Interdimensional Warden
IW Chapter 3: Queen Medusa

The drifting clouds cast a shadow perfectly behind the man, while sunlight, like fragments of gold, sprinkled across his figure. In the interplay of light and shadow, his gaze, as cold as frost, felt like a single snowflake falling from the Nine Heavens, landing directly on one’s heart.

At first glance, he stood there in a calm, unwavering posture, as if he bore the weight of eternal emotions. All the sounds around him seemed to fade away, leaving only this man in the entire world.

His powerful aura needed no words to convey itself, yet it instilled a deep sense of dread in everyone. This was the gap in strength.

Those weaker in power began to tremble slightly, unable to meet his gaze.

His eyes, devoid of dust or attachment, seemed as if they had no place for anyone else, but that felt exactly right.

Every step he took, every movement he made, carried a casual indifference.

The crowd instinctively parted, making way for him.

Without pausing, he arrived at the first gate. Without any visible ripple of magical energy, he easily pushed it open and disappeared from everyone’s sight.

“Which family in the Higher Planes produced such a terrifying genius?!” someone exclaimed.

“With that kind of presence, do we even need to go through with the selection? Fighting him would be as easy as crushing vegetables!”

“Oh my Grimm, please don’t let me face him in the first round! If I get eliminated right away, I’d be so embarrassed! We still need to make a name for ourselves in Grimm Space.”

Everyone turned their eyes to Long Zi Wu, the strongest present, an eighth-level divine beast.

Only then did Long Zi Wu seem to snap out of his daze. Clearly, even he had felt the overwhelming pressure from the man earlier. He gave the answer everyone was waiting for: “He’s stronger than me.”

With that authoritative confirmation, everyone thought the same thing: If we face him, let’s just exchange a few polite moves, then after a brief struggle, we’ll surrender with dignity.

Yes, that’s the plan!

That way, when we return to our families, we can at least explain ourselves to our elders!

In truth, Long Zi Wu wasn’t as shocked by the man’s breathtaking appearance and aura as he was by a sense of familiarity—a strange, involuntary closeness. But that man was clearly human, and not just any human, but one of the most powerful young human elites.

It was merely a gut feeling, but Long Zi Wu couldn’t help but cling to that one-in-a-million possibility.

Having served as the Crown Prince for five years, Long Zi Wu’s attendants guarded him like an iron fortress. With just one subtle movement, his bodyguards immediately knew what he intended.

A few of them discreetly followed him to a secluded corner, waiting for the prince’s orders.

“When the time comes, I want you to figure out a way to compete with that man.”

“Your Highness, I’m afraid we can’t beat him!” The shocking scene from earlier had left an indelible mark in their hearts.

“Who said you need to beat him? I only need you to do one thing—tear off his shirt when the time comes—”

Long Zi Wu hadn’t finished speaking before his subordinates stared at him with strange looks. Although they said nothing, their minds were racing: Tear off his clothes? Oh, Your Highness, you’re so bold! This is so embarrassing!

Your Highness, you’ve grown up, haven’t you… sniff sniff…

You’ve been holding back too long, it’s not good for your health…

Their beloved Crown Prince had finally taken a liking to someone, but something didn’t feel quite right!

Dragons were known for their lustful nature, but for their Crown Prince to still be a virgin at over a hundred years old, and with such a godly appearance, it was nothing short of a miracle.

Your Highness, what would your ancestors think!

Long Zi Wu couldn’t exactly explain the truth to them. He recalled that his brother had a golden diamond-shaped birthmark on his left shoulder from birth, a mark that no magic potion could erase.

Meanwhile, beyond the first gate, a long, fog-covered passage connected two mountain peaks. At the end of the passage was the path to the second gate.

Standing at the end of the path was a tall, handsome man. The wind lifted his robe, creating graceful arcs as it billowed.

His face, as cold as the purest frost, remained still.

I look amazing! Absolutely dazzling!

I need to train harder in the Bone Transformation Technique so I can make an even cooler entrance next time!

In truth, Long Ming wished he could make an entrance like he did ten thousand years ago—gliding in with fragrance filling the air, a Holy Domain beast descending from the sky, his loyal disciples waiting below to welcome him, celestial phenomena shaking the heavens, all while he donned his meticulously chosen, stunning attire, dazzling everyone around him.

But now, he was nothing more than an exiled dragon, permanently banished by his clan, without the resources to pull off such a grand entrance.

He had meticulously calculated the wind speed, the movement of the clouds, the angle of the sunlight, and the positioning of his limbs, while using his advanced acting skills to maintain his stoic, powerful demeanor. He even released his best imitation of a Holy Domain aura, going to great lengths to perfect the look of a cool, unbeatable expert.

Judging by the expressions of those around him, it was clear that his entrance had been incredibly successful.

He was sure that his displayed strength would be enough to intimidate everyone.

At least, he finally looked a little like the Dragon Emperor he had been ten thousand years ago!

Thankfully, before arriving, he had taken a load of Five-Turn Bodhi Ming Dan. These pills, combined with a secret technique he had found in a treasure trove, temporarily elevated his strength to Holy Domain levels. However, the effects would only last for a month, after which he’d be left weak for a year. He had to secure the position of Warden before that happened.

Though the first gate had appeared easy, it had actually required eighty percent of his strength as a Grand Magician to push open. And there were still eight gates left, each one likely more difficult than the last.

Still, Long Ming showed no signs of discomfort, stepping confidently onto the narrow path that could only fit two people side by side.

He was sure that those hidden in the shadows had already relayed everything happening here, so he couldn’t afford to let anyone notice any weaknesses.

It made sense—this grand selection process had already caused ripples in Grimm Space. Even if many families had shown up just to go through the motions, almost every powerful family had their eyes on this event. No family could guarantee that they wouldn’t be targeted by those seeking to sow chaos. Choosing the Warden was a serious matter.

Every gate had its own examiner. The first gate had the wolf warriors, but what about the second gate?

There must be something capable of transmitting real-time images. The examiners and the invited representatives from major families were likely somewhere nearby, quietly observing the contestants.

In fact, Long Ming was fortunate to be cautious, maintaining the façade of a super-strong master as he advanced, seemingly unstoppable.

At the second checkpoint, hidden both inside and outside the Nine-Tiered Gate, countless Flowing Light Stones had been placed. These precious stones could only be used for three days before turning into ordinary rocks.

It seemed that the recent prisoner escape and prison riots had really troubled the Dimensional Prison. They had taken out their most precious treasures just to select a new Warden.

They probably wanted to observe every potential Warden without any blind spots or gaps.

Beyond the Nine-Tiered Gate was the third round of selection—the Dimensional Prison’s largest plaza, Nine-Prong Plaza. The plaza was huge, with a high platform in the center where the final selection would likely take place. The surrounding viewing stands were made of the finest ore from various planes, with armored wolf warriors moving through the crowd, delivering fruit and drinks to the representatives from different families.

Since it wasn’t time for the third round yet, only a few family representatives had arrived, scattered in small groups in the stands. Some of them exchanged polite greetings as they watched the second round unfold outside.

In the plaza’s center stood several massive screens made of Flowing Light Stones, temporarily showing footage from the various checkpoints within the Nine-Tiered Gate.

But the most lively area was a designated section called the Infinite Zone.

Though the name sounded elegant and noble, it was actually just a place for gambling. “Infinite” meant as long as you had gold coins, you could bet to your heart’s content. There were no limits here.

To host this grand event, the Dimensional Prison, already struggling financially, had gritted its teeth to make it happen. They weren’t like the wealthier families from the Higher Planes who could afford to pretend to be classy and elegant despite having no money. No, the prison needed to make money.

What’s the point of maintaining appearances if you’re broke?

And so, the gambling tables appeared, along with a name that sounded refined and high-class.

The younger generation from the various planes, full of hot-blooded vigor, rushed in and eagerly threw their money down as if not betting enough would disgrace their families.

Of course, before placing their bets, they needed to understand the contestants’ abilities.

“I heard Phoenix City sent out Feng Yang Yan, the top young expert of the Phoenix Clan, with a high chance of winning.”

“If Phoenix City backs the Dimensional Prison, could we commit a crime just to catch a glimpse of Lady Feng?”

“Bah! Even if you stayed here for a thousand years, she wouldn’t look at you twice.”

“I’d gladly die under her feet, just to go out in style! Even the former Dragon Crown Prince was once her guest. If a guy like him can do it, why can’t I?”

“Oh, please, don’t bring up that disgraceful man. Such bad luck!”

“Speaking of dragons, Divine Dragon Valley also sent the Crown Prince’s five top experts. They might have a chance too.”

“I heard a rumor that King Lewis from the Blood Clan is competing himself! It makes sense; his crimes were so severe that it’s only a matter of time before he’s thrown in prison. Why not become the Warden instead? Better to be in charge than to be locked up!”

“What? I’m betting on him right now! Looks like he’s determined to win the Warden position!”

“This time, there’s participation from the Fantasy Sea Dragon Clan, White Tiger Hall, Black Tortoise Ridge, Purple Cloud Island, Blood Moon Clan, and even major families from the Higher and Intermediate Planes like Saint Ya Swamp and the Witt Family!”

“So many!! Weren’t people saying this time it was all for show?”

“That’s just small-time families spreading rumors. Watch closely, those families will reveal their true power soon!” One of them said mysteriously, as he shouted, “One thousand gold coins, I’m betting on Feng Yang Yan!”

“Ten thousand gold coins, Phoenix City!”

“Phoenix City!”

“Two thousand gold coins on the five experts from the Dragon Clan!”


Meanwhile, the prison guards in charge of collecting bets were grinning from ear to ear, though hidden beneath their helmets. They didn’t care who people bet on—they were just there to collect the money.

“Look at that guy! What family is he from? He looks insanely strong!!” someone exclaimed, pointing at the black-haired, white-robed man on the Flowing Light Stone screen.

Whimpers and gasps followed.

Even through the screen, the man’s domineering aura and presence as a top-tier expert radiated out, leaving people in awe. At his level, his appearance didn’t even matter anymore. In the Higher and Advanced Planes, beauty was commonplace among the elites. Unless someone like Feng Shi, with their breathtaking beauty, appeared, it was hard to stand out based on looks alone.

But it wasn’t the man’s stunning features that shocked them—it was the sheer power revealed in his every move that spoke volumes. They were speechless. Who was this young super-expert, and why hadn’t they heard of him before?

In the central viewing stand, Dimensional Prison’s acting Warden, Sha Yu, was also watching the man on the large screen. Beside him stood a figure draped in a black robe, only their sharp jawline and crimson lips visible from the shadows.

“What do you think of his strength?” Sha Yu asked, his eyes still on the screen showing Long Ming easily pushing open the second gate.

The mysterious figure remained silent for a long time before finally speaking, their voice like water trickling over rocks, beautifully captivating. “Unfathomable.”

Sha Yu was taken aback. If this person, of all people, gave such a high evaluation, then this contestant must truly be formidable.

Evaluating someone’s strength wasn’t just about their magical or physical prowess; it was also about their demeanor, their gaze, and the pressure they exuded—something that lower-level beings could never imitate.

As a former Dragon Emperor, Long Ming had been the strongest of the strong. Even though he was now a disgraced Grand Magician, his imitation of a Holy Domain aura was flawless. In fact, with his history of dual cultivation in both magic and martial arts, he could still intimidate even tenth-level War Gods.

Not to mention, most people hadn’t even heard of Holy Domains or Divine Domains in the past ten thousand years—they were incredibly rare.

“But beyond the second gate, I’ve arranged for a guardian, one of the most formidable beings in the Dimensional Prison. I’m curious to see how he plans to pass that challenge.” Sha Yu smirked. Of course, the second gate wasn’t just about pushing the door open. As the honorary initiator of the Warden selection, Sha Yu had put a great deal of effort into the setup.

Each gate had a special guardian, whether from the human race, beast race, or demon race—all meticulously chosen to filter out the excess participants.

The requirement was simple: make the guardian willingly let you through by any means necessary, with the only rule being that you couldn’t kill them.

The mysterious figure seemed uninterested in this topic and simply asked, “What’s his name?”

Sha Yu slapped his bald, shiny head in realization. “How could I forget?! Who is this kid, and which family produced him? I’ve never seen him before!”

He called over a nearby wolf warrior and pointed at the screen. “Pull up that guy’s information.”

Every contestant had to fill out a registration form for this very reason.

After giving the order, Sha Yu looked back at the screen and chuckled darkly. “This kid’s in for trouble. Queen Medusa isn’t someone you can deal with easily!”

At that moment, Long Ming, having passed through the second gate, felt an unprecedented seductive energy in the air. The scene was the same as the first gate—shrouded in mist—but the surrounding atmosphere carried a sweet, floral fragrance, as if the air itself was luring people into a dreamlike state.

This energy… could it be who I think it is?


1 chapter will be unlock per week ~ Join my Discord for more latest updates 🤔

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