I’m Just a Passerby in a Time-Travel Rebirth Novel
I’m Just a Passerby in a Time-Travel Rebirth Novel | Chapter 1 

Rumbles of thunder and lightning briefly illuminated the deep mountains and forests. 

Tang Momo woke up from the cold, or rather from the rain. When she moved, pain spread all over her body. She tried to stand up with her arms on the ground, but unfortunately, she failed. 

Because of the heavy rain, a lot of water had accumulated in the trap. Judging from the accumulated water, she should have been unconscious for a while. 

Just as she was desperately searching for her phone to call for help, she vaguely heard someone calling in the distance. 

“Girl from the Tang family, if you hear me, respond! 

Jia Daguo, the production team leader of Qingshui Brigade, shouted from the top of the mountain with the only flashlight from the commune. 

Unfortunately, the rain was so heavy that his voice was quickly drowned out. 

“This won’t work. Captain, if we keep going and encounter danger, won’t we be risking our lives too?” 

One of the men wiped some water from his face and expressed his reluctance to continue. 

Jia Daguo hesitated. If they kept going, they might end up in danger without saving anyone. But if they stopped, even if the girl from the Tang family was still alive. In this weather, they didn’t know if she’d survive until tomorrow. 

“You guys should go back first. I’ll check the mountain myself,” the speaker, dressed in a military uniform, said in a firm, unquestionable tone. 

“The mindset of the soldiers is different from ours,” the man who had spoken earlier said awkwardly. 

“No way, it’s too dangerous.” Jia Daguo refused without hesitation. The rain was too heavy, and sending Gu Chengze alone to rescue someone was too risky, especially since they didn’t even know the girl’s condition. 

The person who just spoke earlier was Liu Mingliang. When he heard Jia Daguo’s words, he couldn’t help but whisper, “But wouldn’t it be just as dangerous if we went with him?” 

It wasn’t that he was cold-hearted and unwilling to help, but he had to weigh the risks. He didn’t want to endanger himself. 

“There is strength in numbers. If anything happens, we can go down the mountain and call for help in time.” Jia Daguo glared at Liu Mingliang as he spoke. 

The three of them kept moving forward, shouting Tang Momo’s name as they walked, but the heavy rain made it hard to hear. 

Tang Momo heard the distant calls, sometimes close and sometimes far. She tried to respond, but her voice was swallowed by the sound of the rain. 

At this time, she was shivering from the cold, and the clothes on her body were all wet. She sniffed and thought pessimistically, is she going to die here tonight? 

Gu Chengze looked at the rain and then at the surrounding terrain. “Captain, I’m afraid this won’t work. Let’s look separately and search in different directions. Whether we find her or not, we’ll meet back here in half an hour.” 

The more time they wasted, the greater the danger for Tang Momo. 

“But there’s only one flashlight. How can we go separately?” Liu Mingliang couldn’t help but voice his worries. 

“I overlooked that. You go with the captain, and I’ll search alone.” Having undergone night drills in the army, Gu Chengze had forgotten that ordinary people struggled to move at night. 

“Then be careful.” Jia Daguo warned with some worry. 

Tang Momo’s consciousness was beginning to fade. She never expected that she would meet her end here. If she could do it over again, she would never have agreed to come sketching with her roommate in such a remote place. 

At that moment, a flash of lightning struck. In her fading consciousness, Tang Momo seemed to see someone approaching her, dressed in military uniform. 

Oh, they even sent soldiers to find her? She would definitely brag about this later. That was her last thought before losing consciousness. 

Fortunately, the lightning just now allowed Gu Chengze to discover the trap in front of him and also the person trapped inside.  

That quick glimpse told Gu Chengze that Tang Momo’s condition was critical. Without hesitation, he jumped into the trap. The water inside had already accumulated significantly, and Tang Momo was completely soaked. Without wasting any more time, Gu Chengze took out the wooden whistle he had prepared before heading up the mountain and blew it. 

Jia Daguo and Liu Mingliang, hearing the whistle, quickly rushed over. When they saw Gu Chengze holding Tang Momo, they breathed a sigh of relief. Luckily, they had found her in time. 

Tang Momo felt as if she was in a world of ice and fire, sometimes hot and sometimes cold. She wanted to wake up, but her eyelids were so heavy. She thought maybe this was the aftereffect of being rescued? 

“Doctor Lin, how is my Momo doing now?” 

” She’s likely feeling quite miserable from the fever, but once it breaks, she should be fine. ” Doctor Lin was the only doctor at the brigade’s health clinic. 

“When will her fever go down?” Looking at Tang Momo, who looked uncomfortable on the bed, Zhang Xiaoli’s face was filled with worry. It had been two days since Tang Momo was rescued. She had been suffering from recurring fevers. She had been feeling groggy and had not woken up yet. 

“It’s hard to say. In the meantime, make sure to watch over her closely. If it doesn’t improve, take her to the city hospital.” The clinic had limited resources, and Doctor Lin had done all he could. The rest was up to fate. 

“Mother, should we take big sister to the city hospital?” Ten-year-old Tang Jianan suggested as he looked at his sister on the bed. 

Zhang Xiaoli felt a pang in her heart as she looked at her son’s hopeful eyes. She, too, wanted to take Momo to the city, but they couldn’t afford the medical expenses. 

Although Tang Momo was unconscious, she still had some awareness. She frowned and felt that it was too noisy. Why did these people keep nagging around her hospital bed? 

It seemed that she had been lying down for a long time. Why hadn’t anyone come to see her? Tang Momo was filled with doubts and then slowly opened her eyes. 

“Mother, big brother, look, big sister is awake.” Tang Yangyang, the little one next to her, cheered excitedly as he pointed at Tang Momo. 

Tang Momo was still a little confused. Several unfamiliar faces suddenly gathered around her bed, and they all looked at her with worried expressions. 

Tang Momo couldn’t help but reach out and rubbed her temples. The last thing she remembered was seeing a soldier coming to her rescue. So, had they not contacted her family yet? 


As soon as Tang Momo opened her mouth, she realized that her voice was hoarse. Soon, Tang Jianan handed over a glass of water. “Sister, drink some water first to moisten your throat.” 

Looking at the enamel cup in front of her, Tang Momo hesitated. Only then did she notice the strangeness she had been feeling and what she had ignored. 

The decoration of the house was dilapidated, and the people in front of her were dressed in such plain clothes that calling it simplicity was an understatement. They also had some small patches on their clothes, probably because of their good skills. You couldn’t tell without looking carefully. 

“Momo, what’s wrong?” 

Zhang Xiaoli said and put her hand on her forehead. Tang Momo subconsciously shifted aside. For a moment, the situation was a little awkward. 

“Could big sister have burned herself silly?” Tang Yangyang’s voice trembled with the hint of tears, remembering how a widow’s son in the village had become mentally impaired from a fever. 

“Don’t say such things!” Zhang Xiaoli scolded harshly. 

Despite everything, Tang Momo finally understood her situation—she had transmigrated. 

Tang Momo lowered her eyelids and tried to hide the turbulent waves in her eyes. She had just lost her way and actually traveled through time. 

“Jianping, go see Doctor Lin and tell him that your eldest sister is awake and ask him to come over and take a look.” Zhang Xiaoli’s tone was a little anxious. 

Tang Momo had been feverish for two days—what if something was seriously wrong? 

“No need, I’m fine.” Tang Momo quickly raised her hand to stop them. 

Seeing that they all looked over, Tang Momo cleared her throat and said softly, “I’m a little dizzy; I just want to lie down.” 

“As long as it’s okay, just watch your sister here and I’ll cook something for her.” 

Seeing that she spoke clearly, Zhang Xiaoli finally felt relieved. 

As soon as Zhang Xiaoli left, the three little ones gathered around Tang Momo. Being stared at by three pairs of eyes, Tang Momo felt uncomfortable all over. She glanced at the half-grown boy next to her and said in a gentle tone, “I’m covered in sweat. I want to change my clothes.” 

Tang Jianan nodded quickly. “Sister, I’ll go back and get it for you.” 

Tang Jianan was successfully sent away, leaving only the two little ones. Tang Momo began talking to them. Fortunately, the little ones weren’t wary of her and shared everything they knew. 

From the mouths of the two little ones, she learned that the year she was living in was 1975, and their family lived in Qingshui Brigade. 

Their father had passed away two years ago, leaving Zhang Xiaoli to raise four children alone. To help support the family, Tang Momo had gone to the mountain to collect mushrooms and wild vegetables, only to be caught in the rainstorm. 

That night, the rain became heavier and heavier, and Zhang Xiaoli had no choice but to ask the captain for help. 

“You said the person who saved me is named Gu Chengze?” 

After Tang Momo said it, she felt that the name sounded familiar. 

When Gu Chengze was mentioned, the two little ones became obviously excited. Tang Jianping held his little fist, “Sister, I also want to serve as a soldier and be a hero like Brother Chengze.” 

“I heard from the aunts that Brother Chengze is back to find a match. It’d be great if you could be with him, big sister,” Tang Yangyang said with a hint of hope 

“Yangyang, don’t say things like that!” Tang Jianan, who had just returned with the clothes, scolded his little sister, then glanced cautiously at Tang Momo. 

Their eldest sister was of marriageable age, but because of their family situation, the suitors had been less than ideal. Because of this, his eldest sister cried sadly in the room before. 

Tang Momo, lost in thought, didn’t notice Jianan’s reaction. She suddenly remembered something. She stood up abruptly and grabbed Tang Yangyang’s little hand. Her tone was full of anxiety. “Then is there a young girl named Xu Xiaoyun in our brigade?” 

“Sister, are you talking about Sister Xiaoyun from Uncle Xu’s house in the village?” 

Tang Yangyang looked at Tang Momo with some confusion. 

Tang Momo lay back down in despair. The male and female protagonists, location, and year all matched up. It seemed that she had really stepped into the book she read a few days ago. 

Because Tang Momo felt uncomfortable with the story, she didn’t read much of the book, but she was sure that this family did not exist in it. It seemed that their family was just a passerby in this story. 

Just when Tang Momo was still digesting the fact that she had transmigrated as a passerby in this book, Zhang Xiaoli’s voice came from outside, “Xiao Gu, thank you so much for saving my Momo this time.” 

“Auntie, you are too polite. This is what I should do.” 

Tang Momo was stunned for a moment and then quickly realized who the person outside was. Thinking of the plot in the book, she couldn’t help but scoff inwardly, Such a waste of a good voice. 

Outside, Gu Chengze paused in his steps. Who was talking? 


🎀I'm just a girl🎀 🧸I'm just a girl in the world🧸

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