I Deliver Takeout Across the Multiverse
I Deliver Takeout Across the Multiverse Chapter 12: Astonishing Results

Shi Ju had just tested the product, and the results were clear for all to see. Liu Ziqi had watched in amazement as this mysterious young woman had pulled out a few small bottles and jars from her box, applying them with simple swipes to make a prominent scar completely vanish.

What intrigued Liu Ziqi even more was the packaging. She had never seen anything like it before. Her father had once told her about a tribute item called “liuli,” a kind of glassware, but these items seemed far more advanced.

Her heart raced with a mix of excitement and anxiety. Could she even afford such a miraculous product? But with the delivery already at her doorstep, she had to see the results for herself. And if she couldn’t pay, wasn’t her mother there to cover it?

“Please, try it on me,” Liu Ziqi urged as she led Yun Tutu to the guest hall. She was eager to see if this concealer could cover the blemishes on her face.

Yun Tutu glanced at Liu Ziqi’s face. The girl only had a few acne marks. What were these noblewomen so worried about? Although Yun Tutu wasn’t a makeup expert, she knew enough to impress these people. With the quality of the products she had brought, even a simple natural look would be enough to astonish them.

As the bronze mirror didn’t offer a clear reflection, Liu Ziqi turned to her maids. “Look closely. Are there any flaws?”

“Miss, all the blemishes are gone! Your complexion and skin tone are so much better than before,” one of the maids exclaimed. While Yun Tutu was applying the makeup, the maids had already fixed Liu Ziqi’s hair, completing her transformation into a proper noblewoman.

Liu Ziqi was a beautiful girl, but the recent acne had caused her much distress, affecting her sleep and appetite, leaving her in a constant state of irritation. Her complexion had suffered greatly as a result.

Even Li Momo, the senior maid, nodded in approval. Before marrying into the marquisate, the lady of the house had been renowned as the most beautiful woman in Shengjing. It was this reputation that had allowed her to marry into the marquisate as the daughter of a royal merchant. Although Liu Ziqi was quite pretty, she had always fallen short of her mother’s beauty. But now, after this makeover, she looked as stunning as her mother had in her prime.

Yun Tutu wasn’t particularly surprised. In her world, she had seen all kinds of stunning beauty. A simple beauty filter on a popular app could work wonders, so enhancing the appearance of a noblewoman with a good foundation wasn’t particularly shocking. By covering a few imperfections and brightening her skin tone, Liu Ziqi could easily rival some of the top celebrities.

Seeing Liu Ziqi scrutinizing herself in the mirror, Yun Tutu reached into her pocket and pulled out a compact mirror that the saleswoman had given her. “Use this. It’s clearer.”

Seeing Liu Ziqi’s confusion, Yun Tutu opened the compact and handed it to her, letting the mirror reflect her flawless face.

Liu Ziqi, startled by the clarity, stared at her reflection. She was the marquis’s daughter, after all, and had seen all sorts of luxuries, so she quickly regained her composure. But she was captivated by the reflection, running her fingers over her cheeks to confirm that the person in the mirror was indeed her.

She had never seen herself so clearly before and eagerly turned her head from side to side to inspect her face. It was a pity the mirror was so small, just the size of a palm. If only…

Her eyes burned with desire as she looked at Yun Tutu. “Miss, may I ask your name?”

The items this woman had brought were extraordinary—not just the concealer but also the other cosmetics, including the mirror. She wanted them all.

From a young age, Liu Ziqi had never been denied anything she wanted.

However, she knew that to get what she wanted, she needed to build a good relationship with this woman. She wasn’t sure if Yun Tutu would be willing to part with such precious items, but if necessary, she was prepared to pay a hefty price.

“I’m Yun Tutu, but you can call me Tutu. How do you find the concealer? If you’re satisfied, we can complete the transaction,” Yun Tutu said, holding the concealer out to her, making no mention of the other items.

Liu Ziqi’s gaze lingered on the concealer and the mirror Yun Tutu had just closed. “Can I only buy the concealer?”

Yun Tutu glanced at the timer. Fortunately, Song Song hadn’t set a tight deadline this time.

“Of course, we’re bound by a contract now. It’s a mutually beneficial relationship,” Yun Tutu said, invoking a saying she had recently learned: “If you want the horse to run, you have to let it eat well.”

“But you only ordered this one product,” Yun Tutu continued, seeing the vast potential for business here.

“That’s fine. Money is the least of my concerns,” Liu Ziqi said nonchalantly, her gaze sweeping over Yun Tutu’s motorcycle. “I want everything you brought.”

Noticing Liu Ziqi’s interest in the motorcycle, Yun Tutu shook her head. “That’s not for sale. Some items are non-negotiable.”

She needed the bike to get back home and wasn’t about to sell it.

“Then I’ll take all the makeup you used on me,” Liu Ziqi said, glancing again at the box. She wondered what other treasures might be inside. But to ensure a long-term relationship, she was willing to compromise. “And in the future, you can bring me more things. Money is no problem.”

Li Momo and the maids watched in alarm. Their mistress was too young and inexperienced. What if this woman tried to swindle her?

Yun Tutu was thrilled on the inside, but she kept her composure. “These items are quite valuable.”

She had been explaining so much without even being offered a cup of tea. Her throat was dry, and if Liu Ziqi didn’t show sincerity, she might as well take the products back and use them herself.

With that thought, Yun Tutu felt more confident. She had never used such high-end skincare and makeup products before, and now that she was earning money, she deserved to treat herself.

“How about ten gold taels per item?” Liu Ziqi offered, her tone casual but causing her maids to nearly have heart attacks. Their young mistress was about to squander a fortune.

Yun Tutu did some quick mental calculations. One tael was ten gold pieces, which weighed about 500 grams. How much was gold per gram again?

Her mind filled with excitement. Was she really about to strike it rich?

“If you keep up the good work, there will be many more opportunities like this,” Song Song said, seizing the moment to encourage her, sensing Yun Tutu’s excitement.

“Isn’t this kind of profit too much?” Yun Tutu wondered aloud, even as her thoughts raced ahead to calculating her potential earnings. The amount was so large that she was having trouble keeping track.

Song Song scoffed. It hadn’t expected Yun Tutu to grasp the essence of business so quickly, on only her second deal.

Liu Ziqi, unaware of Yun Tutu’s internal conflict, misunderstood her hesitation as reluctance to sell.

“Miss Yun, we can still negotiate the price,” Liu Ziqi said.

Yun Tutu quickly responded, “It’s a deal, but the price won’t be lower.”

Dreamy Land[Translator]

Hey everyone! I hope you're enjoying what I'm translating. As an unemployed adult with way too much time on my hands and a borderline unhealthy obsession with novels, I’m here to share one of my all-time favorites. So, sit back, relax, and let's dive into this story together—because I’ve got nothing better to do!

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