Pregnant With My Rival’s Child
Pregnant With My Rival’s Child Chapter 1

One Corpse, Two Lives – The Rival Gathers the Bodies of Him and the Child

Chi Yao was dead. He died at midnight.

He died alone, with no family by his side. In the next room, there was a nurse who had been hired with a high salary, but this nurse was the kind who judged people by their circumstances. Knowing that Chi Yao’s family didn’t care about him, leaving him in the hospital to slowly waste away, the nurse went to sleep earlier than Chi Yao himself.

Naturally, when Chi Yao passed away, the nurse was sound asleep, likely dreaming sweet dreams.

Chi Yao died of stomach cancer. The cancer cells had spread throughout his body. A little over a year ago, it had only been a stomach tumor, but due to his unhealthy lifestyle, the tumor that could have been treated rapidly worsened. By the time it was discovered, it was already too late.

Chi Yao closed his eyes in unbearable pain, his fingers digging into his abdomen as he passed.

In that moment, Chi Yao thought that maybe he wasn’t completely alone in his death. He still had his child, though the child had been dead for over a month. Despite being in the hospital, the doctors couldn’t remove the dead fetus because Chi Yao’s body was too weak for any kind of surgery.

When Chi Yao first found out he had stomach cancer, it was already in the late stages.

During his checkup, he also learned that he was pregnant.

The problem was, he had no idea who the father was. The only thing he could remember was that several months ago, he had fallen into some sort of trap and ended up sleeping with someone.

He knew the other person was a man, but he had no memory of who it was.

Chi Yao had tried to investigate afterward but found no clues. He had been worried, fearing that the person he slept with would use photos or videos to blackmail him. But as time went on, it became clear that, for the other person, that night was nothing more than an unremarkable “dinner.”

Yet, for Chi Yao, there were lasting consequences.

When his family found out about the pregnancy, Chi Yao already knew they didn’t care for him deeply. But when he heard them outright call him a “monster,” that’s when he truly understood just how much they despised him.

As for his friends, Chi Yao used to think he had many. But in the final days of his hospital stay, the friends who visited him made it clear how much they hated him.

Some even said straight to his face that he deserved to die, and that many people would be happy when he was gone.

They laughed as they left.

Chi Yao didn’t know how other people felt before death, but before he died, he was certain: no one sympathized with or pitied him.

His body probably grew cold quickly. Chi Yao’s soul sat by the hospital window, not bothering to question why he was still there in spirit form.

He waited for a long time, until morning came and the nurse next door woke up, discovering his cold body and running out to call for help.

Soon, a crowd of people rushed in, checking him over. It wasn’t long before his body was covered with a white sheet and wheeled to the morgue.

Chi Yao’s soul followed along. The morgue was freezing, and even in his spirit form, Chi Yao could feel the chill. He hugged himself tightly and sat by his own body.

The hospital contacted his family, but after several days, no one came to claim his body. Chi Yao guessed they were probably too busy. After all, during his last days, his family had only visited briefly at the beginning and then never returned, too preoccupied with their own lives.

His mother had passed away early, and his father had remarried. His stepmother, originally the mistress, had climbed to the top. At first, his father had cared for him, but the power of pillow talk was stronger. Eventually, his father stopped caring, leaving Chi Yao to fend for himself.

No one was coming to claim his body, Chi Yao thought bitterly.

After more than a week, someone finally came, but to Chi Yao’s surprise, it was his rival, Fu Rong.

The man, impeccably dressed in a suit, stood in the cold, sterile morgue, looking completely out of place.

Fu Rong lowered his head, gazing at the white sheet covering Chi Yao’s body. The heavy expression on his face puzzled Chi Yao.

What could have happened between them? After all, wasn’t this man, adored by all, the same person who had made Chi Yao, the unwanted illegitimate child, feel like a rat in the gutter?

Chi Yao curiously watched his rival. Fu Rong couldn’t see Chi Yao’s soul sitting right beside him. He raised his hand, seemingly about to lift the sheet.

What, to see how miserable his death had been?

It had been terrible, to be sure. His death was horrifying, the result of extreme suffering. It certainly wasn’t going to be a pleasant sight.

Go ahead and look, Chi Yao thought maliciously. Have nightmares tonight!

But just as quickly as Fu Rong raised his hand, he let it fall back down. His eyes were deep and dark, like a bottomless pit. Staring into them, Chi Yao almost had the illusion that this man liked him.

A shiver ran down Chi Yao’s spine.

Fu Rong didn’t stay long in the morgue. He soon called for people to take Chi Yao’s body away.

As Chi Yao watched his body being wheeled out, his soul started to fade and grow transparent.

This time, it was truly over.

How old had he been, again?

Just 21, his life ending in such a tragic way, without even having the chance to truly enjoy it.

Chi Yao felt deeply unwilling to leave.

If he could live his life over again, what would he do?

He’d study hard, make lots of money, and forget about chasing after his “white moonlight” and “cinnabar mole.” Wouldn’t it be better to just live freely and happily on his own?

Oh, and his “white moonlight,” Shen Ling—the one Chi Yao had longed for but could never attain—turned out to be nothing but a facade. Chi Yao learned too late that Shen Ling had been playing him the whole time, treating him like a dog on a leash, relishing in watching him helplessly circle around in misery.

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