When a Vampire Enters the ABO World
When A Vampire Enters The ABO World Chapter 3

Short, Poor, and Ugly: I am 178 cm, while Xi Chenyi is 190 cm, so I’m short in comparison.
I’m penniless, and Xi Chenyi is wealthy beyond imagination, so I’m poor.
As for being ugly, I think my looks can still hold their own against Xi Chenyi.

By the rule of two out of three, I realized that I might actually be an unworthy “loser.”

That night, when I got home, I was starving.
Human food couldn’t fill me up—only blood could.

This morning, when Xi Chenyi left, he told me, “After class, come straight home. I’ll let you drink my blood tonight.”

But judging from today’s news, Xi Chenyi was probably going to spend the night with his Omega.

Even though I didn’t have high hopes, I still sent him a message:
“When are you coming home? I’m so hungry QAQ.”

It took a long time for him to reply:
“Sorry, I won’t be home tonight. There’s duck blood in the fridge; make do with that. I’ll satisfy you tomorrow night.”

I gently turned off my phone.
Liar. He promised he’d be home tonight.

I opened the fridge, took a bite of the duck blood, and immediately spat it out.
It was awful—the worst thing I’d ever eaten.

But to avoid going to bed on an empty stomach, I forced myself to finish the duck blood, crying all the while.

Before I went to sleep, I lay in bed and accepted one painful truth:
Xi Chenyi was getting married soon.

And I was a “loser” unworthy of him.

From now on, he’d probably be spending more nights away from home. Maybe one day, he’d kick me out to make room for his new Omega spouse.

I think I should start looking for a new source of blood.

The next day, during class, I suddenly smelled something sweet.

I turned around and saw that an Alpha in the back row had accidentally cut his hand, and his blood was dripping onto the floor.

I knew him. He had added me on WeChat before and asked me out, but back then I believed Xi Chenyi’s nonsense:
“Alphas are all bad. Stay away from them.”

Now I realized, no matter how bad other Alphas were, they couldn’t be worse than Xi Chenyi. He was the real villain.

The Alpha’s blood smelled really good, and while it wasn’t as good as Xi Chenyi’s, it was definitely better than the horrible duck blood from last night.

I vowed to never eat duck blood again.

I handed him some tissues to wipe the blood and, blinking, whispered,
“You asked me out before, right? How about tonight?”

He looked at me in disbelief and nodded, “Sure, tonight it is.”

After class, we walked out of the school side by side, planning to visit the new claw machine arcade nearby.
I had already texted the Xi family driver, telling him not to pick me up—I’d go home on my own tonight.

But I still saw that familiar flying car parked at the school gate.

Just as I was about to call the driver, I saw the back door open and Xi Chenyi step out, his face dark with anger.
He looked like he had been smeared with coal, his eyes blazing with fury.

I had never seen him so angry before.
In that instant, a flood of possible forced play scenarios flashed through my mind.

I was done for.

I turned and bolted.

Naturally, my escape ended with me being tossed into the back seat of the flying car like a little chicken.
Face down, I was pinned against Xi Chenyi’s lap.

As the partition lowered, a smack landed on my butt.
I was stunned, and when I finally realized what had happened, my face flushed bright red.

“D-Don’t hit me on the butt,” I stammered, embarrassed, pushing against his abdomen as I struggled.
But my efforts were futile. Like a mantis trying to stop a car, I was easily subdued by Xi Chenyi.

His eyes were cold, and his expression grim as he scolded,
“Didn’t I tell you to come straight home tonight? Why didn’t you? Were you planning on going on a date with another Alpha?”

With that, a few more smacks landed, harder this time, though still not painful.

I was already upset about last night, so I couldn’t help but retort, my voice choking with emotion,
“Didn’t you say you’d come home last night? But instead, you went to a hotel with another Omega!”

All my grievances poured out like a waterfall, and in my frustration, I bit Xi Chenyi’s arm.

He looked at me, puzzled, “What hotel?”

I pulled out my phone and showed him the post I had seen yesterday.

As he looked at it, Xi Chenyi’s face darkened even more.
He patted my head and reassured me,
“It’s all fake. Don’t believe it. I didn’t come home last night because Grandpa kept me at the old house.”

Then he made a quick call, saying only a few curt words:
“Delete the news. Blacklist Cheng Yuzhen.”

The atmosphere in the car became tense, and I lay still on his lap, not daring to move.

“Cheng Yuzhen is the match Grandpa arranged for me. I refused from the beginning. The photos were staged.”

I was shocked, my eyes wide.
“Huh? She’s your arranged match? But… isn’t blacklisting her a bit harsh?”

Xi Chenyi lowered his crow-feather-like lashes, his expression unreadable.
“If I don’t make my stance clear now, I might have to deal with jealousy later. And I’d rather avoid that.”

I nodded, half-understanding.

After all, Xi Chenyi was going to be matched in a month. If his future partner got upset over this, it would be a hassle.

But…even though he had explained everything, my eyes still stung a little.

I tugged on his sleeve and weakly asked,
“What kind of Omega do you like?”

Xi Chenyi stared at me, his lips curving into a smirk.
“Someone bold. The kind who sneaks into my bed in the middle of the night.”

That night, Xi Chenyi personally logged onto his social account and posted a message:
@Cheng Yuzhen, who do you think you are?

Under the text was a picture of a legal notice from his lawyer.

“Wait, so Xi Chenyi and Cheng Yuzhen aren’t even acquaintances? Did she intentionally ride on his fame?”
“No way, is Cheng Yuzhen out of her mind? How could she try to leech off Xi Chenyi’s popularity?”

“Honestly, Xi Chenyi never used to care about these things. The fact that he’s stepping in now must mean he’s about to be matched. He’s probably trying to be responsible for his future Omega. Whoever they are, they’re so lucky. I’m insanely jealous!”


September 23 when I start posting my translation here, please take care of me. Free chapters in Lock chapters are scheduled to be free, more information can be found in the comment section of the specific novel. If you like my translation please consider buying me a Coffee. My Buy Me A Coffee account link: https://buymeacoffee.com/lhaozi

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