After the Blind Young Master was Reborn
After the Blind Young Master was Reborn Chapter 1

I am the short-tempered blind young master.
After going bankrupt, everyone avoided me like the plague, except for my archenemy Jiang Youqi, who took me back to his home.
But I splashed hot tea on him, bit him, kicked him, and cursed him…
Just as I was about to fall in love with him, he died.
When I opened my eyes again, I had returned to the day I went blind in the car accident.
Jiang Youqi knelt on one knee in front of me: “Young master, tell me, what do you want to do this time?”
My hands trembled as I gently touched the corner of his lips.
“Ah Qi, I want you to kiss me.”

I am the extremely short-tempered young master.
But now, not only am I bankrupt, I was also in a car accident, and my eyes went blind.
I’m nothing but a useless person.
While going downstairs, I slipped and fell, hitting my head on the steps.

I almost forgot, after Jiang Youqi died, no one came to see me anymore.
I just waited quietly in the endless darkness for death to come.
It’s fine, dying means I can reunite with Jiang Youqi.
When I meet him in the underworld, I’ll definitely scold him—why did he leave me all alone in this world?
I hadn’t even had the chance to tell him I liked him.
In the last second before I lost consciousness, I immaturely fantasized: “Jiang Youqi, I’m coming to find you.
If you can hear me, can you wait for me on the road to the underworld?”

When I opened my eyes again, I still couldn’t see anything—just darkness.
I hadn’t died.
It was probably some kind-hearted person who passed by and saved me.
“Hello, is anyone there?” I softly asked.
Jiang Youqi had taught me to be gentle and polite to those who help me.
I couldn’t be as reckless as before.
No one would treat me the way Jiang Youqi did anymore; I was no longer the pampered young master.
Someone slowly approached me, their footsteps getting closer and closer, until they stopped.
“Young master, tell me, what do you want to do this time?
Smash a cup or splash hot water?”
I was shocked and tried to open my eyes wide, hoping to see the person in front of me.
But I couldn’t see anything.
That was Jiang Youqi’s voice.
Though it wasn’t as gentle as before, I would never mistake his voice.
But hadn’t he died? How could he be here?
I trembled as I reached out, searching for Jiang Youqi’s position.
He was very close, his face almost pressed against my thigh.
It didn’t take much effort before I gently touched the face I longed for day and night but could never clearly see.
“Ah Qi, I want you to kiss me.
Don’t be mad at me, okay?”
If this was a dream, I hoped it would never end.

Jiang Youqi’s face slowly stiffened.
The young master’s slender white fingers wandered aimlessly across his face, finally resting at the corner of his mouth.
It was like a little feather lightly tickling his heart.
After a moment, Jiang Youqi smiled bitterly to himself, his smile full of self-mockery.
“Though I don’t know what kind of new method of venting this is…
But young master, I’ll accept it.”
In the early days after I went blind, Jiang Youqi always called me “young master.” Later, he started calling me different names like baby, sweetheart, Yangyang…
I had an absurd thought.
I might have gone back a year.
After the bankruptcy, my parents and I were in a car accident, and they both died.
Only I survived, but my eyes went blind.
I couldn’t accept what had happened, and my temper became more volatile, swinging between anger and despair.
Everyone avoided me except for my long-time rival Jiang Youqi, who immediately rushed back from abroad.
He took me home and took care of me every day.

But I vented all my emotions on Jiang Youqi.
When he poured me water, I took it and smashed it on the ground, and tiny glass shards embedded themselves in my feet.
Since I couldn’t see, I didn’t realize that most of the glass shards flew towards Jiang Youqi, but he didn’t say a word.
Instead of getting angry, Jiang Youqi was more worried than I was.
“Young master, don’t move. I’ll take care of your wounds.”
Jiang Youqi gently treated my injuries and removed the glass shards.
After the car accident, I was left with many scars, and Jiang Youqi took it upon himself to help me bathe.
I felt humiliated as I let Jiang Youqi undress me.
He carefully and gently wiped my body, his cool fingers brushing over my wounds.
“Young master, after a bit more recovery, your wounds will heal.”
I stared blankly ahead.
“Jiang Youqi, seeing me like this must make you the happiest, right?
I can’t see anything anymore. I’m blind. I’ve become useless and lost everything.
You brought me back just to laugh at me, didn’t you? Still calling me young master—aren’t you mocking me?”
Despite how terribly I treated Jiang Youqi, he never said a harsh word to me.
He let my words go in one ear and out the other.
“If you don’t like that, I’ll call you something else.
From now on, I’ll call you Yangyang, okay?”

Jiang Youqi took great care of me. He padded the corners of every piece of furniture in the house with cloth, and the floors were made slip-resistant.
I never had to do anything; I just had to focus on recovering.
But I could never accept it. I had been spoiled my whole life, used to the best of everything.
Now I was blind and bankrupt, and my entire world was plunged into darkness.
I tried to commit suicide, but Jiang Youqi always stopped me.
So, I asked him to end my life.
“Jiang Youqi, kill me, please? What’s the point of living like this?
I don’t want to live like a cripple, relying on others for everything.”
In response, Jiang Youqi kissed me again and again.
I want you to live well. I’ll stay with you, and we’ll live together until we’re a hundred years old.”
He loved me—he’d told me that the day he returned from abroad.

Translator’s Note: Hiyaa! Another translation for y’all dear readers. This translation is dedicated to @Anon @fhvvtfb @Justiceformybigbro a@sascha and @Fisukisuki thanks a lot for all your comments and review, that motivated me a lot.🥰

Only read my Translations in Shanghai Fantasy website!


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