I Suggest You Don’t Offend Me
I Suggest You Don’t Offend Me Chapter 2

Chapter 2

When Lin Shu arrived at the restaurant’s private room, Wang Tie Niu and Liu Xuhui were already there.

Lin Shu apologized for being late due to traffic, then glanced around, her expression darkening slightly. “Where’s Xu Shijia? Still not here?”

“He’s here.”

Almost as soon as Lin Shu finished speaking, a low male voice responded. The door to the private room swung open, and someone walked in.

Instinctively, Lin Shu looked toward the voice and saw the man who had stalled his Porsche not long ago. One hand was casually tucked into his pocket, his tall frame and long legs giving him an imposing presence. As he entered, he had the air of a boss coming to inspect the place, not of an employee arriving late to a meeting.

Xu Shijia? This showy peacock is Xu Shijia?

Lin Shu was stunned. “Xu Shijia is a man?”

What about that mistress she heard about?

Liu Xuhui, noticing Lin Shu’s confusion, kindly explained, “Lin-par, we did have a female colleague in our team, but she found out she was pregnant a few days ago and has resigned to rest and prepare for the baby. Maybe that information hadn’t been updated for you yet.”

Oh, so the mistress had resigned for maternity leave.

So, this Xu Shijia… was just another connected guy with some family background? Given that he could drive a car like that, his family was likely quite wealthy. His arrogance wasn’t much different from the rumored mistress, either.

At that moment, the man stood in the doorway, looking a bit puzzled. “Where should I sit?”

There was only one empty chair. Where else could he sit?

After a moment, perhaps picking up on the implication in Lin Shu’s gaze, Xu Shijia looked at her incredulously. “That’s where the dishes are served,” he said, with disdain in his voice. “I’ve never sat in such a spot in my life.”

Wang Tie Niu, who was seated beside Lin Shu, immediately stood up. “Why don’t you take my seat?”

“Tie Niu, sit down.”

Lin Shu’s approach to dealing with people was always clear: show respect where it’s due, but never back down when someone tries to take advantage. Though Wang Tie Niu was the company heir, he had proven himself to be adaptable, considerate, and sharp.

In leading a team, Lin Shu wouldn’t allow someone like him to suffer.

Lin Shu looked up at Xu Shijia and smiled. “Tie Niu and I get along well. It’s fitting for him to sit next to me.”

Ignoring Xu Shijia’s stunned expression, Lin Shu flashed an appreciative smile at Tie Niu. “Besides, a fortune teller told me recently that I’ve got a lot of negative energy around me and that I should keep people with strong, masculine names nearby to balance it out. ‘Tie Niu’ is a very strong, yang-filled name.”

The implication being that Xu Shijia’s name was a bit too feminine.

Lin Shu’s words were clearly meant to back up Tie Niu while simultaneously putting a lid on Xu Shijia’s arrogance.

However, something strange happened. After she said this, both Wang Tie Niu and Liu Xuhui stared nervously at Xu Shijia’s face. Not long after, Liu Xuhui suddenly claimed he had a phone call to take, and Wang Tie Niu excused himself to the restroom. Both of them made quick escapes, one after the other.

The private room now only had Xu Shijia and Lin Shu left.

Xu Shijia’s face was not pleasant as he stared at Lin Shu.

What? Did she look like someone who would be intimidated? Was he some sort of prince?

If he were, Lin Shu might have had to restrain herself a bit, but was Xu Shijia? No.

Lin Shu couldn’t stand people who put on airs.

Since no one else was around, she didn’t hold back: “Still not sitting? Do you plan to stand while eating?”

Xu Shijia’s expression darkened further, and he shot Lin Shu a resentful look, as if plotting something. But in the end, he seemed to hold back, resignedly taking the seat where the dishes were served.

Some people only respond to firmness, not kindness.

Look at Xu Shijia now—crumbling under her dominant presence.

“Of course, I can’t stand while eating.” He glanced at Lin Shu, acting self-righteous. “Standing for long periods leads to varicose veins and thickens the calves, which not only affects my health but also ruins the aesthetics of my leg line. Over time, it might even harm public mental health.”


Xu Shijia’s handsome face brotherke into a confident smile. “Didn’t you know? I was once featured in a street photography contest for having the most attractive legs. My legs were voted as the sexiest in first place, regarded as one of the top three public treasures of Rong City—legs that bring joy and comfort to anyone who sees them. I even bought insurance for them.”


Xu Shijia kindly added, “Luckily, it was just my legs. If my face had been shown too, I’d be worried about my safety when going out.”


Lin Shu had known Xu Shijia was a showy peacock, but she didn’t expect his “display” to be so indiscriminate.

“I don’t care about any of that. I just need you to show up to work on time every day.”

Xu Shijia replied nonchalantly, “I will. If you want to see more of my legs, I’ll make sure to be at work every day.”


Lin Shu wanted to say she had zero interest in his legs, but the more something is emphasized, the harder it becomes to ignore. Her eyes involuntarily flicked to Xu Shijia’s legs.

She had to admit—his legs were indeed long, straight, and, well, rather sexy.

At that moment, Xu Shijia’s striking eyes were gazing at Lin Shu with a mix of emotions.

After a moment, he seemed unable to hold back anymore. “Do you really not remember seeing me somewhere before?”

There was a fire in his eyes as he pressed on. “My face is the kind that leaves a deep impression after just one encounter.”

He stared straight into Lin Shu’s eyes. “Lin Shu, do you really not remember me?”

Was this guy’s self-esteem a bit too high?

And addressing his boss by her name so casually—how rude.

What? Was she supposed to remember him from something other than that incident when his car stalled on the road?

Wait a minute… this felt like a cliché pick-up line.

Suddenly, Lin Shu had a lightbulb moment.

“Where have I seen you before?” That was one of the oldest pick-up lines in the book!

Could this guy be trying to use his looks to charm her, his female boss, into giving him preferential treatment?

Some women might fall for that, but unfortunately for Xu Shijia, Lin Shu was not one of them.

“First, the only legs I care about are the kind you’d find in a cold meat locker. Second, I’m only interested in men who are ranked among Rong City’s Top Ten Outstanding Young Lawyers. Third, call me ‘Boss’ or ‘Attorney Lin.’ We’re not close enough for you to use my first name. And fourth, I’m face-blind when it comes to generic-looking people. I don’t waste mental energy on unimportant information.”

“Generic-looking? Me? You’re calling me generic-looking?!”

The one thing narcissists can’t stand is being ignored, and Lin Shu’s words hit the mark. Xu Shijia, who had seemed calm moments ago, suddenly snapped.

Just then, Wang Tie Niu and Liu Xuhui reentered the room, followed by the waiter bringing in dishes.

Xu Shijia looked like he had a lot more to say, but with the others around, he could only glare furiously at Lin Shu.

Lin Shu couldn’t be bothered to deal with him anymore. She turned and smiled at her other two colleagues.

“Now that everyone’s here, let me say a few words.”

“My name is Lin Shu, as you all know. I skipped grades in school, so I might be younger than everyone here, but I’ve been working in law for six years. I’ve handled major commercial cases and have considerable experience in civil disputes, as well as some non-litigation matters. This is my first team after becoming a partner.”

“Though we’re a small team, I believe we’re elite,” Lin Shu said, turning to Wang Tie Niu. “For example, Tie Niu is warm, attentive, sunny, and straightforward. He’s clearly very passionate about his work…”

Wang Tie Niu looked a bit shy at Lin Shu’s praise.

Honestly, despite his status as the heir, the guy was quite simple and had a positive attitude.

After praising Tie Niu, Lin Shu turned to Liu Xuhui. “And Xuhui is a senior lawyer with more experience than I have. I heard he graduated top of his class from Rong University’s Law School, which means there’s plenty I can learn from him…”

Liu Xuhui responded in kind, raising his teacup in a toast to Lin Shu. “You flatter me. As they say, the newer waves push the older ones forward. It’s we who should learn from young leaders like you, Lin-par.”

Lin Shu smiled and took a sip of tea, the atmosphere harmonious.

Her gaze then landed on Xu Shijia, who was watching her with anticipation. When he caught her looking, he quickly masked his eagerness, pretending to be indifferent as he glanced away.

Lin Shu withdrew her gaze, not interested in engaging with him, and began wrapping up her speech: “I believe working with everyone will be very—”

Before she could finish her sentence, an annoyed voice interrupted her.

“And what about me?”

Lin Shu looked up and saw Xu Shijia glaring at her. “You forgot about me.”


Xu Shijia cleared his throat. “You mentioned everyone’s strengths, but you skipped me.”


How could someone be so oblivious?

A young man, instead of doing his job or following discipline, was lazy and indulged in idle pleasures. On top of that, he tried to use his looks to seduce his female boss, which was basically dancing right on Lin Shu’s biggest pet peeves.

“Xu Shijia.”

Hearing Lin Shu call his name, Xu Shijia instinctively straightened his back.

Lin Shu spoke gently, “As everyone knows, a person needs to have strengths before you can list them.”

Do you have any?

Xu Shijia glared at Lin Shu, his voice tinged with resentment: “I graduated from Rong University Law School too.”

Lin Shu smiled faintly. “Each class at Rong University Law School has over a hundred graduates, but only five graduate with honors. In today’s world, there’s too much information, so people tend to only remember the more recognizable, standout achievements.”

Liu Xuhui graduated with honors. Did you?

Lin Shu smiled even more warmly. “So make sure to be on time for work, and maybe soon I’ll discover some strengths in you.”


Lin Shu thought she had been tactful enough, but both Wang Tie Niu and Liu Xuhui looked at Xu Shijia as if bracing for a fight.

Especially Wang Tie Niu, who seemed unusually tense. He stood up, as if trying to defuse the situation by offering to refill everyone’s tea.

That wouldn’t do!

“Tie Niu, sit down,” Lin Shu decisively ordered, then turned to Xu Shijia. “From now on, tasks like this should be done by the youngest member of the team.”

But Xu Shijia, the youngest on the team, didn’t seem to realize this. He sat there, legs crossed, looking displeased.

The ever-kind Tie Niu seemed ready to speak up.

Lin Shu knew that some people, when faced with awkward situations, feel compelled to step in and ease the tension—Tie Niu was clearly one of those. But today, Lin Shu was determined to set Xu Shijia straight.

“Tie Niu, don’t say anything.”

Lin Shu then glared at Xu Shijia.

The man finally seemed to catch on, blinking in surprise and pointing at himself. “Me?”

Xu Shijia was incredulous. “I’m supposed to pour tea?”

What else?

“Are you older than Tie Niu and Xuhui?”

Or do you expect your boss to serve you tea?


The tension in the room was palpable, and Wang Tie Niu could no longer hold it in. He frantically typed messages on his phone to Liu Xuhui:

“In five seconds, the prince is about to enter battle mode. I bet he’ll flip the table.”

“Should we step out again? Brother Hui, let me use the client call excuse this time. I already said I was going to the bathroom earlier. If I go again, they’ll think I have a bladder issue…”

“I feel like the prince is about to quit on the spot, then we’ll lose the Xinhui client, and our team will be annihilated by the senior partners…”

To Wang Tie Niu’s surprise, Xu Shijia didn’t flip the table. Instead, after giving Lin Shu a long look, he stood up with a smug smile and began pouring tea for everyone, even wearing a friendly grin.

“Lin-par’s lesson is noted. I’ll do my best moving forward, contributing as much as I can to this team. Tie Niu brother, Xuhui brother, here, have some tea.”

For a moment, Wang Tie Niu felt like he should kneel to accept the tea from the prince, but more importantly—

“Uh, aren’t you older than me? You don’t need to call me brother. I’m not worthy of that…” Wang Tie Niu nervously whispered. “I’ll explain to Lin-par for you. You’re not the youngest in the team—you’re two years older than me. It should be me pouring the tea…”

Just as Wang Tie Niu was about to clarify, Xu Shijia stopped him.

“No need.” Xu Shijia smiled sincerely. “Though I’m older than you, I don’t age as quickly, so I don’t look as mature. Naturally, in Lin-par’s eyes, I seem younger.”

“This kind of misunderstanding is normal,” Xu Shijia chuckled. “No need to correct her. If she thinks I’m younger, then I’m younger. As the youngest, I’m happy to pour the tea and call you Tie Niu brother.”


Wang Tie Niu was dumbfounded as Xu Shijia offered him tea, even kindly advising, “Tie Niu brother, men should take care of themselves too, or you’ll regret it later. Without realizing it, you might end up outranking everyone in age.”



Although Xu Shijia was somewhat of a disappointment, he wasn’t quite as bad as Lin Shu had feared. At least, when prodded, he did respond with some action.

Lin Shu had encountered these types before—people with connections. They often start off arrogant, but once you ignore their background, show them a bit of reality, and give them a few figurative beatings, they usually quiet down.

But soon, Xu Shijia’s cheerful mood from pouring tea disappeared when the dishes were served.

The waitress serving their private room seemed new and inexperienced. She was clumsy with the heavy dishes, and though she was thin and frail, she struggled to carry several hefty plates. Some of the dishes had brotherth that sloshed around as she walked, but fortunately, nothing spilled.

Still, though no soup splashed out, the sight of the wobbly dishes seemed to drive Xu Shijia into near panic. It was as if he was facing some kind of apocalyptic disaster. He looked terrified, as though the world was ending.

Even in his distress, Xu Shijia didn’t forget to throw a few resentful glances at Lin Shu.

Was it that bad?

Who hasn’t sat in the seat where the dishes are served?

The soup didn’t even spill on him! Why was he so paranoid?

Lin Shu’s peripheral vision caught a glimpse of Tie Niu next to her. Despite his wealthy upbringing, Tie Niu was unbothered by small matters. Even though he had a slight mysophobia, when soup had splashed onto his sleeve while eating earlier, he merely glanced at it and continued his meal without fuss.

But on second thought, Lin Shu understood.

Sure, Xu Shijia might come from a wealthy family, but it couldn’t compare to Tie Niu’s level of affluence.

Now, wearing an obviously expensive outfit, he naturally had to be cautious, afraid that even a tiny stain would reduce its value.

But Tie Niu was different. For him, it didn’t matter if he wore a new outfit and tossed it afterward.

True wealth never sweats the small stuff.

With that in mind, as Lin Shu met Xu Shijia’s unmistakably resentful glare again, she started to reflect on herself.

Was she being a bit too harsh?

Although it’s common for a new leader to make a strong first impression and put someone like Xu Shijia in his place, they would still be working as a team in the future. After the initial tough stance, some gentle reconciliation was needed.

Just at that moment, the desserts arrived.

The server placed the desserts in front of everyone, eagerly introducing them: “This is our house specialty, peach jelly. Please enjoy.”

This was the perfect opportunity to kill two birds with one stone!

The peach jelly had arrived at just the right time!

You see, Crown Prince Tie Niu hated anything peach-flavored.

And right now, Xu Shijia seemed a bit hostile toward her.

Why not take this chance to extend an olive branch by giving Xu Shijia Tie Niu’s peach jelly, showing some goodwill?

Without hesitation, Lin Shu got up, took the peach jelly from in front of Tie Niu, and handed it directly to Xu Shijia.

Both men looked at Lin Shu with shock in their eyes.

Understandably so.

Tie Niu had already been about to take a spoonful of the peach jelly. This honest Tie Niu, despite despising peach flavor, had been willing to eat it to maintain the harmony of the gathering. Knowing this, Lin Shu had thoughtfully taken it away first, letting him know that she cared about him.

Remembering even such small details would undoubtedly leave a strong impression on Tie Niu.

On the other hand, while it’s common in the workplace for the youngest subordinate to handle chores like pouring tea, it’s also normal for a boss to show care to their subordinates. Doing so demonstrates friendliness and magnanimity.

“Tie Niu doesn’t eat peach jelly,” Lin Shu said, smiling warmly at Xu Shijia. “You can have two portions. You worked hard pouring the tea earlier.”

As the boss, Lin Shu had lowered herself to serve a subordinate, showing him plenty of respect. But for some reason, Xu Shijia didn’t seem the least bit happy. Instead, he looked difficult and ungrateful, glaring at the dessert with an expression that suggested deep hatred.

Then, he turned his fierce gaze back to Lin Shu, teeth clenched.

“Did you do this on purpose? Giving me two portions?”

The phrasing was strange. Lin Shu corrected him: “Not ‘on purpose’—it was intentional.”

“Is there a difference?”

Technically, there wasn’t.

Lin Shu nodded, owning up to the special gesture.

Unfortunately, Xu Shijia, like an ungrateful brat, didn’t appreciate it. Instead of thanking Lin Shu or offering a polite comment, his glare toward her only grew more hostile.

What? Two portions aren’t enough? Do you want three or four?

Lin Shu decided to ignore him, as she had something more important to announce—

“There’s a due diligence assignment for a merger tomorrow that will require a business trip. It’s a rush job, so I’ll be taking one person,” Lin Shu said, then looked at Xu Shijia. “The youngest will accompany me on the trip.”

As soon as he heard the word “trip,” Xu Shijia frowned, speaking with certainty: “I’m not suited for business trips.”

Here we go again!

What is this? A pampered little princess?

“This trip might be a bit tough, which is why I’ve decided to take the youngest and fittest with me.”

Lin Shu looked at Xu Shijia, her face expressionless: “What’s the matter? Aren’t you the youngest?”

This time, at least, Xu Shijia couldn’t argue with the facts.

Lin Shu saw the pained expression on his face as he struggled to respond, but in the end, he gritted his teeth and complied with her decision.

She heard him mutter through clenched teeth:

“Yes, of course, I’m the youngest!”

There we go! Of course, it’s you going on the trip!

Such drama!

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