Crown Princess broke off the Engagement, Imperial Palace filled with Regret
Crown Princess broke off the Engagement, Imperial Palace filled with Regret Chapter 11.1

Upon exiting the western city gate, the carriage adorned with luxurious ornaments was swapped for a wide carriage drawn by four horses, cushioned with soft pads.

Mount Louxuan was quite far from the inner city, and even though Manager Du hastened along the way, by the time they arrived at the foot of the mountain, night had already fallen.

Traveling mountain roads at night was somewhat dangerous.

Of course, the attendants surrounding the carriage had lit plenty of lanterns and torches, ensuring that nothing untoward would happen to the young lady.

However, the carriage couldn’t ascend the mountain, and taking the official road would be too far around.

So they had to switch to a simple bamboo sedan chair, carried by four men.

The Wu people called it a “Bamboo Dou Dou.” This was how they would escort the young lady to the palace.

Contrary to what Fu Ze’an had worried about, Manager Du wasn’t concerned about where the young lady wanted to go; he was only worried about whether she would be mistreated on the journey.

“Blame me for not preparing adequately. The young lady’s body is so delicate, and this rushed journey—if she suffers any bumps or bruises, how could I face our master?”

Mentioning the late Madam Tang brought a lump to Manager Du’s throat.

The young lady, Zanying, felt a pang of sadness and quickly said, “Uncle Du, please don’t say such things. I’ve already caused so much trouble for everyone with this ordeal, and I feel deeply apologetic.”

Beside Manager Du was a woman in her twenties, with a neatly combed married woman’s hairstyle and a beautiful appearance.

She was Ren, the wife of Manager Du, who had rushed over upon hearing the news.

Seeing the situation, she rolled her eyes and spoke sharply: “Alright, alright, no need to weep and wail in front of the young lady. Aren’t you ashamed? What’s the big deal? If the young lady is afraid of the dark, I’ll personally hold a torch in front to guide her. Our men are steady, strong in spirit, and will never let any evil or malevolent force get near her. Besides, the moon’s still hanging above us. Young lady, don’t be scared—it’s no big deal.”

Lady Ren came from a once-noble but now fallen family.

How far had they fallen?

In her youth, she had witnessed her entire family, once known for their scholarly traditions, resort to farming to make a living. Eventually, when they couldn’t even fill their stomachs, they had no choice but to turn from farming to trade.

Speaking of commerce, it was always looked down upon by scholars, but when one could barely eat, who had the energy to worry about the dignity of scholars?

Lady Ren, barely literate at the time, learned to manage accounts, and although she still couldn’t recognize many large characters, she was an expert in running a business and highly skilled in understanding the ways of the world, with a sharp tongue to match.

Manager Du was over forty years old and, despite being decisive and authoritative outside, after getting scolded by his wife, he could only sheepishly lower his voice.

He mumbled, “Who’s crying? I say your loud voice is the scariest—please, give it a rest.”

Lady Ren rolled her eyes again.

Still so stubborn.

Earlier that day, when she had received the message from a servant boy at home, she rushed to the western city gate, and who was it that, upon seeing her, covered his tear-streaked face, shoulders shaking, unable to speak?

At that moment, Lady Ren had been truly frightened.

In all the years she had been married to Old Du, she had never seen him lose composure like that and had feared something had gone terribly wrong with the young lady.

But in the end, Du Fangfeng had pulled her aside, his voice hoarse with distress, and told her, “The young lady just performed a deep bow and said ‘I’m sorry’ to me. She also said she was deeply sorry for having let down all my efforts to care for her over the years. Ah Ren, can you believe it? The young lady, she… even…”

He couldn’t continue speaking, but Lady Ren suddenly understood the unspoken part of her husband’s words.

The young lady, raised in the Purple Palace and Golden Halls, had been under the care of the Tang family’s remaining influence, receiving love from the most noble people in the world.

If she had lived with even a bit of ease and comfort, she would never have said the word “disappointment.”

Lady Ren had arrived in the capital late and had never had a chance to meet Miss Fu before.

When the carriage curtain was lifted, and she saw the young lady for the first time—a girl as pale as piled snow and as exquisitely carved as jade—she immediately understood why Old Du was so heartbroken.

The young lady’s eyes were too gentle.

Hearing her softly call out, “Aunt Du,” even though Lady Ren wasn’t much older than the girl, her heart melted instantly, and she couldn’t help but want to protect and cherish her right away.

“Uncle Du, Aunt Du, I’m not delicate.”

At the foot of the mountain, Zanying listened to Manager Du and his wife bickering over her and slightly lifted the corners of her mouth.

But then, realizing that wasn’t polite, she quickly suppressed it.

Her eyes sparkled in the moonlight and firelight, and with a firm tone, she repeated, “I’m really not delicate at all. Truly.”

She could ride in the bamboo sedan, she wasn’t afraid of the bumps, and she wasn’t afraid of the dark either.

Because none of this was being forced upon her by anyone pulling the strings; it was her own decision, her own choice.

It was Fu Zanying, choosing for herself.

In her previous life, the more resentment she had felt before her death, the more she cherished this hard-won second chance.

She was determined to work even harder to rid herself of the weakness that once defined her.

Manager Du and Lady Ren saw the seriousness in Zanying’s eyes, that stubborn glimmer which, still tinged with youthful innocence, made her all the more endearing.

From the moment they met, she had never once complained about being wronged by others.

Instead, she confessed that she had wronged them.

Such a kind young lady—how could anyone not love her?

Lady Ren couldn’t help but gently stroke Zanying’s hair and said softly, “Then let’s head up the mountain.”

As Lady Ren had said, although the mountain path to the palace was somewhat winding, the stone steps were well-made, and the strong servants carrying the bamboo sedan were steady.

Zanying sat comfortably in the soft bamboo seat, bouncing slightly as they moved through the mountain air filled with the scent of grass, wood, and dew.

She even found it somewhat amusing.

Amid the novelty, she couldn’t help but feel guilty.

At one moment, she turned her head and asked, “Sister Chun Jin, are your feet tired?”

Then, she turned to Manager Du, who was holding a torch and leading the way, and said, “Uncle, take your time. The ground is dark, be careful not to twist your ankle.”

Everyone said repeatedly, “Young lady, just take care of yourself.”

Ren Niangzi’s hand remained on the side of the bamboo sedan chair when she suddenly exclaimed, “Oh? Why are there lights on at the palace?”

Manager Du looked up at the majestic palace on the mountain peak. “Could it be the old maids who stayed behind?”

As they spoke, a sudden wind rose in the mountains.

One of the servants, who understood the weather, sniffed the moisture in the air. “Manager, it looks like it’s going to rain.”

With his words, a muffled thunderclap shook the branches, echoing through the mountains.

“Hurry, get the rain gear and oilcloth!”

Manager Du furrowed his brows and cursed the heavens silently.

Of all times to rain, it had to be now when they were halfway up the mountain, neither at the top nor the bottom.

Everything else was manageable, but their torches weren’t waterproof.

If they were doused, how could they continue up the mountain?

If the young lady were to be caught in the wind and rain, that would be a great offense.

And as feared, dark clouds soon covered the moon, and a series of thunderclaps followed in quick succession.

The earth began to tremble faintly, like the beat of drums, surging toward the night travelers midway up the mountain.

Even Zanying, sitting inside the sedan chair, could feel the ground quivering slightly.

She shrank her shoulders and thought, “Could it be hailing? But if it were hail, it would be coming from the clouds above. Why is the ground shaking?”

She soon discovered the reason.

Suddenly, two straight lines of fire appeared, like two dragons swiftly descending from the mountain peak.

The fire spread, lining both sides of the mountain path, bright and orderly, stopping right in front of the bamboo sedan chair.

Each torchbearer was an iron-booted, black-armored soldier, moving in perfect formation, even as they ran, with such power that the ground shook.

The man holding the left front pole of Zanying’s sedan chair was so stunned by the sight that his hand trembled, causing the sedan to sway.

In the next moment, four black-armored guards stepped forward and, without a word, took over the bamboo sedan.

“We are here by the order of the Grand Marshal to escort the Lady up the mountain.”

The rough voice of the man echoed loudly.

Before the wind and rain arrived, Zanying was already enveloped in the cold, metallic scent of iron.

The four soldiers surrounding her were as towering as black towers, encircling the delicate, pale figure in the middle.

It looked like a pack of hungry wolves guarding a soft, fluffy white rabbit.

Zanying’s heart pounded as she recalled how earlier that day, the Grand Marshal, whom she had only heard of by name, had come to the palace and was turned away by her at the palace gates.

She had thought that celebrating her birthday was just an excuse, and that the matter would end there.

She had forgotten that the palace on Mount Louxuan belonged half to the Tang family and the other half to the Wei family.

Who, aside from the Wei family, would dare to occupy this place and light the lamps in the hall?

“Ah, young lady, don’t worry. The Grand Marshal must have meant well.” Manager Du was also taken aback at first but quickly calmed himself.

Though it had been nearly ten years since he last saw the young lord of the Wei family, the bond between the late Empress and his former master was still fresh in his mind, as were the memories of Wei Gongzi studying under Master Fu.

The stories of old friends were still vivid.

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