His Red Box
His Red Box Chapter 5

But now, things were completely the opposite.

Gu Yongge had a stable, respectable job, and everything seemed to be going smoothly for him, including his finances and possibly even having a man by his side.

And then, there’s me.

Not only was I betrayed by my good brother, but I was also about to starve, and I had to rely on my ex for a place to live.

Fortunes shift, but why did mine have to turn so completely for the worse?

Seeing my gloomy face, Gu Yongge kindly comforted me:
“What I meant by not lacking money is that you can stay here and write me an IOU. As for the rent, you can pay me back when you have the money.”

His offer was dazzling, incredibly tempting.

Gu Yongge was carefully laying a net, just waiting for me to walk into it.

It wasn’t easy to find a suitable place to stay in such a short time.

And most importantly, I was broke.

Li Zhuo, the person in front of you isn’t your ex; he’s your savior.

I gathered my courage and looked Gu Yongge straight in the eyes:


Gu Yongge’s current place was really big.

Standing in the living room, I looked around, overwhelmed by my emotions.

No wonder he had a fortune tree in his office; who knows how many red envelopes he’s gotten from patients.

As soon as I put down my luggage, Gu Yongge disappeared.

I searched all around, finally finding a good angle, propped up my phone, and opened my short video app.

The original video had been deleted.

But the issue wasn’t over.

Whether I had 100 or 1,000 fans, as long as there were people who liked me, I felt obligated to explain everything that had happened.

But what I didn’t expect was that the moment I started streaming, over 10,000 people instantly flooded into my livestream.

I was dumbfounded.

The interaction and comments in the chat exploded, with all sorts of reactions:

[Wow, didn’t expect him to be this handsome without the mask!]
[Just came over from Xu Lie’s stream. Exposing someone’s privacy like that deserved a beating!]
[I looked through this guy’s previous videos, he’s just some edgy dude. I bet he exposed that video on purpose, desperate for fame with no bottom line.]
[Are you only streaming now to ride on Dr. Gu’s popularity?]

This storm had swept into my life.

Once you stir up a storm online, getting doxxed is just a matter of time.

Li Zhuo, you’re going to have to face it sooner or later.

Taking a deep breath, I bravely looked into the camera.

“Hello, everyone, I’m ‘Leg Hair Boy,’ and I’m the supporting character in the video you’ve all seen today.”

‘Leg Hair Boy’ was my username.

“I’m not super talented, just a guy with a bit of muscle. Some people happen to like me, and we chat, and I enjoy it.

“But the video was an accident. I don’t think anyone would want to disrupt their peaceful life like this.”

More and more viewers started to speak up in my defense in the comments.

However, there were still those who suspected I was using my sexuality for attention.

I crossed my hands on my lap and calmly responded:

“I see some of you are questioning my sexuality, and I’d like to say that what Xu Lie said is indeed true.

“I am into guys, but I’ve never felt that it makes me any different.

“If you like something, you like it for what it is. Whether it’s in a red box or a blue box, you’ll still like it. The color of the box won’t change your feelings. Gender doesn’t change love either.”

I pursed my lips and finally voiced my true feelings:

“What I want to say is that being gay isn’t superior, and being straight isn’t superior. The only thing that’s superior is love.”

The chat blew up instantly.

Many viewers were moved by my words.

[Oh my god, I’m tearing up.]
[I followed you. Keep pushing boundaries—I love it! You said it so well!]
[He’s so genuine! Followed, followed…]

And just then, Gu Yongge walked into the frame wearing casual clothes.

He was wearing a red-checkered apron and carrying a steaming bowl of noodles, the steam fogging up his glasses.

From head to toe, he radiated a total husband vibe.

“Zhuo, come eat.”


One wave hadn’t settled when another hit.

Sensing the rising tension, I quickly ended the livestream.

“I was streaming! Brother, how could you just walk in like that?”

Gu Yongge ignored my protest, placing the bowl of noodles in front of me.

“This is my house. I’ll walk in whenever I want.”

He didn’t look too pleased.

“I heard everything. Your speech just now was quite impressive.

“But why didn’t you have this wisdom when we were dating?”

I slurped the noodles and thought for a long time before realizing what Gu Yongge meant—he was referring to me coming out publicly.

Those words were indeed bold and fiery.

When we were together, I hadn’t made our relationship public.

Apart from a few close friends who knew about us, we presented ourselves as just good buddies to the world.

We had agreed that once he finished grad school, we would go public.

But that chance never came.

“Reputation comes with both pros and cons. The past is the past, and the present is the present.

“Thank you, ex-husband, for teaching me so many life lessons…”

I set down my chopsticks, effortlessly slipping into a sarcastic tone.

Suddenly, Gu Yongge grabbed my hand.

His handsome face was full of jealousy.

“So, the person you mentioned in your livestream, the one you like—who is it?”


Just sitting there, Gu Yongge exuded a pressure that couldn’t be ignored.

Especially when he stared at me like that. Seeing myself reflected in his eyes, I couldn’t help but feel a pang in my heart.

But I stubbornly retorted:

“Who I like—does it have anything to do with you? We’ve already brok—”

Gu Yongge cut me off.

“Yes, we’ve broken up.

“When you broke up with me, you didn’t hold back a single word, making it as final as possible. I thought that after we split, at least you’d be living comfortably.”

What did I say back then?

Oh, right. I told him I was tired of him and even went so far as to say that dating him was the biggest regret of my life.


September 23 when I start posting my translation here, please take care of me. Free chapters in Lock chapters are scheduled to be free, more information can be found in the comment section of the specific novel. If you like my translation please consider buying me a Coffee. My Buy Me A Coffee account link: https://buymeacoffee.com/lhaozi

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