I Deliver Takeout Across the Multiverse
I Deliver Takeout Across the Multiverse Chapter 16: Is This Job Reliable?

Yun Zhiyi was so startled that he almost jumped out of bed, barely managing to grab onto the bed rail. “Dad’s really fine, but this money…”

Just a month ago, he was still supporting her financially. How did she suddenly have so much money?

“Dad, don’t worry. I’ve found a job with a good salary. Use this money to buy whatever you need,” Yun Tutu reassured him. She transferred the money to Yun Zhiyi because if she sent it to Ye Juan, she’d never hear the end of it.

“What kind of job pays this much?” Yun Zhiyi was concerned. Could it be that his daughter was being scammed?

Recalling the various pyramid schemes he had encountered in the past, Yun Zhiyi pressed, “Which company are you working for? I’ll ask around and check it out.”

Having spent years traveling and working in different places, Yun Zhiyi had made a few connections.

“It’s a small company,” Yun Tutu glanced at the void, but the screen didn’t appear—there was no work today. “Relax, your daughter won’t do anything illegal.”

Song Song muttered to itself, “… No wonder they’re family, always thinking the worst of others.”

“Just focus on getting better. I’ll come visit you and Mom when I have some time,” Yun Tutu added a few more instructions before hanging up the phone.

After calling her parents, she also made a quick call to her grandparents to check in. Unfortunately, her brother was at tutoring class, so she missed him.

Life was peaceful. With nothing to do, Tutu would ride her scooter around town, buying whatever caught her eye. Every time she went out, she’d fill up her delivery box until her 20-square-meter apartment was almost overflowing, forcing her to reluctantly stop shopping.

“Song Song, are you really letting me close the business for three years, then make up for it in one big payday?” The idle days were harder to bear than job hunting, and Yun Tutu was beginning to consider finding a part-time job.

“Don’t even think about it,” Song Song warned her mentally. “We’re in the express delivery business. If you take on another job, how will you manage both?”

This dangerous idea had to be nipped in the bud. It seemed Song Song needed to work harder to find her some tasks.

“Just be patient. I’m working on getting you some orders,” Song Song said, feeling a bit guilty. It had spent the past few days getting to know the world and had indeed been slacking off.

This couldn’t go on. It needed to gather more energy and find the most urgent needs.

Yun Tutu was only grumbling. She had something important to do today.

A few days ago, she signed up at a driving school. Now that she had some money, she enrolled in a one-on-one VIP course, aiming to pass the first test in the afternoon and get her license within a month and a half.

“If you’re worried about failing,” Song Song’s voice chimed in, “I can provide you with some answers…”

“Stop,” Yun Tutu immediately cut it off. She understood what Song Song meant, but she had never cheated in her life. A simple driving theory test wasn’t going to make her lose her principles. “You don’t get it. We’ve been through countless exams, much harder than this. If I can’t pass something as easy as the theory test, I’d be a laughingstock.”

As for pre-exam nerves, that was just a natural psychological reaction. Maybe only the top students never feared the exam room.

“But let me make it clear—no orders while I’m taking the test,” Yun Tutu warned, worried that an order might come in during her exam, leaving her in a bind.

“Understood,” Song Song replied, trying to sound empathetic. “I know exams are a big deal for you, and I won’t interrupt. By the way, do you need a ride to the exam?”

Based on the information Song Song had gathered, exams were a huge deal here, with some people even getting escorted to them.

Even though it was just a virtual entity, it had grown close to Yun Tutu and wanted to maintain that bond.

“Escort me to the exam?” Yun Tutu chuckled at the thought. It was just the theory test; there was no need for such fanfare. “Next time, make sure you understand the context. Only major exams like the high school or college entrance exams get that kind of attention. There are countless smaller tests, and no one has time for all that.”

“Oh…” Song Song’s voice trailed off. “I’ll look it up again…”

So, it had been slacking off, lost in the internet? Yun Tutu wondered as she watched her laptop, which had been charging on the bedside table, flicker to life again. She sighed, wondering if she was about to lose her job just as she was getting started.

As the screen continued to change webpages, Yun Tutu grew concerned. She had had the laptop for over three years. Was it on its last legs?

Checking the time, she saw that it was almost time for the exam. She hopped on her scooter and headed to the test center.

The biggest perk of the past few days had been her scooter, which had become her constant companion.

No need for gas, cleaning, or maintenance, and it was perfectly safe—everyone’s dream ride.

Naturally, she passed the test on her first try. After scheduling her next driving lesson, Yun Tutu returned to her apartment.

“You’re back.”

The laptop flickered a few times before the screen went black. “Just in time. Let’s go buy a new computer.”

“I thought it would last until the new year…” Yun Tutu’s voice was tinged with sadness. The laptop had been with her for years, and she had grown attached to it.

“I didn’t realize this thing was so weak,” Songsong said, a hint of disdain in its voice. “I cleaned it up, but it’s still so slow. I checked out some new models—they’re pretty good. Let’s go buy one now.”

Hearing Songsong’s urging, Yun Tutu pursed her lips. “You broke my laptop, so how are we going to settle this?”

“I’ll replace it,” Songsong offered, feeling a bit guilty. The laptop wouldn’t have failed so soon if it hadn’t overused it.

“But I get to pick the model,” Yun Tutu insisted. She had already chosen a replacement but hadn’t had the means to buy it.

Now that there was someone willing to foot the bill, she was considering upgrading to an even better one.

The old laptop, forgotten in the corner, seemed to sigh, “What happened to not wanting to let go???”

Songsong replied, “…That won’t do. You don’t know as much about computers as I do, so I should choose something that suits my needs…”

“You could always buy two,” Yun Tutu suggested, suspecting that the mysterious fees she had been charged might have been pocketed by Songsong.

Just then, her phone buzzed with a notification—20,000 yuan had been deposited into her account.

She had set up this alert after noticing the mysterious deductions.

“Hurry up, let’s go check out the goods,” Songsong urged, eager to go shopping.

Dreamy Land[Translator]

Hey everyone! I hope you're enjoying what I'm translating. As an unemployed adult with way too much time on my hands and a borderline unhealthy obsession with novels, I’m here to share one of my all-time favorites. So, sit back, relax, and let's dive into this story together—because I’ve got nothing better to do!

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