Mr. Rong’s Lovelorn Diary
MRLD Chapter 2

After all, it was a busy downtown area, so the police arrived within minutes, much to Rong Yi’s dismay.

He hadn’t yet had the chance to ask the name, age, or marital status of this Alpha, who now appeared to him as a god descended from heaven.

Fortunately, when the officers asked if they could spare some time to go to the station to give a statement, the man agreed immediately. Naturally, Rong Yi followed suit, declaring it his duty.

The thief had chosen the wrong place for his crime, as the nearest police station was only a block away, an easy walk.

Following behind the man, Rong Yi secretly compared their heights and was delighted to find that the other was indeed a bit taller, probably close to 1.9 meters. Not only that, but his shoulders were also broad, offering a strong sense of security without being overly bulky, which made Rong Yi’s heart flutter.

Tall, handsome, fierce in action but gentle when concerned, and charming when smiling.

How wonderful it would be if their destination was the Civil Affairs Bureau. Rong Yi would sign his name without a second thought.

At the station, Rong Yi couldn’t wait to pull out his ID card, intentionally passing it face-up in front of the man. The reason was simple: his second gender was marked on his ID. He had learned from too many past misunderstandings, and letting his crush know sooner rather than later was always a good idea.

Unfortunately, halfway through handing it over, the officer declined.

“No need, you can just fill out this form. Keep your ID card safe.”

Reluctantly, Rong Yi withdrew his hand. Fortunately, the man in front of him had indeed looked at the small card in his hand.

“Your name is quite unique,” the man said, shifting his gaze from the ID to Rong Yi’s face with a smile. “It’s rare to see someone whose ID photo looks that good.”

Rong Yi also smiled but didn’t speak.

It wasn’t out of affectation but due to excessive nervousness. He wasn’t particularly introverted usually, but in front of someone he liked, stiffness was inevitable.

Fortunately, the man didn’t mind and even handed him a form to fill out after sitting down.

The form was simple, and Rong Yi quickly filled it out, then sneaked a peek next door. Unfortunately, he hadn’t seen much before the other caught him.

The man slid his form towards Rong Yi.

“My name is Chen Keyao,” he said. “Chen Keyao… What a coincidence, we seem to be the same age?”

Even his handwriting was attractive. Rong Yi’s heart fluttered more intensely, and he couldn’t do anything but stiffly smile.

He hoped to chat a bit more, but seeing that Chen Keyao stopped talking after he remained silent, he didn’t initiate further.

The case itself was straightforward and brutal, and the suspect had already been caught, so giving their statements was quick. Just as they were about to leave, Rong Yi hadn’t yet managed to get Chen Keyao’s contact information, which made him anxious.

If he didn’t seize the opportunity now, amidst the vast sea of people, they might never meet again.

Just as he hesitated, Chen Keyao, who had already reached the door, suddenly stopped. Rong Yi followed his gaze and saw the little girl who had been robbed sitting on a bench in the corner, holding her recovered wallet but looking somewhat lost. The only two officers in the lobby were busy, likely having accidentally overlooked her.

“Little girl, where are your family members?” Chen Keyao walked over and crouched down in front of her. “Aren’t you going home?”

The little girl looked timid. “I… I don’t know how to go back.”

She was lost.

Normally, she would take the bus right outside her tutoring class to get home immediately. But when she reached for her wallet at the bus station, she discovered another hand in her pocket.

The timid girl didn’t dare to speak up immediately and watched the person turn and leave, so she foolishly followed him. After crossing a couple of streets and feeling more and more that something was wrong, she finally gathered the courage to start running and shouting.

Now that her wallet was back, she couldn’t remember the way to the bus station. She wanted to ask the police, but seeing them very busy, she couldn’t muster the courage. Fortunately, someone had noticed her distress at the right moment.

Chen Keyao listened, then asked, “Where do you live?”

The girl was really timid, hesitating a bit, but perhaps recognizing that the man in front of her had captured the bad guy, she pulled out a card from her wallet and handed it over.

“Uncle, can you take me to the station?” she asked.

“No,” Chen Keyao looked at the address on the card and shook his head. “But if you call me brother, I can take you home.”

The girl was stunned, and so was Rong Yi, standing not far away.

“It’s quite late, if you go by bus now your parents will worry,” he said, standing up and extending his hand to her. “Come on, say goodbye to the police uncle.”

Following a stranger wasn’t really safe.

But Chen Keyao really didn’t seem like a bad person. The girl stared at his face for a while, then cautiously placed her hand in his and jumped off the bench.

Chen Keyao led her away, then turned back to look at Rong Yi, who was still standing there dumbfounded.

“My car is parked in the underground garage of that mall we just passed,” he said.

Rong Yi blinked but still didn’t say anything.

“…I’m sorry, I saw your address earlier,” Chen Keyao looked a bit embarrassed but continued, “It seems we’re on the way. Can I give you a lift?”

Rong Yi swallowed hard. “That would be really great, thank you.”

Rong Yi felt like he wasn’t sitting in the back seat of a car, but on a cloud.

The little girl became lively after getting to know Chen Keyao a bit, chatting animatedly with him. Thanks to her, Rong Yi gathered some information about Chen Keyao.

Just across the street from where the incident occurred, on the fourth floor, there was a children’s martial arts class where Chen Keyao taught self-defense to kids. He even gave the girl, named Luo Luo, a business card, suggesting that if she was interested, she was welcome to join the class. The prices were fair, the content solid and trustworthy.

When Luo Luo carefully put away the card, the adult who had led her away suddenly started a critical educational talk, saying that she mustn’t follow strangers because not all bad people show their true colors.

Luo Luo shook her head. “Big brother is a good person who catches bad guys! Thanks to you for catching that thief!”

“It’s thanks to that brother sitting in the back,” Chen Keyao said, glancing in the rearview mirror. “If he hadn’t chased after and stopped him, I couldn’t have caught him either.”

Suddenly being mentioned, Rong Yi stiffened again.

He had been quiet, and Luo Luo was still a bit unfamiliar with him. She turned her head back to her previous timid self. “Thank you, brother.”

Rong Yi smiled at her. “You’re welcome.”

Actually, Rong Yi’s home was a bit closer than Luo Luo’s. But Chen Keyao accidentally took a wrong turn, which made them drop off Luo Luo first.

Once only the two of them were left in the car, Rong Yi fell into a state of high tension again.

How could he naturally get the contact information? Sitting on the couch, his mind spinning rapidly, he suddenly had a brainwave.

“Mr. Chen, could I have one of your business cards?” he initiated. “A relative’s child of mine is actually interested in this kind of stuff.”

“Of course.”

Chen Keyao was about to reach for his card when he suddenly paused. Taking advantage of a red light, he turned to face Rong Yi.

“Why don’t you add me on WeChat instead? Whatever you need to consult, just hit me up.”

He spoke while looking directly into Rong Yi’s eyes with a smile, sincere and charming. Rong Yi was so moved that he almost lost his senses.

While pulling out his phone from his pocket, he excitedly thought to himself that this man was so gentle, he would definitely make a great dad. The surname Chen was also easy to work with for names. What should they call their future child? If possible, he wanted a son first, so he could look after his sister later. And before all that, he wanted to wear a white suit at the wedding.

Thus, in a daze, he added Chen Keyao as a friend. Five minutes later, they had arrived at the entrance of Rong Yi’s residential complex.

Chen Keyao rolled down the window as Rong Yi got out and waved his hand. “Contact me anytime you need.”

Rong Yi nodded.

He desperately needed this man to start a romantic story with him, with a view to growing old together. He decided to contact him as soon as he got home.

But before making contact, he spent some time browsing through Chen Keyao’s Moments.

This man had set his profile to show only recent posts, and there weren’t many. It should have been quick to look through, but Rong Yi took his time because Chen Keyao had posted his own photos in two of the Moments.

One was a close-up side view, with the caption, “Done. This Tony guy totally didn’t get the ‘just trim a little bit’ part.”

Rong Yi wanted to reply, but after much thought, he couldn’t find a sentence that would allow him to comfort while expressing that the hairstyle looked really good and was also humorous. So, in the end, he just quietly saved the photo and then left a like.

The other was much more exciting. It was Chen Keyao in front of a gym mirror.

Rong Yi held his phone, staring at the six-pack abs in the picture, his heart burning quietly yet intensely.

There couldn’t be a more ideal person than this. Chen Keyao seemed as if he had walked right out of his dreams.

And he had noticed his address too, which must mean he had also seen the gender marker on his ID card. Yet he showed no surprise, took him home, and exchanged contact information voluntarily.

An Alpha, taking an Omega home and asking for contact details, emphasizing to keep in touch when parting.

What did that imply?

Should he start flipping through the calendar to find the next auspicious day for a wedding?

After rolling back and forth in bed several times with his phone, Rong Yi sat up, took a deep breath to calm himself, and then tremblingly opened the chat with Chen Keyao.

“Thank you for taking me home.”


“Thank you so much for today.”


“I want to be with you.”


As he struggled, his phone suddenly vibrated.

A message popped up, unfortunately, not from his current crush.

“I’m really sorry about today. I can be a bit slow and say too much sometimes, I hope you don’t mind. If possible, I hope we can interact like we used to?”

The sender was Liu Yuan.

Rong Yi blanked out for a while before he realized what he was referring to.

This Alpha, who just this morning was at the top of his ideal marriage partner list, was now yesterday’s news.

Rong Yi typed without hesitation.

“Don’t worry, I’ve already forgotten!”

Liu Yuan, who? Could he compare to his future husband Chen Keyao?


1 chapter will be unlock per week ~ Join my Discord for more latest updates 🤔

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