Take a Bite of the Bunny
Take a Bite of the Bunny Chapter 1

“Xiao Jin, it’s not that mom is nagging you, but wasn’t that Xiao Ye I introduced to you quite nice? Why haven’t you kept in touch again? Your Little Dad keeps asking me about it too…”

Wei Jin listened to her mother’s rambling, her brows furrowing once again. She couldn’t argue back and could only sigh. “Mom, Xiao Ye is too good for me. I’m not worthy of him…”

Upon hearing this, Wei Feng’s voice shot up, “What?! You’re not worthy? How can my child, Wei Feng’s child, not be worthy?! If you’re going to come up with an excuse, at least come up with a better one. Are you trying to make me angry on purpose?”

Wei Jin sighed once more. “Alright, Mom. We’re just not compatible, no feelings, no common topics. Please, stop setting me up. I have to drive now. Let’s not talk about this anymore, okay?”

“You child, hey—hey—”

Dragging her exhausted body into the car, Wei Jin asked the driver to start driving.

Life, it’s becoming unbearable.

Sigh, reborn, but it doesn’t even feel like it.

Who could have thought that a perfectly fine college girl in the prime of her life would die from sheer anger and seamlessly reincarnate into a new world? Not even giving her a moment to catch her breath!

In her previous life, Wei Jin was just an ordinary rich second generation. Unfortunately, she had a cheating dad, a deceased mom, a ruthless stepbrother, and a manipulative stepmother. When she was about to start an internship at the family company, her stepmother convinced her dad to call her and tell her not to bother with the internship and instead go straight into an arranged marriage to secure the company’s status.

The proposed match? A third-generation rich guy who was 160 cm tall and weighed 160 pounds.

Oh, and now Wei Jin was completely broken.

Before she could even curse, she was so enraged that she passed out on the spot. As she was slipping away, Wei Jin thought to herself, “So this is where my hereditary heart condition kicks in, huh? I’ve been fine for over twenty years, only to die just before graduating from college.”

What a joke!

Before she could even catch her breath, she got slapped. Opening her mouth, she let out a howl.

Wait, what’s that sound?

Reincarnation couldn’t possibly happen this fast, could it?

After calming down, she realized she had been reborn into a new world, where she wasn’t born to a woman but to a man. And the racial divisions here? Oh, great. Isn’t this an ABO world?!!

Good news! Great news! Wei Jin—she… grew a ****! Hahaha!

Xiao Jin was just an ordinary college girl. She didn’t have many hobbies, except enjoying some risqué stuff on the internet. In real life, she was shy and quiet, but online, she was bold and fearless, unable to stop her fingers from typing whenever she saw handsome guys and pretty girls.

Wei Jin’s dream? To have a cute, sweet wife.

Hahaha, and now she’s finally got the chance! Hahaha…

However, reality struck.

Even though the world was different, the study material hadn’t changed much. Wei Jin was working her butt off just to get through each day.

She didn’t have any other grand plans; she was just too tired to study anymore. After being reborn, she found herself starting from kindergarten, then elementary school, middle school, high school, and university all over again. Thanks, but no thanks—she just couldn’t take it anymore.

In the end, under her mother’s relentless pressure, she made it into a top university, continuing her old major of business administration, preparing to take over the family business (cross that out), or at least work for the company (being the assistant to the president—her mom—and indirectly handling company affairs).

She hasn’t dated anyone, and now she’s two years behind compared to her past life. She hasn’t lost any hair yet, but since joining the company, there hasn’t been a single day to look forward to. Haha.

After work, she got ambushed by a phone call from her mother, making her feel even more drained.

Now at twenty-five, still no love life, a true giant in theory but a dwarf in action.

It’s not that she didn’t want to date. Over the past two years, her mother introduced her to several people. Either they thought she wasn’t strong or successful enough, didn’t feel secure with her, or they simply didn’t feel a spark. Or, on the other hand, the other person was too much of a drama king with a bad temper.

But you can’t really blame them. This world’s divisions between A, B, and O are very clear. Wei Jin, however, still had memories of her past life, and the habits from that time mixed with the customs of this world made her feel both helpless and unwilling to conform.

After all, a single person couldn’t break the rules of an entire world.

But, plenty of people here were already “rebellious.”

Not long ago, she went on a date with Xiao Ye. He was quiet and good-looking, hitting all of Wei Jin’s preferences, but the two of them sat there like mutes through the entire meal. Aside from saying “hello” at the beginning, they didn’t exchange another word.

It was clear Xiao Ye wasn’t a talker. Seeing this, Wei Jin realized she was just a paper tiger.

In short, they weren’t compatible.

Xiao Ye was great, but she wasn’t worthy of him.

That being said, all her dates were with boys. She never had a date with a girl, probably because of the influence of her alpha mother and omega father. Her parents naturally introduced her to omega boys.

Though in her past life, she dreamed of having a soft, fragrant wife, now she wasn’t as keen on the idea anymore. She barely managed to survive her way into the company, and everything else she just left to fate. She wasn’t forcing anything or wasting energy on unnecessary things.

Besides, she wasn’t even sure if she could handle having a wife.

After all, in this world, AO pairings were the mainstream.

Sigh, it’s such a headache.

Finally, this tiring (cross that out) beautiful day came to an end. After the driver parked the car, Wei Jin gathered her things and prepared to go home.

Wei Jin’s Little Dad, Su Yan, was a typical omega. He had studied how to take care of an alpha and manage a household. His voice was always soft and gentle, perfectly fitting the omega image Wei Jin had in mind from the novels she used to read. Whenever Wei Jin talked to Little Dad, she didn’t dare raise her voice, afraid of scaring him.

As soon as she walked in the door, Little Dad greeted her warmly. “How was work today? Are you tired? Did you give your mother any trouble?”

Wei Jin quickly employed her “spoiled” technique, hugging Su Yan’s arm and swaying it. “Little Dad, I’m so tired today~ What’s for dinner~ I missed you so much~”

Just as she was doing this, Wei Feng, who had just come back, saw the scene and immediately delivered a flying kick. Then she scooped Su Yan into her arms and said to Wei Jin, “Go hug your own omega! Oh! You don’t have an omega! Why don’t you have an omega yet?”

Su Yan, his face flushed, kissed his alpha on the chin and urged the two to stop messing around and come inside to eat.

In moments like these, they were alphas first, mother and daughter second.

After all, alphas have a strong sense of possessiveness over their omegas.

Wei Jin understood.

Then she ate with gusto.

Eh hehe… Such a delicious meal, hehe…


Dinner conversation quickly shifted to Wei Jin’s matchmaking plans.

Ever since she became an adult, Wei Jin began experiencing heat periods. The first two years were manageable, but recently they had become overwhelming, making her feel like destroying everything around her.

Oh, I forgot to mention that in this world, besides the ABO system, there are also spirit beasts—physical manifestations of one’s spirit, which are linked to the senses. Usually, when alphas and omegas can’t control their pheromones, their spirit beast characteristics emerge. High-level alphas and omegas can control these features, while betas, lacking pheromones, don’t have spirit beasts.

The world has now evolved to the point where full spirit beast transformations no longer occur.

Wei Jin sometimes wondered if this world evolved from werewolves and the ABO system.

Speaking of which, she had to mention her polar-wolf mother and arctic-fox father, and how on earth they managed to give birth to her, a husky…

During her heat, she couldn’t help but want to destroy things, howling endlessly. After one incident of wrecking the house, Wei Feng decided she should spend her heat periods in a specialized isolation room at the hospital.

Otherwise, she’d be sent to her cold, barren, post-apocalyptic little den (the house she bought off-campus during university, which was in ruins from her heat period rampages and still hadn’t been cleaned up).

Yep, at those times, she addressed her mother as “Madam Wei Feng.”

People are terrible, but dogs are good. Sob sob.

However, Wei Jin thought her ears were quite cute, and so far, she could only manage to control the occasional appearance of her ears, so it wasn’t too much of a problem.

Back to the main point.

By the end of dinner, Wei Jin had been assigned a new matchmaking candidate.

This time, Little Dad had arranged it. He said it was the child of a friend, a few years older than Wei Jin, and still single. Their family was just as eager as hers, probably even more so.

Little Dad said this child was different from other omegas, and if they clicked, it could be a good match.

After all, in Little Dad’s eyes, Wei Jin was also different from other alphas.

Sometimes Su Yan couldn’t quite figure out if Wei Jin even liked omegas. She said she could accept an omega, but whenever she saw a particularly attractive alpha, she couldn’t seem to walk away.

This child of his, she’s truly strange. Mature at times, yet clinging like a spoiled child as she grows older.

But that’s okay. No matter what, she’s still his precious baby.

Oh, Little Dad also mentioned that the new matchmaking candidate has a very beautiful name.

Meng Yue Sheng.

But, he said the child didn’t like taking photos, so there weren’t any pictures. However, Su Yan had already sent Wei Jin’s photo to the candidate’s parents, and they said that as long as she’s a good kid, that’s all that matters. If she treats their Yue Sheng well, they’d be even happier if he could like her in return.

Su Yan held Wei Jin’s hand, saying, “Little Dad really cares about your future. I hope you can meet someone you like soon. When your mother and I were your age, you were already rolling over in your crib…”

He added, “Meng Yue Sheng is good-looking, with a nice personality. It’s worth meeting and making friends.”

When Wei Jin first heard the name, she felt it sounded quite poetic. Just hearing it made her imagine a refined, elegant young gentleman, like a radiant moon in the sky.

Thinking this, she started to look forward to it.

So, she agreed to the meeting. After all, the arrangements were up to the other party.

Compared to her previous life, she was doing much better. She didn’t even need to go through the hassle of internships, skipping straight to being the president’s assistant, enjoying the same treatment as the CEO. There was no forced marriage, and the matchmaking prospects were carefully selected by her parents.

She was their baby after all, still living with her parents. No wonder her mother gave her such a heavy workload—it’s understandable. Sorry for intruding on your two-person world, sob sob.

After returning to her room, Wei Jin took a shower and collapsed straight onto her bed.

Being an adult is really not easy.

Without even checking her phone, she fell into a deep sleep, completely exhausted.


1 chapter will be unlock per week ~ Join my Discord for more latest updates 🤔

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