When a Vampire Enters the ABO World
When A Vampire Enters The ABO World Chapter 6

The spaceship carrying Xi Chenyi was also racing back at full speed. We would meet at a certain point along the way.

The Federation’s intention was clear: they wanted me to see Xi Chenyi one last time. But I didn’t believe it. Someone like him, who was always an awesome human being, should be around for a thousand years, not die young.

He had told me to wait for him to come home. He hasn’t come home yet.

The two spaceships finally intersected, and the moment I saw him, tears flooded uncontrollably. All hope was shattered.

He lay on the hospital bed, covered in blood. Even though he was connected to several blood bags, blood still continued to pour out. All his organs were shattered—how much pain he must be in.

Everyone else in the room left, leaving only Xi Chenyi and me. I knelt beside his bed, holding his cold hand, crying so hard I could barely speak.

Xi Chenyi’s once-closed eyes slightly opened.

He said, “Don’t cry.”

He tried to raise his hand to wipe my tears, but halfway, it weakly fell back down. Blood poured out from his throat again.

“I’m sorry,” he whispered.

“I don’t want your apology! I want you to be okay. You promised you’d come home. You’re going to survive, right?”

Xi Chenyi smiled weakly, but then, overwhelmed by the pain, his eyes closed once more. He no longer had the strength to lie to me.

The spaceship continued to travel through the vast universe, passing by a deep blue planet.

The blue oceans intertwined with the vibrant green lands, full of life.

It was called Blue Star, the place where our ancestors once lived.

Surrounding Blue Star was a white moon, full of scars, revolving around it from the beginning until the end of the universe’s time.

Xi Chenyi used all his remaining strength to lift a single finger and point at the moon. He opened his mouth, but no sound came out.

In that moment, I knew what he was trying to say.

He said, “I will always guard you, just like that star.”

“No! I don’t want you to die!”

In desperation, I grabbed a knife from nearby and made a deep cut in my palm, letting the blood gush into Xi Chenyi’s mouth. But his lips remained pale.

Everything felt like it had returned to that summer night, when I secretly drank his blood from a wound while lying on his bed. The summer breeze was soft and gentle, carrying the sweet scent of flowers through the window.

The moonlight lay gently on his body.

I carefully squeezed the blood from my fingertip and watched as his lips turned from pale to rosy.

But now, even though all the blood in my palm had drained, Xi Chenyi still showed no signs of waking up.

Without hesitation, I made another deep cut on my other hand.

Humans are in danger of death when they lose 30% of their blood, but for vampires, it only takes 5%.

My head started to spin, and my vision became blurry. But I held on, kneeling by the bed, full of hope as I watched the blood flow into Xi Chenyi’s mouth.

Just drink a little more… just a little more…

The blood flowed rapidly, and so did my life.

But I wanted him to live.

My life, every drop of blood in my body, existed for him.

In a daze, I seemed to have a long dream.

I dreamed of boarding a vehicle, where everyone sat with their heads down, as if they had lost their souls.

The scenery outside the window was sometimes desolate forests, sometimes battlefields filled with explosions.

Everything was strange and surreal.

The journey was long, and I had no idea when it would end.

Suddenly, someone tapped my shoulder.

I turned around, and though I couldn’t see his face clearly, I instinctively felt a sense of familiarity, like I had known him for many years.

He said, “You shouldn’t be here.”

At the same time, the scene outside the window started to rewind rapidly, and the ground shook violently.

It was like a smooth, unbroken piece of glass had been shattered from the center, with countless shards pouring down as the world began to collapse.

I finally remembered who he was, and his face became clear in front of me.

Xi Chenyi stood before me, perfectly fine, his brows furrowed in regret.

But I smiled and, without saying a word, tightly grabbed his wrist and jumped out of the window with him.

The scene outside vanished in an instant, leaving only a bottomless abyss below us.

Just as the world collapsed, brilliant rays of light exploded from the distant valley.

And finally, the world regained its color.

(End of Main Story)

Extra 1: Xi Chenyi

I thought I would be single for life, or be forcibly paired at the age of 30. But I never expected to meet the most important person in my life.

The day I came out of the military camp, my finger was injured, and an Omega secretly followed me.

At first, I thought he was a spy from the enemy, but that idea was quickly dismissed. No spy would be this stupid.

He thought he was being stealthy, but his pheromones were everywhere.

I had no choice but to discreetly use my own pheromones to shield his, to prevent anyone else from noticing and causing trouble.

It smelled like milk, and it was quite sweet.

I became curious and wanted to see what he was up to.

So, I informed the guards at the door in advance not to catch him.

He sneaked into my room and hid in my wardrobe, probably feeling proud of his tracking skills.

But he didn’t come out for a long time, so I lay in bed pretending to sleep.

As expected, once he thought I was asleep, he opened the wardrobe door.

He knelt beside my bed, his breath tickling the fingers on my left hand.

And my right hand was already prepared for a deadly strike.

If he made any suspicious moves, I wouldn’t hesitate to kill him.


September 23 when I start posting my translation here, please take care of me. Free chapters in Lock chapters are scheduled to be free, more information can be found in the comment section of the specific novel. If you like my translation please consider buying me a Coffee. My Buy Me A Coffee account link: https://buymeacoffee.com/lhaozi

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