With Every Heartbeat, Advancing Cautiously
With Every Heartbeat, Advancing Cautiously Chapter 4

Watching Xie Xu walk farther and farther away, moving as if he were on fast forward, I knew I wouldn’t be able to catch up.

Just as I was about to “head home,” a reporter suddenly rushed up and shoved a microphone in front of me:

“Xiao Huai, did you bully anyone during high school?”

Her voice was loud enough to draw the attention of the surrounding staff, fans, and other guests, who all turned to look.

She blocked my way, preventing me from leaving.

As the crowd grew larger, she pulled out a bunch of photos from her bag and turned to face the gathering crowd:

“Everyone, look, these are the evidence of Xiao Huai’s bullying. The victims are still psychologically affected to this day. Why is someone like this allowed to enjoy the adoration of fans?”

I found it ridiculous: “Little reporter, you should talk with evidence.”

The reporter held the photos in front of me: “This is the evidence.”

The photo was filled with handwriting. I didn’t bother to read it until I saw the name: Xu Ze.

That name hadn’t been mentioned for a long time.

I sensed that this was directed at me and decided it was best to leave.

But the reporter rushed up to stop me:

“Are you admitting it?”

“Have you really not felt guilty all these years?”

More and more onlookers gathered, and at the reporter’s signal, they surrounded me.

The crowd was dense, and the sound of countless accusations and spitting insults echoed around me, giving me a headache.

It wasn’t until a horn sounded nearby that the argument paused momentarily.

Suddenly, someone in the crowd grabbed my hand: “Come on out.”

“I told you, Xie Xu wouldn’t abandon me. He’s not mad at me anymore, right?”

I sat with my legs crossed in Xie Xu’s car, while he still wore a serious expression beside me.

His voice was low and sounded somewhat angry: “They’re saying this about you, aren’t you going to refute it?”

I waved my hand dismissively: “Ah, it’s fine. I really don’t care about that.”

“Let them criticize; I can’t be bothered to clarify.”

As I finished speaking, Xie Xu turned around, his beautiful eyes staring directly at me: “But I care.”


Xie Xu spoke in a deep voice: “Xiao Huai, what do you really think of me?”

What do I think of him?

Looking into those eyes that could even be deep when gazing at a dog, my heart skipped a beat, afraid my little thoughts would be noticed, and I stammered: “Of course… you’re a brother.”

“Besides, they’re not wrong; I did get expelled for fighting in high school…”

Before I could finish, Xie Xu interrupted me: “It’s not like that.”

He was serious:

“You know that as long as I talk about what happened back then, they won’t…”

I put away my playful smile, my tone serious: “Xie Xu, don’t worry about me. Don’t let it affect you.”

He never liked to bring up those things, and I could understand.

Why should I remind him of a dark past over something I didn’t care about?

The car stopped downstairs at my house.

I opened the door and waved to Xie Xu, whose face was still dark: “I’m leaving now.”

Jia Ge was waiting downstairs. When he saw me, he quickly threw away his cigarette and rushed over:

“Xiao Huai, you’re finally back! Are you okay?”

I shook my head, and Jia Ge finally sighed in relief:

“I don’t know how the production team found out about Xu Ze’s incident, but they’re really going to great lengths to salvage their reputation.”

“Xiao Huai, I can barely hold on at the company.”

I poured a glass of water and handed it to Jia Ge: “It’s fine; we’ll just deal with it as it comes.”

“Are you really not going to clarify?”

I said sternly: “Jia Ge.”

“I got it, I got it.”

“I’ll do my best to help you with the breach of contract issues.”

“Thanks, Jia Ge.”

As night fell, the moonlight outside danced, and aside from a few latest updates from Jia Ge on my phone, there were no other messages.

It was terrifyingly quiet.

Until a phone call broke the silence—it was Xie Xu calling.

As soon as I answered, Chen Zai said anxiously: “Xiao Huai, hurry over! Xu Ge is drinking and won’t let anyone touch him. I thought of you; you’re the only one who can persuade him.”

When I arrived at the private room, Chen Zai was standing at the door, while Xie Xu sat alone at a large round table with an empty bottle of red wine in front of him.

Xie Xu supported himself on the table, and when he saw me, he slightly raised his head.

He pouted: “Xiao Huai, what right do you have to make decisions for me?”

“I didn’t…”

He suddenly raised his voice: “You do!”

Drunk Xie Xu talked a lot and was surprisingly cute.

I couldn’t help but laugh: “Okay, okay, I do. So will you come home with me now?”

Xie Xu snorted: “No.”

“Why not?”

Xie Xu said pitifully: “Xiao Huai will be mad.”

I pulled out a chair and sat beside him: “Xiao Huai won’t be mad.”

“You’re talking nonsense. Xiao Huai doesn’t like seeing me with others.” Xie Xu tried to wave his hand, but he was so drunk that he couldn’t lift it. “What about you? Would you care if Xiao Huai was with someone else?”


Before I could finish, Xie Xu suddenly fell over.

With that little alcohol tolerance, he thought he could drink like a pro.

I grabbed Xie Xu’s arm and bore his entire weight on my shoulder.

Unintentionally, his lips brushed against my neck, and his warm breath fanned against my collarbone.

I felt like I’d been electrocuted, frozen in place.

Chen Zai, seeing this, hurried over to help.

I moved to the side: “It’s fine; I’ll carry him home.”

Chen Zai was still a bit worried and stayed close until Xie Xu was securely on my back.

He pressed a cap on Xie Xu’s head: “Be careful; there might be paparazzi lurking.”


I carried Xie Xu out the back door, while Chen Zai changed into Xie Xu’s coat and went out the front door to divert the paparazzi.

I don’t know how long I walked on this remote little road, but the man on my back finally stirred a bit.

His voice was hoarse: “Xiao Huai?”

It seemed he had slept for a while and was waking up from the drunkenness.

“You’re finally sober.”

Xie Xu struggled to get down from my back: “Let me down; I can walk by myself.”

“Still mad?”


“You’re lying; you’ve got anger written all over your face.”


Xie Xu tightly pressed his lips together, not responding to me.


September 23 when I start posting my translation here, please take care of me. Free chapters in Lock chapters are scheduled to be free, more information can be found in the comment section of the specific novel. If you like my translation please consider buying me a Coffee. My Buy Me A Coffee account link: https://buymeacoffee.com/lhaozi

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