The Villain’s Family Favorite Little Sweetheart
The Villain’s Family Favorite Little Sweetheart Chapter 5: Absolutely Worth a Good Price

The body reacted faster than the brain. Gao Zhou hurried back to the driver’s seat and timidly asked, “Are we just leaving her… without any help?”

“Drive.” Yu Jinxiao’s voice was already impatient.

Gao Zhou didn’t dare ask further and started the car, slowly pulling away from the intersection.

In the rearview mirror, the small figure at the alley’s entrance looked weak, pitiful, and helpless. Holding a milk carton, she occasionally took a sip, her eyes fixed intently on the back of the car.

Having driven quite a distance, Gao Zhou glanced back in the rearview mirror and saw that the little one was still staring at them with longing, as if she was seriously waiting for her dad to return.

It felt like his heart was suddenly pierced by an arrow. Gao Zhou pressed his hand to his chest and silently prayed that after he dropped Mr. Yu off, the little girl would still be there waiting and not have wandered off.

Even if Mr. Yu didn’t care, he was determined to make sure she reached a safe place.

Under the night sky, Jiangcheng was bustling with the vibrant lights of bars and clubs.

Gao Zhou remained distracted, troubled by the image of Yu Yuanyuan, left alone in the alley. His mind couldn’t settle.

Such a small child, so cute, and if she were to be abducted by human traffickers…

He didn’t dare to think further.

“Turn around.” Yu Jinxiao’s voice, which had been silent for a long time, suddenly spoke.

Gao Zhou was jolted and excitedly asked, “Turn around…”

“I meant return to the company. What did you think?” The voice from the backseat was cold and indifferent.

Oh, it’s that.

Gao Zhou, like a drooping sunflower, turned the car around and headed back towards the company.

As they neared the alley, he kept praying internally until—

He saw that the small, pale figure was still standing there.

Gao Zhou finally let out a sigh of relief.

The traffic light turned red as well, much to his relief.

People came and went at the alley, but only Yu Yuanyuan’s small figure remained stationary.

She held the milk carton like a precious treasure, her mouth puffing up and trying to sip from it. Her eyes remained fixed ahead.

“Ah, Yuanyuan really didn’t run off,” Gao Zhou cleared his throat, awkwardly trying to attract Yu Jinxiao’s attention, “Maybe we should…”

“Pull over and stop the car.”

“Got it!!”

The road was full of black cars, and to Yu Yuanyuan, they all looked similar, so she couldn’t distinguish which was her dad’s.

A cold wind blew, making Yu Yuanyuan’s nose itch, and she sneezed, shaking her head vigorously.

Her eyes and nose scrunched up in a pitiful way, looking like a kitten abandoned by the roadside.

Gao Zhou turned his head with a smile: “Mr. Yu, should we—”

“Do nothing.”

“Oh…” Gao Zhou’s head drooped in disappointment.

Yu Jinxiao rested his chin on his hand and squinted at the little girl at the alley’s entrance.

She really didn’t wander off; she stood there alone, focused on playing with her milk carton.

Occasionally, she looked up at the side of the road, seemingly waiting for a familiar figure to come toward her.

Each time she looked up, the anticipation in her eyes was like stars suddenly lighting up in the night sky.

But each time she saw someone, it was not her dad, and the light in her eyes gradually dimmed, losing its brilliance.

Yu Yuanyuan, exhausted from standing, was now squatting on the ground, hugging her knees and staring blankly.

A stranger’s voice suddenly came from above.

“Little one, why are you alone here? Did you get separated from your family?”

Yu Yuanyuan looked up in surprise and answered, “I’m waiting for my dad!”

“Let me help you find your dad, okay?” The man, with a fake smile, made Yu Yuanyuan feel uncomfortable with his presence.

“I promised Dad I would wait here for him. I can’t leave. If Dad comes back and doesn’t see me, he’ll be sad.” Yu Yuanyuan hugged her knees tightly, trying to make herself as small as possible, looking more like a little dumpling.

The man sneered, took out a piece of candy, and squatted down with a strange smile: “Uncle wants to help you. How about a candy? Uncle will take you to find your dad.”

He had passed through this area many times and had seen the child unattended for over half an hour, so she was definitely lost.

She was also so cute; she would definitely fetch a good price.

Dreamy Land[Translator]

Hey everyone! I hope you're enjoying what I'm translating. As an unemployed adult with way too much time on my hands and a borderline unhealthy obsession with novels, I’m here to share one of my all-time favorites. So, sit back, relax, and let's dive into this story together—because I’ve got nothing better to do!

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