A Relaxed and Fluffy Atelier Life in Another World: Mei and the Fluffy Miniature Garden
A Relaxed and Fluffy Atelier Life in Another World: Mei and the Fluffy Miniature Garden Chapter 11- The Visitor Outside the Gate

And then, at that moment, a faint squeaking sound was heard from outside the gate.

Looking through Koko’s body, there was something that looked like a bundle of gray rags. Beside it was a gray rag that was making a faint whining sound.

“…An animal?”

On closer inspection, the faintly whining creature seemed to be a puppy. Moreover, its fur was patchy and matted, giving it a scruffy appearance.

“Could it be a puppy!?”

The puppy was sticking closely to the large gray bundle, making its sounds. It seemed to be sneezing occasionally, as if its nose was blocked.

“Are they a parent and child…”

Both of them looked emaciated and scruffy… And the parent wasn’t moving at all. Could it be… that it’s already dead?

As I took a step forward to help, Koko let out a “Koko” and nudged my foot.

“…Does this mean I shouldn’t help them?”

Every time I tried to pass under the arch, Koko nudged my foot, trying to keep me from going ahead.

But if I leave them here, those poor creatures might die.

“Hey, Koko. Shouldn’t we help them? At least give them some food?”

I thought that perhaps the mother dog came here because she knew there was plenty of food in this garden.


“Mei~. What are you doing?”

I heard a relaxed voice from behind—Ermine’s.

Huh? Have you already finished your bath?

What happened to the towel?

When I asked, Ermine shivered and shook off the water.

“See? It’s all right now.”

Come to think of it, animal fur has high water-repellent properties.

Especially Ermine’s fur seems to shed moisture very well.

“That’s good to hear. By the way, Ermine, is there no way to save them?”

Ermine looked in the direction I pointed and crossed their arms thoughtfully.

“That’s a pair of wolf-dogs. They usually live in packs, so either this pair got separated from their pack, or they were attacked by other animals and fled here. …Do you want to help them, Mei?”


After all, they’re so scruffy and emaciated. It’s only natural to want to help an animal in such a state when you see it in front of you.

“But unfortunately, it seems the parent is already beyond help.”

“Is that so?”

“Yes. They probably just managed to get here.”

“I see…”

Did the mother dog come here knowing she didn’t have much longer, seeking the food she hoped was in this enclosed garden?

“Just that this place is protected by magical powers, so maybe she couldn’t get in.”

For some reason, since coming to this world, I have no memories of my family. It’s probably because, as the witch who traverses realms wrote in her letter, memories that evoke strong emotions have been erased.

But I still remember the warmth of family.

So, even if it’s just the child that the mother dog risked her life to protect, I want to do my best to help.

“It would be good to throw a golden fruit from here.”

Koko opposed Ermine’s suggestion. Koko gave a short “Kokekokeko” and appealed to Ermine.

“But since this is Mei’s garden now, I think Mei should decide who to give the golden fruit to.”


“That’s true… So, I think Koko should train them.”


“Yes, that’s right. Koko can train them.”


“I’m not sure, but even if they can’t be saved, they might at least become a watchdog.”

…It’s a mystery how, but it seems Ermine and Koko can communicate. Next time, when I want to talk with Koko, I’ll ask Ermine for translation.

“Mei~. Try throwing a golden fruit from here. Just one for now.”

“Got it.”

I took a golden fruit from my bracelet and threw it toward the whimpering puppy.

The golden fruit, tracing a parabola, fell to the ground. The impact slightly squashed the fruit, releasing a sweet aroma.

The puppy sniffed and approached the golden fruit, licking it with its tongue.

Then, wagging its tail, it picked up the fruit and carried it to the mother dog’s mouth.

“Kyuuuu. Kyuuuun.”

With a plaintive voice, it called out to the mother dog.

But the mother dog, exhausted and lifeless, did not move.

“Kyuuuu. Kyuuuu.”

Still, the puppy remained by the mother dog’s side, whining.

I found myself moving under the flower arch, crouching there, and taking out another golden fruit from my bracelet.

“Here. Come here. I’ll give you this.”

After calling out repeatedly, the puppy gradually came closer.

I extended my hand and placed the golden fruit outside the arch.

The puppy, moving surprisingly fast despite its weakness, grabbed the golden fruit and went back to the mother dog to eat.

“Mei. Take out another golden fruit and let it eat from your hand.”

Following Ermine’s suggestion, I took out another golden fruit.

As I held it out in my palm, the cautious puppy approached.

It sniffed the fruit and then took it from my hand.

It ate! That’s great!


Just a guy translating stuff.

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