Mr. Rong’s Lovelorn Diary
MRLD Chapter 4

Thanks to the non-existent handkerchief, Rong Yi enjoyed his second sweet date in his life.

Just like last time, when no one brought up why they were meeting, this time, no one questioned why they needed to go to a movie theater to exchange a handkerchief.

Rong Yi sat in the darkened theater, clutching a bucket of popcorn, his mind not on the screen at all. He was calculating the frequency with which Chen Keyao reached for popcorn, trying to figure out how to time it so their hands would touch just right.

Then he realized that if he just put his hand in and didn’t move, it would be the easiest way to let it happen. Waiting like a hunter was the most straightforward approach.

Chen Keyao leaned in close to whisper in his ear during a loud helicopter scene on the screen, “Sorry, I didn’t mean to.” Yet, at the same time, his hand didn’t let go, still clutching the tips of Rong Yi’s fingers.

Rong Yi stayed silent. He was stiff as wood, motionless. The only thing lively about him was his heart, thumping wildly in his chest, making him dizzy.

When Chen Keyao finally withdrew his hand from the popcorn bucket, Rong Yi’s mind was still buzzing with the sound of helicopters. He sneaked a glance at his fingers, still warm from Chen Keyao’s touch.

Okay, now he had technically held hands with an Alpha. It was a minor action but a huge milestone in his life.

At this pace, next time they could hug, and the time after that, they could kiss. Soon, he would be living the dream of twice or thrice-daily bliss. Then marriage. And eventually, a house full of children and growing old together.

Rong Yi crammed a handful of popcorn into his mouth, his thoughts bubbling up incessantly.

Exiting the cinema, Rong Yi stole glances at the Alpha he had mentally committed to for life, feeling a surge of courage to confess his feelings.

“By the way,” Chen Keyao suddenly spoke, “your handkerchief, I forgot to give it to you last time.”

Oh, that again. Even if it was just an excuse, completely ignoring it would have been strange.

Rong Yi quickly shook his head. “It’s okay.”

But then Chen Keyao actually reached into his pocket and pulled out a small paper bag, handing it over to him.

Rong Yi was full of questions. A handkerchief? But he hadn’t really lost one. Could it be that Chen Keyao made up an excuse to give him a gift? How romantic!

Rong Yi excitedly took it and carefully opened it, then froze. Inside the bag was indeed a folded handkerchief. It was white with little bunnies and lots of carrots printed on it—cute and pink.

Rong Yi stared blankly at the handkerchief.

“Is it yours?” Chen Keyao asked.

Rong Yi was at a loss for words. It should be obvious to anyone who had been in his car that day which of the two would own this handkerchief.

“I don’t have Luo Luo’s contact,” Chen Keyao said, “so I asked you first.”

Now it was Rong Yi’s turn to feel awkward. What a strange coincidence. Why would little Luo Luo be so careless? Now, he was the only one who had lied. What choice did he have but to brazen it out and claim it as his own?

Rong Yi nodded gravely. “Yes, it’s mine.”

Chen Keyao chuckled at this. “At first, I was worried I might have made a mistake,” he looked at Rong Yi, “since the style seems a bit…”


Rong Yi knew all too well. Pulling out such a handkerchief would be like a strict principal suddenly performing a pole dance at a flag-raising ceremony.

In his heart, he did like cute little things, but he never bought them, knowing they didn’t suit him, which made him feel somewhat dejected.

“Um…” Chen Keyao suddenly said, “I didn’t mean to laugh. I’m actually just happy.”

“Happy?” Rong Yi was puzzled.

“I’ve always wanted to know more about you,” Chen Keyao explained, “but you seldom talk about yourself.”

Rong Yi felt dizzy with realization.

“Now that I’ve returned your handkerchief,” Chen Keyao looked at him, “if I can’t find another excuse to meet next time, would you still be willing to see me?”

Rong Yi took a deep breath, then blurted out, “What are your intentions?”

If he was a scammer, please let him scam for affection first.

As soon as he said it, he realized it was inappropriate. He had been holding back to avoid speaking rashly in excitement but still ended up slipping. Rong Yi cursed himself internally, then carefully observed Chen Keyao, who indeed looked awkward.

“Sorry,” Chen Keyao gave a stiff smile and started walking forward. “I…”

He trailed off without finishing.

Panicking, fearing that Chen Keyao would give up on him, Rong Yi hurriedly caught up, trying to fix things.

“Are you trying to pursue me?” he asked loudly.

Chen Keyao quickened his pace and didn’t turn back or speak. That’s it, a man so big, yet so fragile?

In desperation, Rong Yi reached out and grabbed Chen Keyao’s wrist.

When Chen Keyao turned around, looking slightly surprised, Rong Yi got nervous again.

“I, uh, I… let me treat you to a meal!” he said.

The atmosphere was somewhat awkward.

Sitting face to face at the dinner table, Chen Keyao, who usually initiated conversations, remained silent, forcing Rong Yi to rack his brains to salvage the mood. He couldn’t understand why Chen Keyao was acting so out of character. His own earlier remarks had been inappropriate, but surely not enough to cause such a severe reaction. It seemed the perfect Alpha he envisioned had a rather delicate heart after all.

When you like someone, all their faults seem endearing, especially since it was his own fault for speaking rashly. Rong Yi resolved to make amends.

“I’m sorry about before…”

He was interrupted before he could finish.

“It’s okay,” Chen Keyao forced a smile, “It’s my fault. You don’t have to force yourself.”

A strong sense of dissonance surged in Rong Yi’s heart. Chen Keyao, seeing him frown and remain silent, continued, “You don’t have to feel guilty. It’s natural to feel uncomfortable. I…”

Rong Yi quickly shook his head. “I’m not uncomfortable!”

Chen Keyao looked at him.

“I’m glad you invited me to meet,” Rong Yi, though nervous, gathered his courage to continue, “If you’re willing, I hope we can continue to meet like this…”

Or even move further.

Chen Keyao still watched him.

“I just can’t believe it,” Rong Yi lowered his gaze. “Mr. Chen, you’re so outstanding, why would you be interested in someone like me…”

He sneaked a peek.

Chen Keyao looked surprised, but there was a smile on his face. Could this be considered a pleasant surprise?

“I was worried I might have been too hasty,” he said seriously to Rong Yi. “Those things I said earlier, I should be the one saying them.”

So when they walked out of the restaurant, they were holding hands.

Two people, both seemingly with strong Alpha presences, holding hands in such an affectionate manner looked somewhat odd. But Rong Yi didn’t want to hide it; in fact, he felt like showing off to every passerby.

He felt as if he was walking down a path lined with blooming flowers, with countless cherubic angels on either side playing music.

“It still feels somewhat unbelievable.”

Rong Yi was momentarily confused—his inner thoughts seemed to be spoken with Chen Keyao’s voice. After a moment, he realized it was indeed the Alpha holding his hand who was speaking.

“I didn’t expect things to go so smoothly,” Chen Keyao continued. “Now I’m even a bit… overwhelmed.”

Rong Yi almost suspected he was saying this just to make him happy. But Chen Keyao looked genuinely serious. “I’m really happy.”

Rong Yi was completely smitten.

“Me too,” he said.

On the way back, sitting in the passenger seat of Chen Keyao’s car, Rong Yi felt dreamy. He actually had a partner now.

A lifelong singleton, never noticed by any Alpha, always heartbroken after confessions, even his parents had resigned themselves to him never marrying—and now, he really had a partner.

And not just anyone, but someone so perfect, fitting all his ideals of a perfect Alpha.

Happiness had come so suddenly, it was overwhelming. Was this really not a dream?

Rong Yi secretly pinched his thigh, the pain reassuringly joyous.

When the car stopped at his apartment complex again, Rong Yi finally mustered the courage.

“Thanks for driving me home,” he said nervously, not daring to look at Chen Keyao. “You’ve come here several times now… do you want to come up?”

Chen Keyao hesitated.

“…My place is a bit messy,” Rong Yi said, nervously pulling at his pant seam. “Don’t mind the mess.”

As he spoke, he regretted it a bit. Inviting someone up at this hour was hardly innocent, clearly implying he was hoping for something more scandalous. Was he, as an Omega, acting too desperately?

“Of course, I don’t mind,” Chen Keyao looked as nervous as he felt. “If you don’t mind, I…”

He was interrupted by his phone ringing in his pocket.

The two exchanged a silent look, and the visibly upset Alpha stepped aside to answer the call. Although he moved away, the quiet surroundings allowed Rong Yi to easily hear Chen Keyao answer with a “Dad,” followed by, “How come you are here?”

That’s it, his sordid fantasies were put on hold.

After the call, Chen Keyao’s face was full of regret.

“…I have to go back.”

“Oh,” Rong Yi nodded. “Good night, be careful on the road.”

But the person in front of him didn’t move. Chen Keyao didn’t speak or leave, just looked at him as if he had more to say.

Rong Yi looked back at Chen Keyao. As his cheeks warmed, a sudden inspiration struck him. So, suppressing the fierce pounding in his chest, he silently closed his eyes.

And then, indeed, a warm breath approached him. The soft touch on his lips and the faint scent of pheromones between breaths exploded in his mind like fireworks.


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