Walking Towards You
WTY Chapter 3: Reversing Fate

No matter what, Yan Shuoyun just wanted to see Fu Yichen’s face one last time.

But under his sister’s noisy protests, he was ultimately thrown out of the funeral, unable to even catch a final glimpse of Fu Yichen’s body.

Soon, Fu Yichen would be turned to ashes, and when Yan thought about that, he couldn’t stop the tears from falling again.

How much of a failure do you have to be to the point that even your lover’s family won’t allow you to see him one last time?

He had been too selfish, unable to accept Fu Yichen’s love, silently enjoying everything without giving back.

Afraid of losing what he had, in the end, he hadn’t even managed to give his lover a proper title before his death.

Yan Shuoyun reached into his damp pocket and pulled out the men’s diamond ring that still gleamed despite the rain.

He remembered their ten-year promise, and on that day, he had actually planned to confess to Fu Yichen.

Yichen had told him that morning that he wanted to treat him to a meal, and Yan Shuoyun had a faint suspicion that Yichen intended to fulfill their promise.

But now, it was all too late. For Yan Shuoyun, it seemed like there was no longer any reason to live in this world.

His family had been gone for years, and the person he loved had left forever too.

Maybe he should just follow Fu Yichen and die.

As this thought crossed his mind, a rough hand suddenly grabbed him.

“Greetings, benefactor.”

It was a monk, dressed in tattered robes.

“Hello.” Yan Shuoyun snapped back to his senses, realizing that he hadn’t been thinking clearly.

“Do you believe in karma?” The monk looked at him kindly.


“You probably do,” the monk said, “since you’ve been too harsh on people, which is why Fu Yichen left you.”

Yan Shuoyun fell into another negative spiral.

“The most just thing in this world is karma. If you believe in it, do good deeds. You will be rewarded, and the blessings will carry over to your next life,” the monk said softly, his voice so low and soothing it seemed almost magical.

“You might even be able to reverse the karma.”

“There are still many people who need you, benefactor. Don’t lose hope in life.”

Yan Shuoyun didn’t understand why the monk was saying all this to him, but the monk simply patted him on the shoulder with a smile, unconcerned about the mud, and left.

“What does that mean?” Yan Shuoyun was confused, but somehow, the monk’s words gave him strength.

Yeah, maybe he couldn’t fall apart just yet.

“There are still many people who need you, don’t lose hope in life”—these words reminded him of his employees. He still had to return to normal life.

Though when he returned to work, there were still moments when he absentmindedly called out Fu Yichen’s name.

“Boss… Secretary Yichen is no longer here,” one of the employees gently reminded him, unable to bear seeing their boss like this.

Fu Yichen had been kind to everyone at work, a person who seemed to embody all virtues. It was a tragedy that he passed away in his prime, and everyone felt deep regret.

“Yeah, Yichen is gone,” Yan Shuoyun tried his best to stay calm, but the moment he heard it, his heart felt as if it were being torn apart.

He had lost everything before, slowly rebuilt it, and sought justice.

But in the end, the one person he most wanted to share his success with had left him for heaven.

Still, he had employees to take care of; he couldn’t stay depressed forever.

Yichen wouldn’t have wanted him to live like this either.

Before he realized it, he found himself recalling the monk’s words from the funeral.

The monk had asked him if he believed that doing good would ultimately be rewarded.

That the blessings accumulated in this life would carry over to the next.

…Perhaps you could even reverse the karma you seek.

Reversing karma—Yan Shuoyun had never heard a monk speak like that before.

Suddenly, it energized him.

Even though he wasn’t sure if what the monk said was possible, he was willing to gamble on that chance for Fu Yichen.

In the years that followed, Yan Shuoyun focused on running his business, donating to various causes, and treating his employees well.

Every year, on the anniversary of Fu Yichen’s death, he shamelessly visited the Fu family to beg Fu Qin.

After many years, he was finally allowed to place the ring inside Yichen’s memorial.

He hadn’t cried in a long time, but after placing the ring inside, he broke down completely.

Yan Shuoyun remained single for the rest of his life, and even when he grew old and passed away, he was still alone.

“Yichen, I don’t want anything anymore. I just beg the gods to let me see you one more time.”


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