Pregnant With My Rival’s Child
Pregnant With My Rival’s Child Chapter 9

“Thank you, manager.” Chi Yao typed a message of thanks.

After tossing his phone onto the sofa, Chi Yao turned on the TV and stopped on a news channel, where legal news was being broadcast. Police cars were rushing toward a crime scene, quickly arresting a series of suspects. Chi Yao slowly sat up straight. Watching such scenes in real life must be even more shocking.

Chi Yao licked his lips and clenched his fingers. A plan suddenly came to his mind.

Before worrying about working as a waiter at the club, Chi Yao first had to meet Shen Ling as arranged, driving to Wuyue Plaza early in the morning to meet him and a few others.

This time, there was no rival in sight, only Shen Ling and a few familiar faces.

Shen Ling noticed Chi Yao scanning the area and smiled as he approached. “Looking for someone?”

“Your boyfriend,” Chi Yao responded bluntly.

“My boyfriend? Why don’t I know about this?” Shen Ling chuckled warmly, his gaze soft, giving the impression of deep affection. It was so deep that Chi Yao might be misled into thinking that if he just tried a little harder, he could win Shen Ling over.

“Isn’t that the case? Then I must have misunderstood.”

Shen Ling casually draped an arm around Chi Yao’s shoulder. “Have you had breakfast yet? Let’s grab something to eat before we head out.”

With that, the group headed to a nearby breakfast spot.

After finishing breakfast, they each drove their cars toward the mountains on the outskirts of the city.

As they climbed the mountain, they encountered road construction halfway up, making it impossible to drive any further. The group decided to continue on foot.

As they neared the summit, a small accident occurred. The wind on the mountain grew stronger, causing rocks to dislodge and roll down. Chi Yao, walking just behind Shen Ling, instinctively grabbed Shen Ling’s hand and pulled him aside to avoid the falling rock. Shen Ling dodged it, but the rock grazed Chi Yao’s face, scraping the skin.

Sharp pain immediately hit, causing Chi Yao’s face to pale.

A drop of blood trickled down, and Chi Yao wiped his cheek, noticing the crimson stain on his fingertips.

“Chi Yao, are you okay? How bad is it?” Shen Ling hurried over, cupping Chi Yao’s face with genuine concern.

Chi Yao thought he should be happy—it was only a small injury, but it made Shen Ling worry about him. He should have been pleased.

But the memory of Shen Ling’s cold face from the previous life flashed through his mind. Chi Yao took two steps back, causing Shen Ling’s hands to fall awkwardly. Shen Ling looked at his empty hands, then at Chi Yao in front of him.

The strange feeling he had yesterday returned. Could Chi Yao have figured something out?

Did Fu Rong tell him?

No, that guy wouldn’t get involved in this.

It must be Chi Yao realizing it on his own. Shen Ling narrowed his eyes.

After stepping back, Chi Yao immediately lowered his head. When he raised his eyes again, they were filled with frightened tears. “Brother Ling, I’m just glad you’re okay. If something had happened to you, I think I might have…”

Chi Yao didn’t finish the sentence, knowing that acting too much would be counterproductive.

Shen Ling smiled, taking a step forward to stand in front of Chi Yao. “I’d rather it was me who got hurt. You’re too skinny; it seems like even the wind could blow you over.” Shen Ling briefly squeezed Chi Yao’s hand before letting go.

It was this kind of seemingly caring ambiguity that had once caused Chi Yao to fall head over heels.

But not this time. Chi Yao wouldn’t waver again. He realized that pretending in front of Shen Ling felt oddly satisfying. Deceiving someone and seeing them fall for it—this was a new sensation.

No wonder so many people enjoy acting. He was starting to like it, too.

“I’m fine, Brother Ling. It’s just a small injury, nothing to worry about.” Chi Yao used a tissue to wipe the blood from his face. In truth, he was in pain. Being sensitive to pain, even a minor scratch made him want to take a painkiller.

“Let’s call it a day. If we keep climbing, more rocks might fall.” Shen Ling turned to head down the mountain, looking back after a few steps when he saw Chi Yao hadn’t moved, and signaled for him to follow.

The others were behind them. When they saw Chi Yao’s bloody face, they briefly wondered if he and Shen Ling had gotten into a fight. However, after observing their expressions, it didn’t seem to be the case.

Shen Ling explained that they had encountered falling rocks.

The others didn’t think much of it; falling rocks were no big deal. They believed their luck would keep them safe.

“You guys go ahead and continue climbing. Chi Yao and I will head back down,” Shen Ling said simply.

The group split into two, with some continuing to the summit while the others returned to their cars.

After driving back to the city, they stopped at a small clinic. The doctor examined Chi Yao and found no major issues—just a scratch—and prescribed some ointment.

Shen Ling stayed by his side the whole time, watching as Chi Yao’s pale face now bore a small wound. Despite the injury, his pretty face still looked attractive.

When Chi Yao turned to look at him, Shen Ling restrained his expression a bit. After all, in front of his little “pet,” he had to keep up the gentle act.

After lunch, Shen Ling had some business to attend to and left. Chi Yao didn’t try to stop him, just stood by the roadside, looking after him with reluctant eyes.

Once Shen Ling’s car was out of sight, Chi Yao’s expression immediately turned cold, completely indifferent.

That falling rock couldn’t have come at a better time. Otherwise, Chi Yao wouldn’t have had a reason to leave early. He then drove straight to the club to start work.

The manager handed him a waiter’s uniform—an ordinary, even cheap, black and white shirt with a vest. But once Chi Yao put it on, it instantly looked high-end, as if it had been tailored for him.

When Chi Yao stepped out in the uniform, the manager couldn’t help but whistle.

“Sometimes we get scouts here. With your face, Chi Yao, I bet you’ll have a business card handed to you in no time.”


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