I Deliver Takeout Across the Multiverse
I Deliver Takeout Across the Multiverse Chapter 9: The Next Order

Here it comes again…

Song Song, as an advanced product of civilization, was not designed to be a therapist, and yet here it was, bombarded with one question after another. The barrage of inquiries was beginning to push it to the brink of a breakdown.

If it could have another chance with the Creator, it would hold on tightly and never let go again…

“So, where’s the next delivery? Can you give me a hint?”

“Song Song, why aren’t you responding? Do you guys need sleep too?”


Yun Tutu fired off several more questions, only stopping when she realized Song Song wasn’t going to answer. She smirked mischievously.

Heh, it might have figured out how to deal with difficult girls, but did it know about the existence of annoying kids? Time to brush up on those “Ten Thousand Whys.”

Yawning, she settled back, satisfied with the information she had managed to gather. She needed to pace herself.

When she woke up the next morning, Yun Tutu was still half-dazed, only gradually realizing she didn’t need to go job hunting today. She shook her head, intending to roll over and catch a bit more sleep, but the drowsiness had already slipped away.

Everything that had happened yesterday felt almost unreal—was it possible she had just been dreaming?

“Song Song,” Yun Tutu called out to the delivery system. If there was no response, that would mean it was all just a dream.

“I’m here, Tutu,” Song Song replied.

Yun Tutu rolled her eyes in an unladylike fashion. Nope, this was reality.

“Any deliveries today?” If this was going to be her future career, she figured she might as well be a diligent worker.

The main motivation, though, was the payoff from that gold nugget yesterday—who could resist such a sweet deal?

“You’ll be notified as soon as there’s a delivery task,” Song Song replied before going silent again. Yun Tutu was getting too crafty, treating it like some kind of encyclopedia.

“So, I guess today’s a day off,” she muttered, a bit disappointed, but quickly brightened up. The profits from yesterday were so sweet that she wouldn’t mind taking a whole year off at this rate.

After getting up and washing, she tidied up her place a bit before deciding to treat herself with those beef dumplings she hadn’t gotten to enjoy yesterday.

Humming a tune, she stepped outside, only to run into her landlady, who was coming down the stairs to take out the trash. The landlady greeted her warmly, “Up early today, Tutu? Is that your scooter parked in the yard?”

She pointed at the delivery scooter parked in the courtyard. It wasn’t branded, but the large delivery box on the back was unmistakable.

“Yes, Auntie, is it okay to park it there?” Yun Tutu responded with a smile, not planning on moving anytime soon. The neighborhood might be a bit rough around the edges, but the management was excellent, with patrols both day and night.

The landlady’s expression became complicated for a moment as she glanced at Yun Tutu, then she smiled. “Of course, it’s fine to park here. Don’t worry, as long as you don’t block anyone, you can park wherever you like.”

Such a fair-skinned, pretty young girl, and she’s delivering food… The world must be getting tougher if someone like her has to do that, the landlady thought to herself.

She shivered slightly at the thought of her own children still in school, suddenly feeling a bit cold.

“Oh, by the way, did the girl who was living with you move out?” The landlady asked, remembering something a neighbor had mentioned.

“Yes, she found a job, but it’s a bit far from here.” Yun Tutu had previously shared the place with a classmate who had since moved out.

“Are you planning to keep renting the place on your own?” The landlady quickly added, realizing how her words might sound. “I’m not asking for the rent; if you’re short on cash, you can pay later.”

They had moved in on the 28th, but the landlady had kindly set the rent due date to the 1st. Today was the 1st, so Yun Tutu said, “I’ll pay next month’s rent now.”

Yun Tutu currently lived in a converted garage, which came with a small courtyard, and the rent was cheap. She had no intention of moving anytime soon.

The landlady felt a bit embarrassed, realizing that she had unintentionally put pressure on Yun Tutu. “Oh, there’s no rush, really. By the way, have you started working yet?” The landlady figured delivering food wasn’t the worst job—at least it was a way to make ends meet.

“Not just yet,” Yun Tutu replied, transferring the rent through her phone. “Auntie, I’ve sent the rent over.”

The landlady was a bit taken aback but quickly thanked her. “Alright then, thank you. We’ll chat more later when you’re not busy.”

She still felt guilty—she really hadn’t meant to pressure the young girl. With her own kids out in the world, she couldn’t help but be more considerate of others in similar situations. Maybe she’d ask the patrols to keep an extra eye on Yun Tutu’s place.

Oblivious to these thoughts, Yun Tutu went about her day, considering rent payments as just part of normal life.

“You have a new delivery. Lady Liu Ziqi of the Pingyang Marquis’s estate urgently needs a concealer. Would you like to purchase it yourself, or have the company supply it?”

“A new order already?” Yun Tutu’s stomach growled. Couldn’t they schedule these things after meal times?

“Can I stock up on items in the delivery box?” she asked, remembering the dumplings and soup she’d brought to Xiao Ya yesterday. Suddenly, she had a brilliant idea—if someone needed makeup, why not expand the business a bit?

“As long as the main transaction is completed, we won’t interfere with additional items,” Song Song replied.

This is great, Yun Tutu thought. This order is probably from some ancient world, and what woman can resist good makeup?

“I’ll do the shopping myself,” she decided, quickly heading to the mall on her scooter. She could take shortcuts and get there faster.

Song Song didn’t say anything more. This order had a generous time allowance—she just needed to finish before nightfall.

Yun Tutu parked outside the mall and headed straight for the cosmetics section on the first floor.

Judging by the name Pingyang Marquis, this was a noble household, so ordinary products wouldn’t do.

Since her profits were bound to be tenfold, she needed to think about how to maximize them.

She went straight to the high-end brands she’d always wanted but never dared to buy. Without needing the sales clerk’s pitch, she picked out a full set of makeup products and added some skincare items, along with acne cream and concealer.

“I need these urgently, so please process them quickly,” she said, noticing the sales clerk still staring at her in disbelief.

The clerk snapped out of it and quickly called another colleague to help, one to process the order and the other to gather the products.

As Yun Tutu waited, her eyes wandered to the display of lipsticks. Although she didn’t usually wear much makeup, lipstick was a must.

Dreamy Land[Translator]

Hey everyone! I hope you're enjoying what I'm translating. As an unemployed adult with way too much time on my hands and a borderline unhealthy obsession with novels, I’m here to share one of my all-time favorites. So, sit back, relax, and let's dive into this story together—because I’ve got nothing better to do!

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