I Deliver Takeout Across the Multiverse
I Deliver Takeout Across the Multiverse Chapter 24: Another One Bringing a Map

Ying Zheng was seated, calmly going through a bamboo scroll. When he heard the angry shouts from his guards, he slowly put down the document in his hands, unperturbed.

Zhao Gao, who was standing nearby, looked on in surprise at the strange figure surrounded by the guards. Nowadays, assassins came in all sorts of forms, but this one didn’t even dare show their face.

Did they really think that by hiding behind such a heavy disguise, they would be invincible?

“Your Majesty, allow me to investigate,” Zhao Gao said, understanding the silent command in Ying Zheng’s eyes.

“I wish to see the First Emperor!” Yun Tutu shouted, unable to see her surroundings clearly, but trusting that Song Song had brought her close to where Ying Zheng was.

“How dare you!” came a sharp voice as the guards parted to let Zhao Gao approach. He examined the peculiar figure more closely. “Who sent you this time?”

Many had tried to assassinate the king, and it seemed this one had some skill to have made it this far.

“Are you Zhao Gao?” Yun Tutu asked in astonishment, recognizing him immediately. He stood out, lacking the masculine aura of the other guards.

Oh my, she thought, amazed at seeing a living eunuch right before her eyes.

Zhao Gao was the first person in Qin Shi Huang’s inner circle, so much so that even Li Si addressed him respectfully as “Minister Zhao.” For this random person to call him by name—unforgivable.

A murderous intent flashed across Zhao Gao’s eyes. “What is that hideous thing on your head? Are you so ugly that you dare not show your face?”

Surrounded by so many guards, Zhao Gao felt confident.

Yun Tutu noticed Ying Zheng behind Zhao Gao, quietly reading a bamboo scroll. Her throat went dry with nerves, but she managed to call out, “First Emperor, I’m here to deliver a map!”

Ying Zheng looked up, intrigued by her strange attire. “First Emperor? That’s an interesting title.”

Zhao Gao, however, sneered, “Another one bringing a map? Don’t you know what happened to Jing Ke?”

Who was this fool? The fate of Jing Ke, who had tried to assassinate the king, was well known. Yet here was someone else trying the same trick.

“It’s different this time! First Emperor, I’m from a thousand years in the future, sent by a ‘I Want to Give Up’ forum user to bring you a world map.”

“Utter nonsense!” Zhao Gao gestured for the guards to seize her, but when they failed to move, he demanded, “What’s the matter with you? Don’t disturb His Majesty’s work.”

“My lord, we can’t touch her,” one of the guards replied, full of shame and dread. They had no idea if they would survive the day.

“Ridiculous!” Zhao Gao scoffed, grabbing a bronze sword from a guard. But when he tried to strike, he was repelled, stumbling back several steps.

By now, Ying Zheng had walked over, curiously observing Yun Tutu. “What do you mean by this?”

Yun Tutu felt a wave of pressure as he approached. Her legs wobbled, and she gripped the handlebars of her bike tightly. “First Emperor, I’m telling the truth. I really am from the future…”

“Enough with the nonsense! What kind of demon are you that we cannot touch you?” Zhao Gao attempted again, only to be repelled by an invisible force. “Your Majesty, should I summon more guards?”

Ying Zheng waved him off, intrigued by Yun Tutu’s presence. “Why can’t they touch you?”

“You can’t harm me. This is my own protective barrier,” Yun Tutu explained, realizing that Qin Shi Huang was more interested in her shield than anything else.

She got off the bike, and the guards watched her closely, ready to react at any moment. Now that she knew they couldn’t harm her, Yun Tutu moved more freely.

This legendary ancestor really was as imposing as history described, standing nearly two meters tall. He looked younger and more handsome than the historical depictions, and despite his youth, he exuded an undeniable authority. (She’s in fangirl mode…)

Seeing a living emperor for the first time, and the ancestor of her people no less, Yun Tutu’s mind was racing.

She took off her backpack, which had been digging into her shoulders for what felt like an eternity. It had been a long time since she carried such a heavy load.

Even Zhao Gao was on high alert, watching her every move, wary that she might pull out a weapon like Jing Ke.

“First Emperor, I’m really here to bring you a map,” she repeated.

“First Emperor?” Ying Zheng scrutinized the strange figure. “Is that how you address me?”

Yun Tutu froze, realizing she might have made a mistake. “Song Song, what year is it?”

If the King of Qin didn’t know he was called the First Emperor, then hadn’t he unified the states yet?

“227 B.C.,” Song Song replied with a hint of mischief. “According to history, Qin Shi Huang just survived Jing Ke’s assassination attempt. The previous person who offered a map was killed, and he hasn’t even been buried yet. You’ve come at a rather unlucky time.”

Yun Tutu was instantly filled with dread. “You really know how to pick the timing.”

Song Song replied, “I didn’t plan it this way. It’s just a coincidence. But you should be grateful; otherwise, you wouldn’t even have a chance to speak.”

“…” Yun Tutu felt like screaming, “Thanks a lot.”

Realizing the situation she was in, Yun Tutu hesitated, but then decided to accept her fate. There was no turning back now.

She forced a smile and pulled out the small globe she had bought earlier. It was just a cheap ten-yuan item, but it was something visual that could help explain her intentions.

“This is a globe, Your Majesty. It’s a model of the Earth.” She handed it to the guard, being careful to avoid Zhao Gao, whose future actions made her distrustful. “Please take good care of it. It’s the only one I have.”

The guard, unsure of what to do, hesitantly handed the globe to Ying Zheng. “What is this?” he asked as he examined the small object, intrigued by its intricate design.

“It’s a world map, but in a miniaturized form, so it might be hard to read. I have a larger version as well.”

Yun Tutu opened the storage box on her bike and pulled out the rolled-up world map. She handed it to the same guard, who looked both terrified and perplexed. Why was this strange person always giving things to him?

Seeing the guard’s reluctance, Yun Tutu quickly added, “Look, there’s nothing hidden in it. It won’t hurt the king.”

Dreamy Land[Translator]

Hey everyone! I hope you're enjoying what I'm translating. As an unemployed adult with way too much time on my hands and a borderline unhealthy obsession with novels, I’m here to share one of my all-time favorites. So, sit back, relax, and let's dive into this story together—because I’ve got nothing better to do!

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