The Villain’s Family Favorite Little Sweetheart
The Villain’s Family Favorite Little Sweetheart Chapter 2: Daddy’s Name is Tulip

Yu Yuanyuan’s round little eyes blinked nervously as the driver held her up like a kitten. Her small arms and legs flailed in the air, but she kept a firm grip on Yu Jinxiao’s pant leg.

“You! You are my daddy!” Her childish voice was clear but slightly slurred, full of innocence without any malice.

Yu Jinxiao’s face darkened, making his already intimidatingly handsome features even more unapproachable, as if one more glance could invite disaster.

The driver, holding onto Yu Yuanyuan, nervously avoided looking up, shaking her gently in hopes she would let go. “Kid, let go! Let go now! If you don’t want to get hurt, let go!”

For some reason, despite the fear he should have felt, the driver’s mind wandered to cute pet videos he had seen online.

Yu Yuanyuan’s position resembled a kitten with its claws caught on fabric, and the driver was shaking her gently, trying to get her to release her grip.

As the thought crossed his mind, he couldn’t help but smile, but realizing that laughing at this moment would be a terrible idea, he quickly forced his face back into a serious expression.

“Heh, I’ve seen people fake accidents for money, but I’ve never seen someone fake to get a dad,” Yu Jinxiao sneered, his smile devoid of any warmth, sending chills down the driver’s spine.

Despite his refined and gentle appearance, Yu Jinxiao’s actions were the exact opposite—ruthless and cold-hearted, feared by all in Jiangcheng.

The driver glanced at the little girl in his hands, a chubby, porcelain doll of a child with skin as white as jade and wide, innocent eyes that looked up at people with a natural innocence and a hint of pitifulness.

This little doll-like girl was impossible to scold. Just one look could melt anyone’s heart.

Yu Jinxiao glanced at his pant leg still being held, then casually pulled out a stack of cash from his wallet, throwing it carelessly on the ground. “Take the money and get lost. Don’t make me say it again.”

Finally, Yu Yuanyuan let go, and the pant leg snapped back with a “pop,” the sound starkly contrasting with Yu Jinxiao’s cold demeanor, creating an odd sense of cuteness.

The driver once again struggled to suppress a smile, knowing that showing any sign of amusement could be the last thing he ever did.

Who could be heartless enough to send such an adorable child to con people? How could her parents bear it?

“Little one, take the money and…” The driver began to help Yu Yuanyuan pick up the scattered cash, but when he looked up, the sight before him made his blood run cold once more.

Yu Yuanyuan had bent down, picked up a bill, and shuffled back to the car. Grabbing Yu Jinxi’s pant leg again, she started wiping it with the money. “Daddy, Yuanyuan is cleaning it for you, dirty.”

The driver felt his heart might just give out.

In the past, Yu Jinxiao would have tossed the little brat into a trash can without hesitation, but perhaps because he was in a good mood after sealing a big deal, he hadn’t lost his temper yet.

“Do you think that’s not enough money?” Yu Jinxiao sneered. “You’ve got quite an appetite for someone so young.”

“Not big, not big,” Yu Yuanyuan waved her tiny hands, trying to suck in her little tummy. “Yuanyuan doesn’t eat much, I’m easy to take care of!”

“Gurgle…” Her stomach growled loudly.

Flustered, Yuanyuan covered her tummy with her little hands, her cheeks turning red. She lowered her head in embarrassment but still peeked up at Yu Jinxiao, checking his reaction.

Standing by the car door, the little bundle of energy seemed a bit nervous. Despite the joy in her eyes, she appeared constantly worried, as if his every move deeply concerned her.

Yu Jinxiao couldn’t help but be reminded of some memories, and his heart softened a bit. “What’s your father’s name? Where is he? I’ll take you to him.”

“My daddy’s name is Tulip!”

The driver thought, Oh no, I can’t hold it in—I’m going to laugh, what should I do?

The little bundle clearly meant to say “Yu Jinxiao,” but as a child who sometimes even struggled to say “daddy” properly, there was no way she could pronounce “Yu Jinxiao” correctly.

Yu Jinxiao also understood what Yuanyuan was trying to say, and his face darkened. “Who are you? Who sent you here?”

In Chinese, the name “郁锦枭” (Yù Jǐnxiāo) sounds phonetically similar to “郁金香” (Yùjīnxiāng), which means “Tulip” in Chinese.

Dreamy Land[Translator]

Hey everyone! I hope you're enjoying what I'm translating. As an unemployed adult with way too much time on my hands and a borderline unhealthy obsession with novels, I’m here to share one of my all-time favorites. So, sit back, relax, and let's dive into this story together—because I’ve got nothing better to do!

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