The Beautiful Omega Tears Up the Drama Script
The Beautiful Omega Tears Up the Drama Script Chapter 1

“They actually let such a weakling into S District? Aren’t they worried about ruining their reputation? With that fragile body, you’d better scurry back and be a pampered little bird. Don’t embarrass yourself here.”

“Exactly. I haven’t even done anything yet, and this Omega’s already so scared they can’t even open their eyes. Such courage,” the man sneered, stretching his muscles with contempt.

“Jin Mu, take it easy. Don’t scare the poor thing so bad they wet themselves,” another man said, feigning concern, his disgust clearly written on his face.

The man called Jin Mu let out a laugh, “As long as they don’t wet themselves on me.”

The next moment, his face turned cold, his palm clenched into a fist, and without warning, he swung it straight toward the Omega’s face!

The fist sliced through the air with a sharp wind, so fierce it made people’s cheeks sting.

At the same time, Li Po’s eyelids fluttered, and he suddenly opened his eyes. Right in front of him was the approaching iron fist. His pupils shrank instantly. He had no time to think—he instinctively tilted his head, barely dodging the lethal blow!


The fist slammed into the wall beside his ear with a dull thud.

A fist-sized dent appeared just centimeters from his head. The edges of the crater spread out in a spiderweb pattern, and bits of the wall, mixed with dust, crumbled down to the ground.

Li Po turned his head to look and was instantly wide-eyed in shock.

Holy crap, is this something a human can do?!

He stared at the man in front of him in disbelief.

The man was unfamiliar, towering in height, with bronzed skin and bulging muscles. When he flexed, his muscles swelled into exaggerated arcs, leaving no doubt that he could punch three grown men flying with a single blow.

…There’s no way I can win against that.

Suddenly, a wave of dizziness hit Li Po, and his mind went blank. When he regained clarity, a flood of memories appeared in his head.

In the memories, he was timid, fragile, innocent, and harmless, well-protected by his foster father—a pampered Omega raised in a honey pot. In recent years, things had become unstable in the human base, and to ensure his safety, his foster father had pulled some strings to get him into S District. Because of this, the sheltered Omega was suddenly exposed to blatant malice and covetousness, nearly overwhelming him. He was on the verge of collapse.

And today’s bullying was the final straw that broke him.

…Such a pitiful little flower.

As the memories rushed by, Li Po finally understood his current situation. It turns out he had transmigrated into an ABO world, becoming a weak and easily bullied Omega.

Mulling over the words “weak and easily bullied” which had nothing to do with him, Li Po fell into silence.

On the other side, Jin Mu was also frozen in place.

He had only intended to scare this ignorant Omega, make him suffer a bit, but he never meant to seriously hurt him. The Omega was so terrified of him that he was shaking, barely able to stand, so Jin Mu never expected him to dodge.

Even more unexpected, he actually dodged!

As a top-tier Alpha who had been through countless battles, Jin Mu felt a strange, deep feeling welling up inside. He lowered his head viciously, about to spit out a few harsh words, but then he met a pair of light tea-colored eyes.

The Omega had a pair of particularly attractive fox-like eyes, round and slightly upturned at the corners, very alluring. Under the bright sunlight, the golden flecks in his tea-colored pupils sparkled, as if filled with molten gold. At that moment, those eyes were staring straight at him, full of something he couldn’t quite decipher.

With just one glance, Jin Mu’s face stiffened, and his scalp tingled.

Whatever strange feeling he had, whatever dodge he was thinking about, all of it vanished from his mind.

Of course, Jin Mu had no idea what was going on in the Omega’s head. He only knew that the heated gaze locked onto him made him incredibly uncomfortable. It was just a glance, yet he felt like ants were crawling all over his skin, as if he had been cursed. It was unbearable.

Unfortunately, Jin Mu suddenly remembered what his companion had said earlier:

“Better go back to being a pampered little bird…”

“A pampered little bird…”

“Little bird…”

Thinking of this, Jin Mu froze, his face turning sour. He glared coldly at Li Po, increasingly suspicious of his motives. Finally, unable to hold back, he warned in a deep voice, “Don’t try to seduce me.”

As if worried the Omega didn’t understand, he emphasized heavily, “Don’t think I don’t know what you’re up to. You’ve got the wrong person.”

Li Po: ?

He slowly blinked in confusion.

He was just spacing out, how did that turn into seduction?

Li Po frowned slightly, about to speak, but was interrupted again.

“I’ll let you off this time, but if I catch you trying those cheap tricks again, you won’t get off so easily!”

With that, the Alpha stormed off with his companions, leaving behind a dazed Omega and some gawking bystanders.

“Screw this, is he nuts?” Li Po muttered expressionlessly.

He raised his foot, ready to leave, when a voice suddenly called out, “Hey, you, Omega!”

Li Po paused, turning his head slightly.

“I heard you’re looking for a protector? Has anyone bitten your neck yet?”


“How about this, let me give you a bite, and I’ll cover you from now on. What do you think?” The man asked excitedly, his eyes gleaming with sleazy intent.

…What a clown.

Li Po ignored him and turned to leave. People like that weren’t worth his time.

As he walked, he caught many glances, some even pointing and whispering in his direction, not even bothering to lower their voices.

“Look at that waist, those legs, that ass. No doubt that’s an Omega. Just looking at him makes my nose bleed.”

“Dream on. You think an Omega that fine would end up with you? He’s already taken.”

“You mean that guy? But isn’t he…?”

“Hmph, whether it’s his ‘foster father’ or ‘sugar daddy,’ who knows?”

Li Po paid no attention to the rumors, acting as if he hadn’t heard a thing.

Half an hour later, he arrived at the dorms.

After the iris scan succeeded, the door slid open, and Li Po perked up, darting into the shower at lightning speed.

The small, damp stall wasn’t much, and standing naked in front of the mirror, Li Po expressionlessly studied the face staring back at him.

Unexpectedly, the original owner’s face looked about 80% like his real one—just younger, with more vivid features, like a striking rose. In the mirror, his lips were red, his teeth white, and his light tea-colored eyes especially captivating. His delicate face would catch attention anywhere.

His body was equally flawless—long and slender limbs, a narrow waist, and skin so pale it practically glowed. It looked like it would bruise purple at the slightest touch, like a fragile doll.

Li Po raised his hand, glancing at it. As expected, not a single callus. His hands were soft and smooth, even his nails had a healthy pink hue.

No doubt, this Omega was pampered beyond belief.

After hastily throwing on some clothes, Li Po dove into bed, cocooning himself in the white covers.

Unable to sleep, he began sorting through the messy memories in his head.

The original owner had been in S District for seven days. A whole week—just enough time for people to form their first impressions. And this was Li Po’s biggest problem.

Without a doubt, Li Po’s personality was vastly different from the original owner’s. The original had been naïve and weak, a soft pushover with no idea how to fight back. But Li Po was different—he lived by a rule of never letting himself suffer.

So, the problem was, could a person suddenly change personalities?

The answer was obvious: not really.

Doing so would only bring unnecessary suspicion and trouble, making his situation worse. He was already in the spotlight just for getting into S District through connections. If he caused any more issues, it’d be like shooting himself in the foot.

Plus, he definitely didn’t want to end up in S District’s mental hospital. That had to be terrifying.

As for his “foster father”… Based on his observations, it seemed that guy didn’t have much influence in S District. Getting him in was probably the limit of his abilities.

In other words, there was no relying on him.

Li Po buried his face in the soft covers, deep in thought.

With that in mind, he had only one option left: fake it!

So what if he had to be obedient and sensible? He’d fake it.

So what if he had to be timid and weak? He’d fake it.

So what if he had to be a useless doormat? He’d fake that too.

Whatever it took, he’d just act the part!

Thinking this, Li Po finally smiled and closed his eyes in satisfaction.

Next to the pillow, a pitch-black communicator suddenly lit up, and a system reminder popped up:

[Your personal training session will officially begin at 8 AM tomorrow. Please don’t be late.]


A fluorescent light flicked on, its cold, piercing glow instantly flooding every corner of the room, exposing the lump under the blanket.

At the same time, a cold, emotionless mechanical voice filled the room:

[As you are severely overdue, the mandatory reminder service has been activated. Please be at Training Ground 1 by 9 AM. Failure to do so will result in consequences.]

The moment the voice finished speaking, a long, pale hand flung the blanket aside, and a fluffy head popped out, bangs messy, face still drowsy.

The next second, he snapped awake, quickly throwing on a shirt and short boots before glancing at the clock on the wall—8:30 AM.

With just one look, despair washed over him.

Li Po, expressionless, bolted out of the room.

For the love of god, can someone tell him why there’s an 8 AM after transmigrating?!


1 chapter will be unlock per week ~ Join my Discord for more latest updates 🤔

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