above her phone.

“Did my phone just evolve?”

“You have a new delivery order: A refugee named Xiaoya wants a white bread bun. Note: She wishes to taste white bread one last time before she dies. Please deliver it as soon as possible.”

Yun Tutu stared at the screen, completely stunned. She could now confirm that this app was definitely not a normal delivery app!

She swallowed a mouthful of noodles and muttered, “What kind of app is this? I’m getting rid of you after a system reboot!”

At that moment, another line of text appeared on the screen: “Employee 0038, from the moment you clicked to download the program, you officially joined our company.”

Yun Tutu: …

Seriously? She had only wanted to try it out; she hadn’t actually planned on becoming a delivery person.

“Uh, I might have clicked by mistake. Can you cancel this for me? I don’t want to do this.”

“Download equals employment. It cannot be changed. Our company offers excellent benefits and will not shortchange any employee. We detected your strong desire for employment, which is why the binding was successful. Once bound, it cannot be undone. Please take your job seriously—your future holds limitless possibilities.”

As the words flashed across the screen, Yun Tutu felt like she was seeing a ghost in broad daylight.

“Where is this company located? I’d like to visit for an inspection.”

The screen flickered a few times before responding, “With your current employee privileges, that request is denied.”

“Are you a scam company?” Although it looked all high-tech, how could she be sure this wasn’t some elaborate prank by a hacker?

“Please have full faith in the company, or face penalties.”

“Yeah, right. I’m just an ordinary person; if you need a guinea pig, find someone else.”

Yun Tutu reached for her phone, intending to take it in for a system reboot. Someone must have installed a virus on it, causing her all this trouble.

“Ah!” Yun Tutu yelped and immediately dropped the phone as a jolt of electricity surged through her, numbing her entire arm.

“Warning! Warning! Employee 0038 has shown insufficient trust in the company. A minor penalty has been administered.”

Yun Tutu glanced worriedly at the phone lying in the corner. She wondered if it was broken.

“What’s wrong with you? Stop acting all spooky. I’m just a fresh graduate with nothing to my name. You won’t get anything out of me, so go bother someone else.”

With the little money she had, was she really worth scamming with high-tech tricks?

“Please adjust your attitude, or you will face further punishment.” The text flashed in red, and Yun Tutu couldn’t help but feel anxious. The electric shock had been real; she didn’t want to experience it again.

“So, how exactly does this delivery thing work?” Since she couldn’t refuse, Yun Tutu decided to gather more information, hoping to find a loophole.

“Cross-Dimensional Delivery, as the name implies, involves fulfilling the wishes of people across different dimensions.”

“You’re kidding, right?” Yun Tutu thought, recalling stories of time travel and reincarnation from novels.

“Something like that, but it’s not reincarnation; it’s dimensional travel.”

Yun Tutu jumped up and pointed at the transparent screen. “How do you know what I’m thinking?”

“Since you downloaded the program, we’ve been bound. I can read your thoughts. However, once you reach a certain level, you can block me from your mind, and I won’t be able to know what you’re thinking.”

Reading the words on the screen, Yun Tutu gasped. Had she been hit by some kind of divine stroke of luck?

“What did you mean by a delivery order just now?”

“You have a new delivery order: A refugee named Xiaoya wants a white bread bun. Note: She wishes to taste white bread one last time before she dies. Please deliver it as soon as possible.” The screen flashed the same message again.

“What’s the delivery address? And I don’t have any transportation.” Yun Tutu blinked, figuring she should ask for something in return.

“The delivery vehicle is already in the courtyard, and the item is prepared. The license plate is 0038.”

Dreamy Land[Translator]

Hey everyone! I hope you're enjoying what I'm translating. As an unemployed adult with way too much time on my hands and a borderline unhealthy obsession with novels, I’m here to share one of my all-time favorites. So, sit back, relax, and let's dive into this story together—because I’ve got nothing better to do!

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