Quick transmigration: I’m your mother!
Quick Transmigration: I’m Your Mother! Chapter 11.1

Chapter 11: The Fallen Child Star (11) part 1

Yao Rong effortlessly searched for information, her composed demeanor instantly dispelling Zhang Qingyi’s irritation.

To be honest, her anger stemmed from two sources: the shamelessness of the Xu family, and her sense of injustice over what Yao Rong and Xu Weiheng had endured.

“Sister Yao, since you’ve already anticipated their reaction, you must have a countermeasure in mind, right?” Zhang Qingyi asked, her eyes full of expectation.

Facing Zhang Qingyi’s hopeful gaze, Yao Rong nodded.

“What is it?”

Yao Rong cleared her throat and vaguely replied, “You’ll know soon enough.”

The Xu family had completely misunderstood. She didn’t actually have Xu Ji and Xu Yiyuan’s paternity test results. After all, since arriving in this world, she hadn’t been in close contact with them. How could she have obtained their hair follicles?

Xu Ji and Xu Yiyuan’s decision to get a paternity test at a private institution was exactly what she had hoped to see. These private institutions, which would produce false results for enough money, certainly weren’t engaging in such practices for the first time.

A little digging would undoubtedly uncover many more issues. As a concerned citizen, her choice was clear—she would report them directly.

Why act alone when it’s much more satisfying to let the government handle the dirty work?

After all, the law was the ultimate weapon.

After bidding farewell to Zhang Qingyi, Yao Rong went to her room and opened her computer. Her fingers flew across the keyboard, the rapid clicks blending into a continuous sound. A stream of data quickly flashed across the screen. Within about three seconds, Yao Rong successfully infiltrated Diya Testing Centre’s internal network and accessed their surveillance system.

Meanwhile, Xu Yiyuan, exhausted, returned home from the Diya Testing Centre and collapsed on his bed for a nap. He didn’t sleep soundly, tossing and turning with nightmares, until he was finally woken up by the shrill ringing of his phone.

As soon as he answered, his manager’s furious voice assaulted his eardrums: “Check the trending topics, you idiot! You’re trending again! Look at the mess you’ve made!”

Xu Yiyuan blankly opened Weibo.

#DiyaTestingCentre’sLicenseRevokedForFalsifyingPaternityReports;TheHeadOfTheCentreIsUnder Investigation#

[Xu Yiyuan just did a paternity test at Diya this morning, and by afternoon, the place is shut down]

[Hahaha, this happened so fast, like a tornado! I’m more and more convinced Xu Ji and Xu Yiyuan are really father and son]

[If he needed a paternity test, why didn’t Xu Yiyuan go to an official forensic centre?]

[@XuYiyuan A City official forensic centre is the most authoritative paternity testing institution in the country. Their reports even have legal validity. You should try them!]

[To avoid more problems, I suggest Xu Yiyuan livestream his next paternity test. We’ll keep you company while you do it~]

In an instant, Xu Yiyuan’s drowsiness vanished. He shuddered violently.

Not even bothering to put on shoes, he leapt out of bed and rushed to his parents’ room, pounding on the door in panic: “Dad, Mom, wake up! Don’t sleep! Something’s happened again!”

Five minutes later, Xu Yiyuan’s mother sat on the sofa, trying to contact her friend who worked at Diya. After several attempts, the call finally connected.

As she listened to the person on the other end, the color gradually drained from her face.

“He said…” Xu Yiyuan’s mother bit her lip, looking at Xu Ji, “He said his accounts are being investigated. The money I gave him is considered suspicious funds. They’ll probably trace it back to us soon…”

Just as she finished speaking, a crisp doorbell rang out.

Xu Yiyuan’s mother and Xu Ji exchanged a glance.

Xu Ji swallowed hard, roughly wiped his face with his palm, forced out a stiff smile, and got up to answer the door.

As the door opened, he was immediately confronted with a police badge.

In stark contrast to the chaos at the Xu household, in a small and tidy guesthouse, Xu Weiheng was sleeping peacefully to the pitter-patter of rain outside and the soothing aroma of incense Yao Rong had lit specially for him. He slept soundly until the aroma of food drifted in, gently pulling him awake.

Xu Weiheng rubbed his eyes and threw back the covers to get up.

While washing up, he couldn’t help but examine his reflection in the mirror. His face, which had been gaunt to the point of being unrecognizable, finally showed some flesh and a hint of color.

He curved the corners of his lips into a slight smile.

The weariness and gloom between his brows melted away like ice and snow in spring, replaced by a clear, bright expression. Like a seedling planted in winter finally sprouting tender buds in spring, stretching towards the gentle breeze, full of vitality.

Xu Weiheng really liked his current self.

He walked towards the kitchen, intending to help Yao Rong, but found it empty.

Coming out of the kitchen, Xu Weiheng saw Zhang Qingyi absorbed in her phone: “Auntie Zhang, are you the only one home?”

Zhang Qingyi looked up, her expression strange yet excited: “Sister Yao is working in her room.”

Startled by her expression, Xu Weiheng asked, “Auntie Zhang, what’s wrong?”

Zhang Qingyi looked at Xu Weiheng and asked if he had checked Weibo yet.

Learning that he hadn’t, Zhang Qingyi pulled him over and enthusiastically recounted how Yao Rong had reported Diya.

“I never imagined Sister Yao’s counterattack would be like this,” she said, relishing the details. “A netizen living in the same gated community as Xu Ji even reported that a police car had stopped in front of Xu Ji’s house.”

But Xu Weiheng barely heard the rest of what Zhang Qingyi said. His attention was entirely focused on the two Weibo posts made by Xu Ji and Xu Yiyuan.

“Did they insult Ms. Yao?” he asked, his voice tense.


Hi guys! I'm steamedbun... I do hope y'all enjoy my translations. If you see any mistakes, please do not hesitate to let me know and I'll fix them ASAP. Thanks💞

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