Application For Divorce
AFD Chapter 42: Blind Date

The sunshine today was truly splendid. After hearing his grandmother’s “I forgive you,” Cheng Jin felt warmth flooding from outside into his heart, as if a heavy burden he had long carried was finally lifted. He tried to find topics of conversation, talking more with his grandmother about Lu Tao, especially about his recent trips to the military hospital.

The old lady wasn’t very talkative and her expression remained cold and serious, but she did respond with a few words. Considering her life’s devotion was to her only grandson, she showed some concern, “Why is he always at the hospital? Does he have some other health issues?”

Cheng Jin replied, “I don’t know. I asked him, but he didn’t tell me anything.”

“Even if he told you, it wouldn’t be of any use,” his grandmother said bluntly. “Besides, military discipline is strict. There are things that perhaps cannot be shared with outsiders.”

“Ah, that’s true.” Cheng Jin didn’t feel embarrassed anymore by her sharp words. “I hope it’s just military stuff. When he was discharged from the hospital, I asked Dr. Gelson. He said his health is completely fine, just waiting for his memory to recover in three months.” As he spoke, his voice grew softer, revealing his barely concealed distress.

The grandmother remained silent for a while before finally saying, “Let’s head back.”

Cheng Jin promptly pushed her wheelchair back. The You Si family’s estate was vast, with buildings covering perhaps as much as ten square kilometers, but the area they were walking was just a small part of the main house. Cheng Jin suddenly remembered that his grandmother had been part of the You Si family before her marriage. He couldn’t help but ask, “Grandma, where did you live before you got married?” Realizing his question might be too intrusive, as they had never chatted so openly, he braced himself for her silence. However, the old lady raised her hand and pointed to a place in the distance, “Over there, near the bay.”

Cheng Jin was delighted by her response, “That’s quite far from here.”

“Back then, this part didn’t exist. The main house was built later. The You Si family expanded from that direction.”

“Oh, I see.” Cheng Jin quickly praised, “The You Si family has developed really well, and the number of members is increasing.”

This time, the old lady didn’t respond, clearly not finding this development particularly joyous. Cheng Jin felt awkward, worried he might have said the wrong thing. Just then, he saw two people approaching. 

His eyesight was excellent, and he quickly recognized them, “It looks like Ai Xue and Yan Qi are also walking this way.”

The grandmother suddenly said, “If not for you, today it might have been Xiao Tao walking with Ai Xue.”

Cheng Jin was taken aback, his mind slightly overwhelmed. It took him a while to understand, “Grandma, are you suggesting that Ai Xue had, had liked Lu Tao?”

“I don’t know,” the old lady said calmly, “but if my grandson were single, wouldn’t they be more suitable for each other?”

Cheng Jin thought about it and realized that indeed, they were more suitable. Although they were technically cousins, the familial bond between the grandmother and You Si Kui wasn’t particularly close, making a marriage between Lu Tao and Ai Xue not only possible but also unlikely to cause any genetic issues. Moreover, Ai Xue, being the direct granddaughter of You Si Kui, matched Lu Tao in terms of family background, appearance, and even personality and interests far better than he did.

If it weren’t for him intervening, it indeed would have been a perfect marriage.

A twinge of jealousy arose in Cheng Jin, and his words carried a hint of sourness, “Grandma, is this also a reason why you dislike me?”

The old lady rarely smiled, but she did now, “If we talk about reasons for disliking you, there are plenty.”

Cheng Jin’s shoulders slumped.

“Arrogant, capricious, extravagant… none of these traits make a good partner. Plus, you had bad intentions and would do anything to achieve your goals. Back then, it seemed like you weren’t serious at all. I’ve seen the news about you, nothing made me feel favorable towards you. I even thought that your desire to marry my grandson was no different from wanting a beautiful jewel—only one was a person, the other a mere object. And you even used me to coerce him, how could I like you?”

Cheng Jin’s face flushed with shame, he whispered, “I was wrong…”

“But I must admit, I was wrong about one thing—you aren’t quick to replace old loves with new ones. In the seven years since Lu Tao distanced himself from you, no unfaithful rumors have emerged. But I think, perhaps that’s due to Xiao Tao’s own charm.” 

The grandmother’s tone was not as cold as before, and it carried more emotion, “But you’re also mistaken. Among the many reasons I disliked you, this wasn’t one of them.”

Cheng Jin was stunned, “Ah?”

The old lady looked towards the handsome young man and the beautiful young woman in the distance, speaking calmly, “The You Si family marriages always consider benefits. If my grandson were just an ordinary person without a military title, no matter how handsome or excellent he was, the You Si family would never marry Ai Xue to him. When I said that without you, it might have been Xiao Tao and Ai Xue standing there today, it’s also based on the fact that Xiao Tao is now a Shang Jiang. So from this point of view, you are a bit better.”

She glanced indifferently at Cheng Jin, “At least you just look at the face, not the status. You pursued him because you liked him, not like the nobility who seek marriages only for benefits.”

Cheng Jin’s face turned even redder as he muttered in defense, “I didn’t like my husband just for his looks…”

“Aren’t you love at first sight? What else can you see in love at first sight besides the face?”

Cheng Jin had no response; after all, when he first felt attracted to Lu Tao, it was indeed because of his face. He then realized that his grandmother seemed to disapprove of the You Si family’s approach to marriage, hence her unfriendly attitude. Then another key thought struck him, “So now, are Yan Qi and Ai Xue on an arranged date?”

The grandmother was somewhat speechless, “You didn’t notice?”

Cheng Jin shyly shook his head, “I… I didn’t pay attention before…”

As they spoke, the young man and woman approached closer. Ai Xue was stunningly beautiful, not in the fragile way typical of young ladies, but with a vibrant energy that was especially attractive in the sunlight. Together with Yan Qi… they did seem quite well-matched.

Ai Xue greeted the grandmother, and Cheng Jin, recalling how Yan Qi had ridiculed him so many times, finally saw a chance to retaliate, “Yan Qi, congratulations on finally getting rid of your single status. No need to hide in our corner crying anymore.”

Yan Qi, who had been nonchalant, suddenly turned cold, his eyes flashing dangerously. Cheng Jin was startled and quickly hid behind his grandmother, “I was just joking, why that fierce expression? So scary.”

Ai Xue turned around with interest, smiling, “Hiding in the corner crying? What was that about?”

Under her gaze, Yan Qi’s expression softened but remained stiff and somewhat impatient, “It was a long time ago, nothing important.” He glared at Cheng Jin before asking Ai Xue, “Shall we go back?”

Ai Xue, unfazed, cheerfully said, “Let’s go back then. We’ve walked enough anyway. Great-grandma, I’ll push you back.”

Cheng Jin’s “job” was taken by Ai Xue, forcing him to walk alongside Yan Qi, who was clearly in a bad mood. His handsome face was sullen, and he wouldn’t even glance at Cheng Jin, making him feel a bit guilty.

Had his joke gone too far?

In the past, the young lord wouldn’t have second-guessed himself, but over the years, he had become more concerned about whether his manners were appropriate and whether his words might hurt others. So, albeit reluctantly, he lowered his voice, “Yan Qi, I didn’t mean it like that just now, don’t take it to heart.”

Yan Qi scoffed, “It’s rare for the young lord to apologize now.”

Cheng Jin was annoyed, “I’ve always been able to!”

Yan Qi retorted, “You’re pretty good at going with the flow, knowing your brother can’t protect you now, right? Still know enough to keep a low profile. If your brother saw you now, I wonder if he’d be happy or angry.”

Cheng Jin glared at him, “Be mad at me if you want, but why bring up my brother? He hasn’t done anything to you!” After speaking, he felt something was wrong, “Wait, I haven’t done anything to you either, why are you always hostile towards me?” He was genuinely puzzled about this; after all, they used to be friends, and even if they had drifted apart due to different values, it shouldn’t have escalated to hostility.

Yan Qi mocked him with his gaze, “What do you think?”

Cheng Jin was shocked, “You don’t hate me because I never actually became your partner, do you? That year you were crying in our corner, that was really suspicious! Your home is so far from mine, why were you crying in our corner? Could it be that you had a crush on me back then?” The more he thought about it, the more plausible it seemed, and he looked at Yan Qi warily.

Yan Qi laughed at him, his volume rising as Ai Xue walked away, “Your self-love should have a limit, okay? With all the treasures you’ve bought, didn’t you think to buy a mirror to look at yourself? What about you would make me take an interest?”

Cheng Jin, hearing his ridicule, didn’t feel suffocated this time but rather relieved, “Good, then I’m relieved. Otherwise, I’d feel uncomfortable.”

Yan Qi, frustrated, unbuttoned his suit and flicked his clothes, his brows nearly knotting. After a while, he said angrily, “Tell them I’m not feeling well, I’m leaving first.”

Cheng Jin was baffled, “Why should I say it?”

“Because your joke made me feel unwell!” Yan Qi glared at him fiercely and bit his teeth, “And don’t tell your brother about today!”

Watching the man storm off, Cheng Jin was completely baffled.

Why couldn’t he tell his brother about the blind date?

It had nothing to do with his brother at all, right?


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