Crown Princess broke off the Engagement, Imperial Palace filled with Regret
Crown Princess broke off the Engagement, Imperial Palace filled with Regret Chapter 20

For the past two days, Zanying had fallen asleep almost unconsciously.

However, on this night, she began to sleep more soundly.

Near dawn, she awoke in her dream feeling a dry, painful throat and called out softly to Chun Jin for water.

As she propped herself up, she felt a wave of nausea and vomited.

Soon after, she developed a low fever.

The entire Southern Palace was in an uproar.

Manager Du, alarmed, quickly summoned an experienced midwife from the palace to examine the young lady.

The midwife, upon seeing the young lady with a pale tongue coating and a pulse like a string, diagnosed her with a cold and an accumulation of undigested food.

The condition was a result of a combination of internal heat and external cold.

Zanying struggled through the night.

By this time, she was exhausted, her face flushed, and she lay weakly on the embroidered pillow with peony flowers.

She heard the conversation outside and murmured, “Uncle Du, don’t worry, just a couple of doses of Xiao Chai Hu Decoction will do. Won’t it?”

The latter part of her question was directed at the midwife.

Hearing this, the midwife, who was preparing the prescription, remarked, “It seems the young lady also knows a bit about medicine.”

It was not that she understood medicine; she had just learned a bit from being ill so often.

Chun Jin remembered how the frail young lady had taken so many medicinal soups over the years and wrung her hands in self-reproach. “The young lady has always been delicate and prone to illnesses. If she had not been caught in the rain the other night, she might not have fallen ill. I should have made some ginger soup to drive away the cold. It’s truly my fault.”

Zanying reassured her, saying it was no problem.

Just then, Wei Yu arrived upon hearing the news.

His thin black silk robe brushed against the threshold of the door, creating a gust of cold wind.

He stepped lightly into the inner chamber, his presence announced before he was seen. “How are you feeling now?”

Zanying, startled by the sound, hurriedly pulled her bare feet back under the covers and adjusted the thin quilt to cover herself.

At this moment, she was only wearing an undergarment, her hair disheveled, and having just vomited, she looked quite disheveled and unpresentable to meet an elder.

In a gentle voice, she tried to reassure him, “It’s nothing, Uncle. Thank you for your concern. Really, it’s nothing.”

Wei Yu, seeing her weak condition, her face flushed with fever, and her long black hair sticking to her temples with sweat, felt a pang of concern.

The sight of her delicate form, barely able to handle a touch, and the sweat glistening on her pale neck, made him uncomfortable.

He immediately averted his gaze and instructed that the bed curtain be lowered.

Upon hearing that Zan Ying was ill, he had quickly brought his own military doctor to examine her, even though there was already a midwife.

The military doctor, after checking her pulse through the curtain, concurred with the midwife that Xiao Chai Hu Decoction was appropriate.

Wei Yu, upon hearing terms like “accumulated food” and “vomiting,” recalled the events of the previous day at the Gu residence and frowned. “It was due to improper food and the fatigue from the journey yesterday.”

He had been the one to take her out.

Despite his careful nature, having been immersed in military affairs for nearly a decade, he had overlooked the delicate needs of a young lady, who required careful attention in her daily routine and diet.

Nong Niangzi, glancing at the Grand Marshal, noticed his grim expression and quickly interjected, “Don’t be too distressed, sir. The doctor mentioned that the accumulated food had been present for several days, so it’s unlikely due to yesterday’s events.”

Chun Jin, after calculating the time, suddenly realized, “Has Miss Fu been eating half a bowl of rice porridge more each meal recently? Is that why she’s feeling unwell?”

Usually, Miss Fu’s appetite was consistent.

Eating more than usual would cause her discomfort.

Recently, she had silently consumed a lot more, and despite Chun Jin’s repeated inquiries, Miss Fu insisted it was fine, so Chun Jin thought nothing was wrong.

She hadn’t expected the excess to accumulate and cause issues.

Chun Jin’s eyes reddened, feeling increasingly inadequate as a personal maid.

Wei Yu, upon hearing this, fell silent for a moment.

His sharp gaze softened as he looked at the gauzy curtain and gently asked, “Why the extra half bowl?”

At the same time, a muffled voice from within the curtain interrupted, “Chun Jin, don’t say more.”

It was a request to keep quiet.

Wei Yu did not press further.

He instructed, “Later, have less porridge and drink your medicine obediently. If there’s anything you want to eat, I’ll bring it back for you.”

Upon hearing this, Manager Du, who was in the outer chamber, realized that taking care of Miss Fu was his responsibility.

He felt it wasn’t right for the General to be running errands.

He heard Miss Fu gently say from within the curtain, “I don’t need anything to eat. Little uncle, don’t worry. You can go about your business.”

Zan Ying felt embarrassed by the fuss over a minor cold.

Compared to the last two years of enduring a persistent fever, this small ailment was relatively minor.

She had experience; with medicine, sweating, and a couple of bowls of hot soup, she would recover in a few days.

However, to Wei Yu, this kind of understanding seemed like a habitual acceptance of discomfort and reluctance to trouble others, especially when she was only fifteen.

Wei Yu, with little experience dealing with women, remembered that even his elder sister, when she caught a cold, could not resist having a few delicacies, asking the household to buy them.

Zhan Ying was just a child.

While Zan Ying tried to decline, Wei Yu remained steadfast, “Would you like some ice cream?”

People with a fever often crave cool, sweet foods, and Zhan Ying was no exception.

Although she had no appetite, hearing those words made her imagine a bowl of smooth, white ice cream, with beads of condensation on the outside of the glass cup.

She hesitated, then murmured a reluctant agreement.

Just that one word caused Wei Yu’s expression to soften, “Got it. Wait here.”

He turned to leave.

The military doctor, who overheard the conversation, thought to himself, “The General is tough and has done things like pouring strong liquor on wounds or using ashes to treat arrow injuries. But the little girl’s stomach can’t handle such things. I should remind him.”

“The General, the young lady is ill and shouldn’t eat anything cold.”

The man walking by didn’t stop and lightly responded, “Who said she’ll eat it cold? I’ll have it melted down first. Even holding it in her mouth to satisfy her craving would make her happy.”

Manager Du, who followed, thought it wasn’t necessary to trouble the General for a bowl of ice cream.

As he was about to speak, Wei Yu commanded the guards, “Fetch the armor.”

Just then, Xu Shi, who had come to check on Miss Fu’s condition, happened to be outside the hall and was startled, “The General is going to the palace?”

Wei Yu responded lightly, and his personal guards brought out a set of iron armor, including a chest plate, silver shoulder guards, and chainmail knee guards.

Once armored, Wei Yu’s presence became imposing.

The morning sun reflected off his armor, creating a dazzling array of light that made him appear almost divine.

Xu Shi noticed the Grand Marshal’s somber expression and thought it resembled someone looking to vent their frustration rather than going to an audience with the emperor.

He glanced into the inner chamber but saw nothing, and did not dare to inquire about Lady Fu’s condition.

His mind raced, and he finally said, “Doctor Ge reminded His Excellency before leaving to control his anger and avoid agitation.”

If the emperor were to act recklessly in the court, Xu Shi would not be overly concerned.

Jingkou, the northern gateway of Jiankang, controlled the area south of the Yangtze and defended against the northern Xiongnu invaders.

The connection between Jingkou and the capital was critical—if Jingkou fell, the capital would be in danger.

This was well-known in both the court and among the people, and the emperor relied heavily on the Grand Marshal, who was now here.

What Xu Shi worried about was—

Wei Yu did not heed his words and tightened an old iron armguard marked with sword cuts before descending the stairs.

Xu Shi, still unable to rest easy, quickly followed and whispered, “Forgive me for speaking out of turn, but on the fifteenth day by the Si River, the border disturbance was caused by merely a group of wandering soldiers from the Di people. It wasn’t a serious threat. General, did you wish to see bloodshed?”

Wei Yu’s eyes flashed as he glanced at Xu Shi, the expression completely different from when he had looked at the military doctor. “If you have nothing else to do, you may return to Jingkou.”

Xu Shi stopped in his tracks, not daring to say more.

Yet he did not dare leave either, as he needed to stay by the Grand Marshal’s side.

As Wei Yu descended the grand steps, a guard reported, “Grand Marshal, the Prince of Huiji is requesting to see Lady Fu outside the palace.”

“Li Rongzhi?” Wei Yu said, displeased. “What is he here for?”

The guard responded, “In the palace, Empress Dowager Xi is in a state of delirium and refuses to eat or drink, only calling for Lady Fu. The Prince of Huiji has come to seek assistance, saying it is an urgent matter and has been waiting all morning.”

Wei Yu’s face darkened with anger. “My young lady is not someone to serve others. If they choose to wait, let them wait. Do not disturb Yunzhu Pavilion.”

“But the Prince of Huiji—”

Wei Yu cut him off with disdain. “What of the Crown Prince? Even if he comes here, he must behave properly. What of the Prince of Huiji?”

Manager Du watched the Grand Marshal leave with a stern expression and was bewildered.

Was this the same person who had been so gentle outside the young lady’s tent just moments ago?

After a while, he finally asked Xu Shi, “Sir, is the Grand Marshal going to buy ice cream for the young lady after the audience with the emperor?”

Xu Shi closed his eyes and said, “No, he’s simply stopping by the palace on his way to get the ice cream.”

Wei Yu, after leaving the palace, did not use a carriage.

Instead, he rode with two personal guards, heading south at a fast pace.

Meanwhile, in the palace, the emperor had just finished the morning court session and returned to Tai Chi Hall, his face dark and clouded.

Despite Liang Fei’s comforting presence the previous night, Emperor Li Yu could not calm his agitation.

If not for the concern over his officials’ opinions, he might have skipped this morning’s court.

He had never imagined that the obedient and understanding Zanyu would cause such a shocking incident.

He had treated her with more affection than the royal princesses, and she had called him “Father” with deep affection for years.

Could it be that all those years of emotional connection meant nothing to her now?

Although the matter had not yet been widely known, what would happen in five days?

Since Zanying’s refusal of the marriage, each event had been unexpected, and the emperor was increasingly uncertain about how to handle the situation.

He did not intend to monopolize a child’s belongings, but on the ledger were items like the Han Ding, Han Sundial, temple artifacts, and the royal couch—each symbolizing imperial power.

Indeed, these significant items were gifts from the Tang family, collected from the fragmented nine provinces after their migration south, to strengthen the Southern Dynasty’s fortune by consolidating the ancient city of Jinling’s luck.

They had invested considerable effort and expense, and never sought anything in return.

The imperial family had always been grateful, but once given, it was improper to demand them back.

Removing these items was a sign of a fallen nation.

Seeing the Emperor’s solemn expression, Yuan Cong, who stood by, glanced at the scrolls on the desk and smiled bitterly, “This Miss Fu is truly childish. Even the few jars of wine and tea leaves she sent are being counted. If we’re to calculate like this, should we also account for the pastries and soups she personally prepared for the court over the years as monetary value?”

“Furthermore, I recall a few years ago when His Majesty had a headache over the relocation of the capital due to arguments among the senior officials. Miss Fu came to help by massaging and soothing His Majesty, which seemed to ease His Majesty’s discomfort. It was not really her skill but rather His Majesty’s affection for her that made him feel better. How can such things be counted or measured?”

This was a backhanded way of praising, and Emperor Li Yu, upon hearing it, remembered the many benefits provided by Zan Ying over the years.

Indeed, while the children of emperors might offer superficial respect, no one in the palace had shown more filial piety than Ah Ying.

The Emperor knew that Zan Ying’s filial piety was genuine, not a mere formality.

It was this attitude, treating him as a father rather than a distant sovereign, that brought warmth in the otherwise cold palace.


Emperor Li Yu sighed inwardly, and his frown gradually eased.

Yuan Cong, seeing this, felt a bit relieved.

At this moment, a palace guard from the front hall suddenly reported, “Your Majesty, the palace guards have reported that someone rode into the palace without dismounting or disarming.”


The so-called “running path” was a road built along the outer walls of the palace, typically reserved for the Emperor’s carriage, and no one else was permitted to use it.

Before the Emperor could fully grasp the situation, a figure clad in armor and wearing boots entered the hall, with a demeanor full of vitality and grace.

The person, with a face strikingly similar to hers, stood upright, voice like a clarion call, “Greetings, Your Majesty.”

Seeing the figure with features so similar to Zan Ying, the Emperor’s heart ached suddenly.

He couldn’t help but call out, “Ah Wei.”

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