Take a Bite of the Bunny
Take a Bite of the Bunny Chapter 4

Ever since meeting Meng Yue Sheng, Wei Jin found herself glancing at her phone every now and then.

Both Wei Feng and Su Yan noticed that the two seemed to be getting along pretty well, and it looked like something might come of it. Wei Jin was behaving like a lovestruck teenager, reacting to even the slightest sign like it could throw her completely off balance.

Wei Feng couldn’t resist teasing her, saying it was like “an old house finally catching fire.”

In recent days, Wei Jin had been feeling more relaxed. Some of the documents no longer needed her review. Wei Feng suggested she gain experience by managing one of the smaller companies under their group, but Wei Jin, hesitant and unsure of herself, was still deliberating.

With less work on her plate, Wei Jin spent her free time lounging on the office sofa, not-so-subtly slacking off.

It had been almost a month since she last met Meng Yue Sheng, and now they only exchanged simple greetings in the morning, afternoon, and night, with the occasional daily update. Their exchanges weren’t frequent, and sometimes Meng Yue Sheng wouldn’t reply until the next day.

Sigh… Wei Jin clicked on his profile picture—a cute bunny avatar. His WeChat Moments were completely bare except for a single background image.


Hearing her sigh yet again, Wei Feng couldn’t help but mock her.

“Did I give birth to a sighing baby?” she said in a tone full of disappointment. “What’s the use of just staring at your phone? Do you think your wife will just fly to you? If he doesn’t come to you, why don’t you go to him?”

“I think little Meng is pretty good. If you keep hesitating, you’ll miss your chance! Be bold and seize the opportunity!”

Wei Jin was still a bit unsure. “But… would he want me to go? Would I be disturbing him?”

“If you hesitate any longer, you’ll lose him for sure~” Wei Feng snorted, slamming a contract down on the table.

Not wanting to endure her mother’s scolding any further, Wei Jin quickly retreated into the break room.

Lying on the small sofa, Wei Jin wondered to herself: Does Meng Yue Sheng really want to marry me?

Back when they had dessert at SWEET LOVE, Meng Yue Sheng mentioned they could stay in touch, but also explained that he’d be quite busy most of the time and might not always respond right away, asking for her understanding.

Of course, Wei Jin understood! It was no big deal—he had his own company to run, and she knew he’d be busy. She wasn’t bothered.

Sigh… But now, she was the one getting all worked up.

After much thought, Wei Jin decided to send him a message, suggesting they meet up.

Wei Jin: [Where’s your company? I want to come see you.]

Waiting was torture. It was just after noon, so Meng Yue Sheng was probably on his lunch break, right? What was he having for lunch, she wondered.

I really want to see him…

Their conversation was still stuck on yesterday’s messages. Wei Jin had sent a morning greeting, and he had replied in the afternoon. She had thoughtfully sent him a cute “I’ll behave” bunny sticker.

Perhaps Meng Yue Sheng was indeed on his break because this time, he replied quickly.

Meng Yue Sheng: [Did something happen?] He included his location.

Wei Jin’s eyes lit up. She opened the map and found that his office wasn’t too far away—only about a 30-minute drive.

Wei Jin: [Nothing happened. I just want to see you. I miss you.]

Wei Jin: [Do you have any plans for tonight?]

Meng Yue Sheng rubbed his temples. His head was still throbbing slightly. His company hadn’t been around for long, and things were particularly hectic right now. Because of his status as an omega, he didn’t have much influence in the business world, and many people underestimated him. Some of the upper management were already predicting the company’s downfall.

He wanted to grow the company further and prove to all the alphas that he could succeed without relying on them.

But there was a major issue—one of the companies they had secured for a partnership was starting to waver, implying that either they’d have to collaborate with another firm or offer more concessions “to build a friendly relationship” for future endeavors.

Meng Yue Sheng wasn’t particularly angry—at least this partner wasn’t being too pushy or hostile.

Wei Jin’s message gave him a much-needed breath of fresh air.

At least someone still needed him.

Tonight? He’d probably have to work overtime again…

But… he also wanted to see Wei Jin. Maybe he could take the evening off, just this once.

So, he replied: [No big plans. Do you want to come over? I can book a restaurant for dinner.]

Wei Jin: [I’ll come!]

Wei Jin: [Don’t book anything yet. I’ll take you somewhere else for dinner.]

Wei Jin: [Those restaurants have such small portions and are too expensive.]

Meng Yue Sheng chuckled softly at her playful complaint. Her youthful tone made him feel a bit younger too, as if he were back in university, dating like any other carefree omega.

No work, no worries, no rumors—just freedom.

He felt relaxed.

Seeing his messages, Wei Jin immediately sat up straight. Yes! He’s free tonight! Now she could take him out for a nice dinner, and maybe they could stroll around a bit afterward.

There was no need for him to reserve a fancy restaurant—they never served enough food anyway.

Just like the novels she’d read, where the CEO characters always had some kind of stomach issues, and after eating a meal prepared by the protagonist, their life seemed completely different—like they had finally found their soulmate.

No wonder those characters had stomach problems! With the meager portions those restaurants served, even Wei Jin would feel bad about the money spent.

Even though she had the means, there was no need to spend it like that.

In recent years, Wei Jin had discovered a few good restaurants with generous portions. She always found the meals delicious.

She had brought food from those places back to Wei Feng a few times, and Wei Feng’s verdict was: “A bit less tasty than Su Yan’s.”

That meant it was good!

Meng Yue Sheng: [Alright, let me know when you get here.]

But Wei Jin didn’t want to wait until the evening to see him. She wanted to go now.

She couldn’t wait another minute.

Stepping out of the break room, Wei Jin strode into her office to request leave from Wei Feng.

“Uh, Mom…”

Wei Feng shot her a look. “Just go.”

“How did you know what I was going to say?” Wei Jin clutched her chest dramatically.

“Heh, get out of here,” Wei Feng leaned back in her chair, arms crossed. “Everything you’re doing, I’ve done in my day.”

“Bring a small gift, maybe give him a soft hug…” Wei Feng reminisced with a knowing smile. “Trust me, it’ll work like a charm.”

Ugh, too much dog food.

“Thanks, Mom.”

Wei Jin waved as she left, feeling a little embarrassed.

Heading to the underground garage, she chose a low-key luxury car. Most of her cars were gifts from Wei Feng and Xu Xu. She didn’t drive much, and back in college, she had bought herself an affordable car for commuting. Xu Xu teased her about it for three years before gifting her a flashy sports car.

When she drove Xu Xu or Gu Ziyan around, she would drive that one.

But not today—not for seeing Meng Yue Sheng. That car was way too flashy.

Gripping the steering wheel, Wei Jin felt a wave of nostalgia.

She knew she had to bring a gift when meeting Meng Yue Sheng—Wei Feng didn’t even have to remind her. Blue roses had worked well last time, so she’d get a few more this time.

However, the idea of hugging Meng Yue Sheng hadn’t occurred to her.

Hugging him…

Just the thought made her giddy with excitement…

Even though she hadn’t seen Meng Yue Sheng in a while, the longing and affection inside her had taken root, growing into a vine ready to bloom.

At the flower shop, the owner recognized her immediately. “What can I get for you today?”

“The same as last time, but add three more roses.”

“Should I use the same wrapping as before?” The owner moved to gather the flowers.


The shop had a hanging basket chair, so Wei Jin wandered over and sat in it while the owner wrapped the bouquet.

“Did your friend like the last bouquet?”

“I think so,” Wei Jin replied, recalling the scene from before. Meng Yue Sheng holding the blue roses had looked so beautiful, his fingers gently caressing the petals like he was touching a lover.

In that moment, Wei Jin knew she had to have him. She had to win Meng Yue Sheng’s heart, and she would love him with all her might.

Openly. Boldly.

“All done! Here’s your bouquet. I wish you and your loved one eternal happiness…”

Wei Jin’s heart thumped with excitement.

“He’s not my loved one yet, but I’ll take your blessing.”

With heavy traffic, it took her about forty minutes to reach Meng Yue Sheng’s company.

But once she arrived, she hesitated.

Worried that the flowers would wilt under the sun, she bit her lip and decided to head in.

The building was tall, and inside, everyone was busy working in an orderly fashion.

Approaching the reception desk, Wei Jin held the flowers behind her back and asked which floor Meng Yue Sheng was on.

“Do you have an appointment?” The receptionist smiled politely.

“No,” Wei Jin admitted. She hadn’t planned to come so early, and she’d hoped to sneak in.

“I’m sorry, but without an appointment, I can’t let you up.”

“Do you have urgent business with Mr. Meng? If so, I can call him to confirm~”

“No, that’s alright. I’ll message him. Thanks anyway.”

“No problem, have a nice day!”

Feeling a little awkward, Wei Jin found a seat in the lobby’s waiting area and sent a message to Meng Yue Sheng.

Since she walked in, Wei Jin had felt like people were gossiping about her—not in a mean-spirited way, just idle chatter—which made her a bit self-conscious.

Wei Jin: [Meng Yue Sheng, I might need you to come down and get me.]

And then… five minutes passed without a reply.

Wei Jin was trembling with nerves.

She thought she even overheard someone mention Meng Yue Sheng’s name in their whispers, accompanied by a few giggles.

Help! If only the gossip wasn’t about me, I’d totally enjoy this with a bag of sunflower seeds.

But now, she desperately wished for someone to save her.

Her phone’s screen lit up with two notification sounds, saving her from her embarrassment.

Meng Yue Sheng: [Sorry, I was busy earlier. Are you here already?]

Meng Yue Sheng: [I’ll come down right away.]

Not thirty seconds later, Wei Jin saw the elevator doors open, and out stepped Meng Yue Sheng.

He was dressed in his usual white shirt and black trousers, his posture straight and elegant.

His gaze immediately locked onto her, and he swiftly walked over.

Poor thing, looking all pitiful, like a lost little pup.

It was time to take her home.

Their eyes met, and without a word, they instinctively held hands.

The instant their fingers touched, both felt a spark of excitement.

With her other hand tightly holding the bouquet of roses, Wei Jin followed Meng Yue Sheng step by step.

And just like that, he took her by the hand and led her into his world.


1 chapter will be unlock per week ~ Join my Discord for more latest updates 🤔

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