The Villain’s Family Favorite Little Sweetheart
The Villain’s Family Favorite Little Sweetheart Chapter 18: Playing Sneak Attack

Yu Mingxi’s eyes reddened, and his palms trembled.

He stared at the photo for a long time, then closed his eyes to calm himself. Quickly, he tucked the photo back into the box, as though he was carefully sealing away a memory too painful to touch.

In the other room, Yu Yuanyuan lay awake in bed.

The room was far too quiet, completely unlike what she was used to. Every little sound made her think there was something moving near the window, and the dark corners seemed especially scary.

After lying there with her eyes closed for what felt like forever, she still wasn’t the least bit sleepy.

The little girl sighed and sat up. She threw off the blanket and jumped out of bed.

Her chubby little feet hit the floor with soft thuds, spreading out like two little loaves of bread as she tiptoed toward the door.

It was quiet outside. It seemed like everyone was asleep, and the hallway was dark…

Wait, there was one spot with light!

She carefully cracked open the door, peeking out with her round head.

Yuanyuan crouched by the door, spying for a moment before identifying the source of the light. Then, she tiptoed barefoot towards the glowing room.

She couldn’t sleep and wanted to find someone to play with!

Her little feet pattered on the floor as she sneaked down the hallway, treating it like a game of hide-and-seek with the light. She’d dart into the shadows, then pop back out, convinced that she was being super stealthy.

It turns out, this was where Daddy worked!

The study was brightly lit, and Yu Jinxiao sat upright at his desk. Even in the late hours of the night, his posture was impeccable, carrying with it the elegance that had been cultivated over many years. He was always composed, no matter the time of day.

Having just closed a major business deal, Yu Jinxiao was reviewing the final key details.

Money no longer held much importance for him. What motivated him was the success of his work—it was like a soothing balm that filled the empty spaces in his life.

Working until midnight, or even the early morning, had become as routine as eating.

As he massaged his temples, Yu Jinxiao’s peripheral vision caught a small movement near the door.

He had already sent the servants to rest. Could it be that Yu Mingxi hadn’t fallen asleep yet?

No, both of his sons had their own ways of entering his study. One would always knock politely, while the other would burst in without warning.

But this shadow… it seemed sneaky, like it was trying to go unnoticed.

Yu Jinxiao pretended not to see anything. He rested his chin in his hand, keeping his eyes on the papers in front of him while secretly monitoring the doorway.

Yu Yuanyuan’s little figure crept forward, her tiny feet moving with exaggerated stealth.

Ah, how could he have forgotten about this little troublemaker?

The small figure continued to inch forward, clearly unaware that she’d already been spotted. She looked like she was trying to stage a sneak attack.

Yu Jinxiao couldn’t help but suppress a laugh.

How could anyone miss a bright white blob moving across the room? Only this little dumpling could think her plan was working perfectly!

But for someone who appeared clumsy, she was actually quite observant. Every time Yu Jinxiao moved even slightly, she would immediately freeze, huddling into a tiny ball as if trying to become invisible.

Once she was sure he wasn’t reacting, she’d resume her wiggling approach.

The round, white shape in his peripheral vision grew closer, inching its way to the desk like a little steamed bun rolling across the floor.

Yu Jinxiao could already guess what she was planning to do. A faint smile tugged at the corners of his mouth.

Yuanyuan finally reached the desk!

She rubbed her hands together in celebration, eyeing Yu Jinxiao’s newly pressed pant leg. With a mischievous grin, she reached out her tiny paw—

“Daddy! I got you!”

Dreamy Land[Translator]

Hey everyone! I hope you're enjoying what I'm translating. As an unemployed adult with way too much time on my hands and a borderline unhealthy obsession with novels, I’m here to share one of my all-time favorites. So, sit back, relax, and let's dive into this story together—because I’ve got nothing better to do!

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