The Beautiful Omega Tears Up the Drama Script
The Beautiful Omega Tears Up the Drama Script Chapter 5

Di Kai’s painful cries were piercing, making Li Po’s head throb. His brain, which had been in a state of shock, finally started functioning again, slowly pulling him out of his dazed state.

Li Po’s long lashes fluttered slightly as he struggled to open his eyes.

He raised a hand to rub his ear, and when he saw the situation before him, he was stunned. “What are you guys doing?”

Di Kai, still rolling on the floor: “…”

Jin Mu, blood rushing in anger: “…”

“Are you okay now?” Jin Mu avoided answering, glancing at Li Po before quickly looking away.

Li Po did feel a lot better compared to earlier, though his head was still a little dizzy, but it wasn’t anything serious. He was about to nod, but as his eyes darted around, he quickly changed his mind and shook his head instead. “No, still not feeling great.”

Oh no, he shook too hard, and now his head was spinning even more.

Jin Mu wasn’t surprised. An E-rank psychic like Li Po would take at least two or three days to recover. Just standing around for a bit wasn’t going to help.

Not knowing how to comfort people, Jin Mu could only give a dry “Oh.” After a brief pause, he was about to say something else but quickly stopped when his gaze landed on Li Po.

Li Po’s face was pale, his lips devoid of any color. His long lashes, like crow feathers, cast faint shadows under his eyes. A drop of cold sweat slid from his temple, trailing down his brow and disappearing into his hair, leaving a wet streak down the side of his face.

At that moment, the Omega looked extremely fragile, like a delicate glass doll.

An Alpha’s instinct to protect quietly surfaced within Jin Mu, his eyes darkening. He almost said, “There’s psychic recovery fluid at White Tower,” but he swallowed his words and instead said, “I’ll take you to White Tower to get some recovery fluid.”

To his surprise, the Omega in front of him rejected the offer without hesitation. “No need. It’ll recover on its own.” After a moment’s thought, Li Po flashed the Alpha a smile. “No need to trouble you.”

Though smiling on the outside, Li Po was cold on the inside. He hadn’t forgotten how this Alpha had bullied him before. What, hit someone and then offer them a treat? He was over that kind of trick by kindergarten.

It was the first time Jin Mu had ever been refused by someone. His expression cooled, and just as he was about to flare up, his anger suddenly fizzled out when he saw the Omega’s smile.

Not even a spark was left.

After holding back for a long while, he stiffly asked, “What’s your name?”

Li Po was genuinely confused. “You don’t know?”

It made sense that Li Po didn’t know the Alpha’s name, since he’d been the passive party. But for the Alpha not to know his name? And yet, he’d still bullied him?

Jin Mu awkwardly looked away, his movements stiff. “I forgot.”

Li Po’s lips curled into a fake smile. “I’ll wait for you to remember, then. I’m leaving.”

With that, he casually walked away.

Jin Mu stood frozen for a moment. After a while, he suddenly realized what had happened, and his face turned red all the way to his neck.

Did the Omega say he’d wait for him to remember? Was this another flirtation attempt?!


A voice interrupted the silence, pulling Jin Mu out of his daydream. He looked down at the pathetic figure of Di Kai, who was still rolling in pain on the floor, and found him even more irritating. He threw out a harsh threat: “Don’t let me catch you messing with him again, or you’ll regret it.”

With that, he turned on his heel and left without hesitation.

Di Kai, still lying on the ground, broke out in cold sweat, his face full of resentment. He clutched his stomach tightly and spat on the floor, muttering viciously, “You all just wait!”

Li Po ended up going to White Tower after all.

He wasn’t one to take chances with his health, and based on what that Alpha had hinted, his current condition might be related to psychic overexertion.

But all he did was fire a gun—how could that have anything to do with psychic power?

Could it be…

On the third floor, inside Dr. Bian’s consultation room.

Li Po was about to knock when he suddenly heard voices inside.

“You’ve been taking on too many missions lately.”

It was Dr. Bian speaking. His tone was different from the gentle one he used with Li Po, sounding more like he was talking to a friend rather than a patient.

“I know,” replied a cold voice. Strangely, Li Po felt like he had heard it somewhere before.

“You’re taking S-rank missions without any regard for your own health.”

“I’ve got it under control.”

“You… Ugh! You’re used to working alone, but maybe it’s time you found a partner.”

“Not necessary.”

“Jiang Yu!”

“It’s time. I’m leaving.”

Hearing the word “mission” piqued Li Po’s curiosity. He wasn’t intentionally eavesdropping, but his attention was caught by the mention of missions.

What kind of missions were these? And they even had rankings?

Just then, the door to the consultation room opened from the inside.

Instinctively, Li Po looked up and was momentarily stunned when his gaze met a pair of dark eyes.

It was him.

So, his name was Jiang Yu.

Jiang Yu also noticed Li Po, but he only glanced at him briefly before looking away and walking past without a second thought.

He was extremely cold.

As they brushed shoulders, Li Po caught a whiff of a pleasant scent.

Jiang Yu was clearly an Alpha, yet he didn’t have the overpowering scent typical of most Alphas. Instead, his scent was one Li Po found particularly appealing.

It was like a cool, clear spring flowing through a snowy mountain—pure, without the slightest impurity.

Li Po discreetly took a deep breath before pushing the door open and walking into the consultation room.

Dr. Bian was busy writing and, without looking up, assumed it was Jiang Yu returning. “Finally coming around to see my good intentions? At least you’ve got some conscience.”

Li Po coughed awkwardly. “Dr. Bian, it’s me.”


There was a sudden silence in the room.

“Oh, it’s you, Li Po.” Dr. Bian, as if he’d just lost his memory, put on his usual gentle expression and said seriously, “Is there something you need?”

Li Po lowered his head, hiding his faint smile. “Do you have any psychic recovery fluid?”

Dr. Bian pretended not to notice Li Po’s smirk. “I do, but why do you need it?”

“Someone took me to the weapons vault, and I tried out a gun. Afterward, I didn’t feel so good.” Li Po lowered his eyes, summarizing the situation briefly.

“You tried a gun?” Dr. Bian frowned in confusion. “Only those with B-rank or higher psychic power can use those guns. Who took you there? Didn’t they tell you?”

So, it was true. Li Po’s eyes darkened slightly.

At the same time, a bigger question weighed on his mind. As an E-rank psychic, how had he successfully used an A-rank weapon?

Suppressing his thoughts, Li Po replied, “I don’t think they mentioned it.”

Seeing this, Dr. Bian didn’t press further. He wrote out a prescription and handed it to Li Po, kindly reminding him, “There are plenty of cold weapons in the vault. You could try those next time.”

Li Po nodded with a smile. “Got it. Thanks, Dr. Bian.”

After leaving the consultation room, Li Po quickly collected his medicine. The cool glass vial rested in his hand, and he pulled out the stopper, tilting his head back to swallow the liquid inside.

The bitter fluid slid down his throat, and Li Po swallowed without flinching. Then, without a word, he turned and headed toward a certain building.

He was going back to the weapons vault.

Fifteen minutes later, Li Po stood in front of the weapons vault door.

A light screen was embedded in the middle of the door, part of the S-district’s security verification system.

Sensing Li Po’s approach, the screen lit up, and a message appeared in midair:

[Please verify your fingerprint]

Following the instructions, Li Po pressed the fingerprints of his right hand.

[Please verify your iris]

He did as told.

[Verification complete, processing…]

[Sorry, you are not on the current need-based access list. Verification denied. Please leave promptly.]


Li Po was speechless.

What the heck was a “current need-based access list”? Why had he never heard of this before?

Frustrated, he had no choice but to return to his dorm to think of another plan.

Back at his dorm, Li Po took a shower and collapsed onto his soft white bed.

He squinted, hugging his pillow as he prepared to sleep, when he suddenly noticed a black communicator lying on the other side.

He had turned it on once before, but all it showed was a training notification from the system—nothing else. Since he’d been preoccupied with other things at the time, he hadn’t really explored its functions. Now that he had some time, he decided to fiddle with it a bit.

He picked up the communicator and pressed a random button.

Suddenly, a light screen popped up, followed by a system prompt:

[You have a new friend request]

…A friend request?

Li Po found it amusing. Who in the S-district would add him as a friend?

He opened the request and saw the name of the sender—Jin Mu, an Alpha.

Who’s Jin Mu? He didn’t recognize the name. Must be a mistake, Li Po thought, casually pressing the [Reject] button.

But before he could exit the screen, the friend request appeared again.

Li Po rejected it once more.

A second later, the system popped up again: [You have a new friend request]


Was this person persistent or what?

Li Po decided to ignore it. Playing it cool, he was good at that.

On the other side.

Jin Mu glared at his communicator, his expression grim.

His teammate, noticing something was off, leaned over to take a look. “Who are you trying to add?”

“None of your business,” Jin Mu snapped.

“Why so much attitude?” his teammate teased. “It’s not like you’re chasing an Omega. Why are you so worked up? With your skills, you could make friends with anyone you wanted.”

Jin Mu choked at hearing a certain word, quickly denying it. “What nonsense are you spouting?!”

Knowing Jin Mu well, the teammate noticed something strange in his reaction. “Wait a minute… Don’t tell me you’re really after an Omega? But there aren’t any Omegas in the S-district, except for that one who came in through the backdoor…”

The teammate abruptly fell silent.

He carefully observed Jin Mu’s reaction, shocked to see that instead of getting angry, Jin Mu only looked irritated.

Something was definitely wrong!

Wasn’t he scaring that Omega just a few days ago? How did things change so quickly?


“Jin Mu, don’t freak me out. Don’t forget what we did to him back then. And besides, he’s so weak. How could you even be interested?”

The next second, the teammate’s butt received a heavy kick.

“Shut the hell up, you talk too much!”


1 chapter will be unlock per week ~ Join my Discord for more latest updates 🤔

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