Chatty Lady
Chatty Lady | Chapter 35

Lumi returned to her room and lay on the bed, pondering why Wumeng and Tu Ming had left one after the other. Did Wumeng confess to Tu Ming?

Seeing how dull Tu Ming was, yet so many girls were interested in him, she snorted.

She wrapped herself in the blanket, ready to take a nap. Then Tang Wuyi’s message came in.

“I just saw Will and Erin on the small path from a distance. I hid behind a rock. After a while, the two of them turned into the small path.”


“Don’t worry, I’ll tell you. They turned into the small path, and I followed them. I saw Erin timidly say: ‘Will~I~'”

“I didn’t let her finish. A girl blushing and speaking, I’m too familiar with that scene. I casually threw a small stone and hit Will’s leg, then I ran away.”

“Friend, I can only help you to this extent. Someone else got there first. I think Will and Erin are not ordinary.”

Tang Wuyi sent one voice message after another, recounting what had just happened, and Lumi was amused to death by him. After laughing, she said: “Don’t do that next time. Erin likes Will very sincerely. They are good together. They look serious and slow to warm up.”

“What about you?”

“Me? There are plenty of men who like me. Don’t bother with him, it’s not worth it.”

“Alright then. I won’t bother Erin anymore. Today, I ruined her good thing. I’ll treat her to a drink tonight.”

They joked and laughed it off.

During the evening gathering, Tang Wuyi actually took the initiative to speak to Wumeng: “Erin, would you like to have a drink with me tomorrow night?”

Everyone was busy with the dishes and chopsticks in front of them, but when they heard this, they quieted down, curiously looking at Tang Wuyi and then at Lumi. They thought these two might have had a falling out, otherwise why would Tang Wuyi ask Wumeng out?

Lumi, on the other hand, smiled and asked Tang Wuyi: “Can I come too?”

“Of course you can.”

No one could figure out what Tang Wuyi was up to, nor could they figure out Lumi’s mindset, so they continued eating and chatting. But Tang Wuyi was not discouraged and asked Wumeng again: “Are you going, Erin? I know a restaurant that’s really good.”

“Sure, but I don’t think it’s right for you to treat. Let’s go Dutch?” Tang Wuyi asked twice, and Wumeng couldn’t refuse anymore, so she suggested going Dutch.

“No, there’s no such rule. I’ll treat you, and you can treat me to a more expensive meal later.” Tang Wuyi said with a cheeky grin.

“No matter who’s treating, count me in. I’ll just contribute my appetite.” Lumi chimed in from the side.

Tu Ming glanced at Tang Wuyi. During the day, he had been hit by a stone on his leg, and when he turned around, he saw Tang Wuyi running away. Tu Ming didn’t know why Tang Wuyi threw the stone at him, but he guessed it might be because of Lumi. He always felt that these two, together, should have said everything. Lumi wasn’t the type to hide her thoughts from her good friends.

“Count me in too. I’ll just contribute my appetite.” Tu Ming suddenly said, feeling it was only fair to eat a meal from Tang Wuyi after being hit by a stone for no reason.

Tang Wuyi chuckled but didn’t respond. He was still a bit angry with Tu Ming at the moment. He always felt that his good friend had been bullied by Tu Ming, and he couldn’t stand it.

Lumi felt a chill in her stomach and seriously drank a bowl of hot soup. As she lowered her head, her hair fell forward, almost dipping into the soup bowl. Tang Wuyi casually tucked her hair behind her ear, very naturally.

“What are you doing? Keep your hands off my shoulders. Are you turning into a pervert?” Lumi sent a message to Tang Wuyi.

“Just consider me a pervert.” Tang Wuyi sent a string of “hahaha” in response.

“…..” Lumi glared at Tang Wuyi and then continued to drink her soup.

Before soaking in the hot spring that night, Lumi went to wash her body. When she came out wrapped in a bath towel, she saw Wumeng sitting there without moving, so she asked her: “Aren’t you soaking? The private bath is very spacious for the two of us.”

Wumeng shook her head: “I’m not going in.”

“Are you uncomfortable? There’s nothing to it. How about this, I’ll get in the water first and close my eyes, then you can come in!”

Wumeng still shook her head: “My aunt is here, it’s not very convenient.”

“Oh, I see. That’s fine.”

Lumi walked outside and got into the water. The spring water was warm, enveloping her body, like entering a dream palace. Outside, a few small lights were lit, making it extremely pleasant.

Someone was talking behind the bamboo curtain, and Lumi listened. It was Tang Wuyi’s voice. She called out to him: “Tang Wuyi, not chatting?”

“Oh, you’re in the water?” Tang Wuyi responded: “Talking through the curtain isn’t interesting. It’s only interesting if you lift the curtain.”

“Then you can get lost.”

Lumi sat in the pool. After a while, a layer of fine sweat appeared on her body, on her forehead and the tip of her nose as well. She closed her eyes and listened to the conversation next door, gradually feeling sleepy.

She felt a bit unsteady and a sudden dizziness came over her, so she called out to Wumeng: “Erin, can you help me? Pass me a piece of candy or help me out.”

“Okay.” Wumeng responded and quickly ran out.

“What’s wrong with you?” Tang Wuyi seemed a bit anxious from the side: “I think you might have low blood sugar. I’ll go check on you!”

“That’s not appropriate.” Suddenly, a familiar voice stopped Tang Wuyi: “Wumeng is handling it, you should avoid suspicion.” Tu Ming was also soaking in the hot spring, but he hadn’t spoken until now.

“I’m concerned about my colleague’s safety.” Tang Wuyi said.

“Wumeng is already handling it. If there’s a problem, she’ll ask for help.” Tu Ming’s voice was serious: “Stay calm.” After speaking, he listened carefully to the movements next door. When he heard Wumeng helping Lumi back to the room, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Lumi vaguely heard Tu Ming and Tang Wuyi’s words, but she was too lazy to speak. Wumeng pulled her out of the water, wrapped her in a bathrobe, and brought her back to the room. Then she quickly put a piece of chocolate in her mouth.

Lumi lay there with her eyes closed, feeling that it was such a pity to have low blood sugar in such a good private bath. She was unusually dejected.

“Are you feeling better?” Tang Wuyi asked loudly from a distance, and Lumi could even imagine him stretching his neck.

“She’s resting, don’t worry.” Wumeng stood at the door and told them: “I’ll report anytime.”

“Thank you for your trouble. There will be enough wine for dinner tomorrow.” Tang Wuyi thanked Wumeng as if Lumi were his person. After speaking, he noticed Tu Ming’s gaze shift from him to the distant mountains, thinking to himself, let’s see how much you can hide, you taciturn gourd.

His eyes fell on Tu Ming’s shoulders in the water, and he noticed the powerful lines of his arms resting on the stone edge. He silently praised Lumi for not being blind. This man actually had quite a bit of charm, just usually hidden by his conservative attire. Tang Wuyi wanted to see more, and his eyes moved downward, but he couldn’t see clearly.

His gaze was fixed on Tu Ming, paying attention to his every move, wanting to inspect him visually on behalf of Lumi. But Tu Ming sat there motionless, looking into the distance, lost in thought. After a while, Tu Ming turned completely around, and the water rippled slightly. Tang Wuyi’s eyes immediately followed, but he saw nothing. Tu Ming was too cautious and conservative. He hadn’t wanted to get in the water, but Jack had invited him several times, and he didn’t want to seem unsociable. Tang Wuyi’s gaze was quite strange, as if he were sketching him.

Tu Ming wiped his hands and picked up his phone to ask Lumi: “Feeling better?”

Lumi glanced at the message and tossed her phone aside without replying. She was feeling better now, and the desire to soak in the hot spring stirred again. Just as she sat up, another message from Tu Ming came in: “You had low blood sugar today, it’s best not to get in the water again.”

“I’ll have the hotel send a bowl of sweet soup later.”

“Rest well.”

He really does meddle in everything.

Lumi lay back down and glanced at Wumeng, who was reading a book leaning against the headboard. The first time Lumi saw Wumeng at the venue, she didn’t realize she was a quiet person. She appeared capable and took the initiative to speak to her, revealing Tu Ming’s divorce news to her. Lumi was good at reading people, and she interacted with others according to her nature.

Wumeng, who came to Ling Mei, was completely different from the one at the venue. Her capability disappeared, replaced by gentleness. She wore linen shirts and pearl earrings, speaking softly and gently.


“Hmm?” Wumeng put down her book and looked at Lumi.

“Thank you for earlier. Tomorrow, when you eat with Tang Wuyi, save some for yourself, eat more, order something expensive.”

“Really? Can you decide for him?”

“Yes, I can.”

“Are you two dating? Everyone’s been talking about it in private.”

Lumi chuckled: “Who is everyone referring to?”

“Just… some people.”

“Oh, I see!” Lumi nodded: “Everyone really has too much free time at work, actually paying attention to their colleagues’ private lives.”

Wumeng realized she had said too much and pursed her lips, leaning back against the headboard.

“Everyone also says you’re Will’s person. Are you?” Lumi suddenly asked her: “You know the circle is very small. On the second day you arrived, everyone knew you used to be Will’s subordinate, right? Are you?”

“I’m not. Really. Will is a very fair person. I told you, he just helped me submit my resume.”

“There were so many employees at your previous company, why didn’t he help others submit their resumes?”

“Because we actually worked on many projects together over the years, he has a basic trust in me.”

“Then you’re still his person.”

Lumi said this, staring intently at Wumeng, who seemed to be considering how to answer Lumi.

Lumi stopped teasing her and laughed: “Erin, I was just reenacting the scene of workplace rumors flying around, but the parties involved are at a loss for words. Many of the things people say have their own agendas. When it comes to you, you need to filter the information. Or you can choose to ignore everything and believe nothing. This is probably the most useful ‘Ling Mei Rule’ I can teach you as your mentor.”

After saying that, Lumi yawned and pulled the blanket over herself, falling asleep.

The next morning, when she opened her eyes, she saw a message from Tang Wuyi: “The master is too stingy. Last night, I watched for a long time, but he didn’t let me see anything.”

“See what?”

“The bird.”

“Why are you looking at his bird? Are you sick?…

“I was inspecting it for you.”

“Oh.” Lumi responded with an “oh,” and another message came in: “No need, I’ve already inspected it.”

Tang Wuyi sent several exclamation marks: You’ve inspected it? When? Is it good?

Lumi replied: “Unsuccessful.”


When they gathered, Tang Wuyi stood next to Lumi and said to her: “You don’t know how guarded the master is!” He gestured at Tu Ming, who had turned around: “See that? Like this, he doesn’t let anyone see. They’re both men, what’s there to hide?”

Lumi was amused by him and burst into laughter. When Tu Ming glanced over, she turned around, giving him her back.

That night, Tang Wuyi treated everyone to dinner, but Tu Ming didn’t go.

During the meal, Tang Wuyi said: “Will was so serious yesterday, who would have thought he was joking.”

“Will is like that sometimes. Sometimes he jokes, and people can’t tell. It’s only after the fact that they realize.” Wumeng defended Tu Ming.

Wumeng was used to defending Tu Ming, regardless of the occasion, and she didn’t avoid it.

When Wumeng went to the restroom, Tang Wuyi said to Lumi: “Pay attention, look at her attitude. How could Will not be gentle with her?”

“I’m not interested. Hokkaido is so beautiful, and you’re here flattering me alone. Have you no heart?”

Tang Wuyi thought for a moment and suddenly became serious: “It’s not flattery, it’s sincerity. Why is Will gentle with Erin? Because Erin is sincere with him. No man can resist the temptation of ‘sincerity.'”

Lumi didn’t discuss the issue of “sincerity” with Tang Wuyi. She had a lot of thoughts in her mind: Am I not sincere? I even reached into his pants! Would anyone else get that treatment?

Tang Wuyi seemed to guess her thoughts and added: “Right now, you seem very sincere in wanting to sleep with him, but you’re not sincere in wanting to date him.”

Wumeng returned, and Tang Wuyi stopped talking.

The three of them sat there and drank a little bit of alcohol. Lumi couldn’t drink much and took the initiative to switch to a soft drink, also changing Wumeng’s drink to a soft drink.

After a while, Wumeng looked at her phone: “Will said he’ll come over later.”

“Why is he coming?”

“He said everyone else is at the hotel, and he’s not comfortable with us drinking alone.”

Lumi pointed at Wumeng’s drink: “Send him a picture.”

“I did, but he doesn’t believe it.”

“You two have been chatting the whole time?” Tang Wuyi teased Wumeng.

“No, I just took a work call and then reported the project progress to Will, so we chatted a bit along the way.”

“I really need to pee, I’ll go back to the hotel to pee.” Lumi really didn’t want to see Tu Ming and found an excuse to slip away.

Wumeng pointed to the restroom, indicating that there was one here.

“She’s weird, she can’t pee outside.” Tang Wuyi winked at Wumeng: “Let her go.”


Lumi left the restaurant and wandered the streets alone. It had been snowing all day, and there was a thick layer on the ground. Lumi played with the snow, walking in circles on the ground. With another step, she saw a pair of shoes in front of her. She looked up and saw Tu Ming.

Lumi glared at him and turned to leave, but Tu Ming followed behind her. She jogged, and he followed with large strides. She got tired, and he slowed down, maintaining a distance that was neither too close nor too far.

If I go back to the hotel, you should avoid me, right! Lumi turned back towards the hotel, but as she passed Tu Ming, he grabbed her arm.

“Are you being a hooligan? I’ll scream!” Lumi tried to shake him off, but she couldn’t. Tu Ming was strong, and she was panting from exhaustion. Finally, she stood still.

“What do you want? Didn’t you say enough that day?” Lumi turned her face away, not looking at him, like a child who had been wronged.

She had been like this since she was young. She didn’t have many friends, but those who liked her really liked her; those who disliked her really disliked her. Most people said she had no heart, that she was difficult to get along with from the inside out and was extremely bad. She didn’t care.

But she did mind Tu Ming’s repeated rejections of her, followed by his approaching her for no apparent reason, as if she were a big fool who couldn’t let him go.

“I thought about it, and I really didn’t make myself clear.” Tu Ming brushed the snow off her shoulders.

“Then say it, make yourself clear once and for all. I’m all ears.” Lumi dodged his hand.

“Alright. I’ll be more direct now.” Tu Ming stopped and looked at Lumi. She pouted, looking pitiful.

“I’ll be direct. What I wanted to express that day was: I hope we can take it slow.”

After saying this, Tu Ming unexpectedly felt a sense of relief.

He smiled.

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