I Suggest You Don’t Offend Me
I Suggest You Don’t Offend Me Chapter 7

Chapter 7

Lin Shu felt like she had been scammed. Holding in her frustration, she stormed into Tianhao’s HR department, demanding that they hire a new team member for her.

One of her current employees, “Tie Niu,” had psychological issues that made him unfit for client meetings; Liu Xuhui had essentially entered early retirement; and Xu Shijia, though young, was frail and delicate. Her small team was made up of the elderly, the ill, and the weak. The only thing missing was someone with a disability, and then they would have the full set.

But she couldn’t outright say that her team was useless and that she needed fresh blood. After all, they were probably all there because of personal connections.

So Lin Shu presented her case in a more respectable way: “I’m a female partner, and I’ve got three male employees working under me. When it comes to occasional business trips and things like that, it’s a bit inconvenient. Not to mention, the gender ratio in this team is seriously unbalanced, don’t you think? I need to hire a new female employee, a complete newbie who hasn’t picked up bad habits from working under other bosses and hasn’t become too set in her ways, so I can train her from scratch.”

The HR director, a kind-looking woman with a sincere expression, seemed a bit troubled. “We’d love to hire someone, but right now there’s no headcount available. You’ll have to wait a bit. Once we have one, I’ll definitely assign someone to you.”

She patted Lin Shu’s hand. “Don’t worry, I’ve noted down your request for a female employee, and a complete newbie at that.”

Faced with this kind and understanding attitude, Lin Shu couldn’t do much else but return to her office.

Time was of the essence, so she decided to call Max and try to get him to sign the contract first. Later, she would figure out how to make use of her ragtag team to handle the case.

But as misfortune would have it, Max informed Lin Shu on the phone that they had already partnered with another legal team.

In the legal world, cases were always in high demand but short supply. If you moved too slowly, you’d lose them, and it wasn’t hard for competitors to snatch up the business, especially for a case like Chengyang Technology, which wasn’t particularly difficult and could be handled by most lawyers.

If it weren’t for today’s mishap with Tie Niu, she would have had lunch with Max as planned and probably secured the case.

Feeling frustrated, Lin Shu got up to make coffee in the break room, only to see Tie Niu waving his hands and repeatedly refusing something from an administrative staff member.

Curious, Lin Shu approached and found that Tie Niu was turning down an invitation the admin was holding.

“A ‘Hot Night at Jin Yan Media’ invitation?”

Jin Yan Media was an MCN company that had been established in the past two years and was currently thriving. Their business spanned live entertainment streaming, commercial short videos, e-commerce, store management, as well as integrated marketing, music production, and even artist management and influencer incubation. They had partnerships with major celebrities for livestream sales and had signed a large number of top influencers. The company was riding the wave of the times and making huge profits.

Lin Shu was surprised. “Is Jin Yan Media a client of Tianhao?”

Tie Niu explained, “Not exactly, but they consulted us on some legal matters in the past, so they send us an invitation to their annual event every year.”

An idea sparked in Lin Shu’s mind. “Does Jin Yan Media have a regular legal advisor?”

“Not yet.”

Tie Niu’s answer reignited Lin Shu’s hope.

Lose one case, gain another. Although the Chengyang Technology case had slipped through her fingers, here was a new opportunity right in front of her!

For a company like Jin Yan Media, with its massive integrated marketing services, legal disputes were bound to crop up frequently. If she could become their legal advisor, being in close proximity would mean she’d naturally be their first choice to handle any legal issues that arose.

“This is a gold mine!”

Lin Shu glanced at the time and realized that the event was happening tonight. Without hesitation, she made her decision: “None of you are going? Then give me the invitation, I’ll go.”

But as soon as she finished speaking, Tie Niu had a look of panic, as if to say, “Don’t do it!”

“What’s the problem?”

“I’ve never been, but I heard some interns gossip about it. A few years ago, one of our senior partners went, and not only did they fail to secure a legal advisor deal, they also ended up losing over 100,000 yuan! There’s even a rumor going around that no one leaves Jin Yan Media’s annual party with a smile.”

Could that really be true?

Lin Shu wasn’t superstitious; she was more interested in something else: “You said one of Tianhao’s senior partners had contact with Jin Yan Media before, so why didn’t they land the legal advisory contract?”

“Because the owner of Jin Yan Media doesn’t want to spend money on a legal advisor. They think they can just get services for free.”

Tie Niu was well-connected, and his information was reliable: “The owner of Jin Yan Media started out in livestreaming and microphone battles. He’s not very educated and doesn’t see the need to pay for legal services, but he’s full of tricks.”

“About two years ago, when the company was just starting out, they floated the idea of hiring a legal advisor but said they wanted to ‘try out’ different firms before deciding. So two years later, they’re still ‘trying out’ lawyers from various firms in Rong City. Whenever they run into legal trouble, they either sweet-talk a lawyer into doing the work for free or handle it sloppily themselves.”

“Basically, every time a law firm reaches out about signing a consulting agreement, Jin Yan Media agrees, but the contract process drags on forever. Meanwhile, they get free legal services during the whole ‘trial period.’”

“Tianhao fell for this too. They said they were going to sign a service agreement with us. We even sent over our standard contract template, which they reviewed and approved, but they never stamped it. When we asked, they just said it was still ‘in process.’ But they had no problem using our free services in the meantime.”

“I’ve also heard that recently they got an investor. For some of their business contracts, they just use templates from the investor’s lawyers because it’s easier and good enough for their needs.”

Tie Niu spoke quietly, “Tianhao tried to win their business, but after being strung along to do free work, plus losing money when a senior partner attended their annual event, no one at the firm wants to deal with them anymore. We’ve given up on pursuing Jin Yan Media as a client.”

Jin Yan Media had been around for two years and didn’t even have a legal advisor yet—this was exactly the kind of opportunity Lin Shu had been looking for!

If Tianhao’s senior partners couldn’t get the job done, that didn’t mean Lin Shu couldn’t.

A queen leading a team of rookies had to work harder, after all.

Lin Shu made her decision right then and there—she would attend Jin Yan Media’s annual event tonight.

“Jin Yan Media’s Hot Night Annual Party?” Xu Shijia stared at the invitation on her brother’s desk, surprised. “Isn’t that the influencer company? You’re going?”

She leaned closer to Wang Yizhou and teased, “Bro, are you interested in some influencer or internet celebrity?”

Wang Yizhou sighed, “No, it’s because Xinhao’s investment department invested in Jin Yan, and they’re going to announce it at the event tonight. I need to attend. Do you want to come with me?”

After a moment’s thought, Wang Yizhou decided for her: “You didn’t go to work today anyway. You’re free, so you might as well come. You might meet some new people.”

Xu Shijia, however, was completely uninterested. “I’m not going. If I go with you and the media catches us, I’ll have paparazzi following me every day.”

“You don’t have to show up with me. The media won’t photograph you, and I won’t introduce your identity to anyone.”

But Xu Shijia still refused flatly: “I’m not going. I’d rather die than go.”

“Fine, let’s drop that for now. Let’s talk about your work. The new partner just arrived a few days ago, so you should at least show her some respect. You can take your break later, but it’s not like your workload is that heavy.”

“What do you mean, not busy?” Xu Shijia was immediately fired up. “That woman treats me like a workhorse! As soon as she arrived, she sent me on a business trip, had me pull three all-nighters, and when I got back, the work didn’t stop! If a cow worked for her, it’d drop dead from exhaustion!”

Unfortunately, Wang Yizhou didn’t believe her. “Don’t exaggerate. And you shouldn’t have called in for leave; you should’ve requested it in person. It’s more respectful that way.”

“You haven’t met her!” Xu Shijia shuddered at the memory. “She’s like an NPC that’s come to life! If you get anywhere near her, she assigns you tasks. As long as you’re breathing, she’ll give you more work.”

“If I’d asked her in person, she’d have given me three more big tasks before I could even mention leave! I’d never be able to take a break in this lifetime! I’m telling you, this time I’m taking at least ten days off in a row!”

Her younger brother had been born into privilege, and everything in life had always come easily to him. He was indifferent to most things and never cared too much about anything. But what surprised Wang Yizhou was how emotional Xu Shijia became whenever she talked about Lin Shu, as if her eyes could shoot flames.

“That woman is an absolute master manipulator, a PUA expert with tons of tricks. You can just tell she’s a seasoned player,” Xu Shijia gritted her teeth.

Wang Yizhou was confused. “If you know it’s a PUA tactic, can’t you just ignore it?”

“But I fall for it!” Xu Shijia fumed. “When she pulls those tricks face-to-face, it’s hard to resist. She’s always so sincere, and the compliments she gives me are always true, so it’s hard to deny.”

“That’s why I called in for leave. It’s safer that way.”

“As long as I stay away from her, I can keep my sanity.”

Wang Yizhou had never heard his sister talk about a boss with such strong opinions. The fact that she’d gone on a business trip and hadn’t quit yet was a miracle in itself.

“Lin Shu sounds young, but she’s skilled at managing people. Interesting,” Wang Yizhou said thoughtfully. “Maybe you should introduce us sometime.”

But before he could finish, Xu Shijia reacted fiercely: “No way!”

Wang Yizhou, thinking of his sister’s best interests, said, “Why not? I can speak with her on your behalf, maybe get her to go easier on you.”

“No! She doesn’t know who I am!”

Wang Yizhou was surprised. “She doesn’t know? Then why don’t you tell her?”

Xu Shijia looked away, her expression a bit unnatural. “What if, after I tell her, she starts throwing herself at me every day? That’d be a hassle.”

At that, something clicked in Wang Yizhou’s mind. “I think I’ve heard someone mention that Tianhao’s new young female partner is especially pretty. Is that Lin Shu?”

Wang Yizhou was now genuinely interested in meeting Lin Shu. “Recently, Mom and Dad have been pressuring me to go on blind dates, pushing me to find a girlfriend. But their standards are ridiculously high—they want someone both beautiful and capable. From what I’ve heard, Lin Shu might actually meet their requirements. I should really get to know her.”

“No, she’s not! She’s actually pretty ugly!” Xu Shijia blurted out quickly, looking a bit flustered. He cleared his throat and added, “That must be a rumor. She doesn’t look good at all. Bro, you’re so handsome, she’s not good enough for you. Better not meet her.”

“And besides, how could you marry a female lawyer? Lin Shu’s already a partner at such a young age. Do you really think she’s easy to deal with? If you ever get divorced, she’d probably take half of Xinhao’s assets with her! Bro, you need to be smart!”

“The most important thing is, she’s tougher than anyone! Even a ruthless boss would call her a master! Karl Marx himself would have written Das Kapital 20 years earlier if he’d met her. Anyone with her would be stuck working like a mule for the rest of their life. Bro, I don’t want you living such a miserable existence.”

Xu Shijia seemed uneasy as he added, “You really shouldn’t meet her. She’s not right for you.”

“Isn’t tonight the ‘Jin Yan Hot Night’ event? The women there are all beautiful, many even run their own businesses. Broadly speaking, they’re entrepreneurs, and they’re capable too. Come on, I’ll go with you tonight and help you find someone.”

“Weren’t you just saying you’d rather die than go?”

“I’m going! How can I not? Brother, you’re getting to that age—it’s time to find someone for a serious relationship, one that leads to marriage. I’ll help you choose! No time to waste!”

Wang Yizhou was touched by his brother’s words.

As the older brother, he felt a surge of pride and affection for Xu Shijia, realizing that all his years of effort hadn’t been in vain. It was heartwarming to see how much Xu Shijia cared about his future.

Following the dress code on the Jin Yan Media annual event invitation, Lin Shu barely had time to prepare. She quickly found a black spaghetti-strap gown, curled the ends of her long black hair, applied delicate makeup, slipped into a pair of stilettos, and headed to the event.

The Jin Yan Media annual party truly lived up to its reputation as a “hot night.” The scale was enormous—every major influencer under Jin Yan’s banner was in attendance, along with several big-name celebrities they had collaborated with. Also present were Jin Yan’s upstream and downstream partners, suppliers, and investors.

The event was even grander than Lin Shu had expected.

The venue was filled with stylish, glamorous men and women. It wasn’t just a grand social gathering; it was a fierce fashion competition. In just the first ten minutes of arriving, Lin Shu spotted four different couture outfits, not to mention handbags that were not only expensive but often required a waitlist to buy.

Since Jin Yan Media rose to prominence through livestreaming, the entire event was streamed live. Attendees, including influencers, were free to start their own livestreams during the event. To add to the spectacle, there was even a red carpet, with photographers and lighting crews stationed at every angle. The flashing cameras and constant shutter sounds were almost blinding, and Lin Shu found it hard to keep her eyes open.

She had no interest in networking with influencers or following them on social media. She had a clear goal: she headed straight for Jin Yan’s founder, Li Dewen.

Before attending the event, Lin Shu had done her homework, studying Jin Yan’s history. She found that the company had never had a legal department or even hired an outside lawyer. Their approach to legal risk management was amateurish and haphazard at best.

“Hello, Mr. Li. Could I have a word with you?”

Li Dewen looked at Lin Shu’s face and was visibly taken aback. “Are you one of our newly signed influencers?”

“I’m Lin Shu from Tianhao Law Firm,” Lin Shu said, smiling as she handed him her business card. “I’m sure you’re familiar with Tianhao’s reputation. In the past, you’ve worked with us and agreed to sign a consulting agreement. Moving forward, I’ll be your point of contact for all these matters.”

As soon as Li Dewen realized she was there to discuss money, the brief warmth in his face disappeared, replaced by a practiced, insincere smile. “Ah, Lin Lawyer, you’re just as beautiful as our influencers.”

He chuckled awkwardly. “As for the contract, we’ll discuss that later. Everything’s going through the proper channels; it will definitely get signed, no question about that. But right now, I’m busy with the annual party. I have to greet our investors. I’ll be off for now.”

Although he claimed the contract would be signed, Lin Shu noticed how casually he stuffed her business card into his pocket, clearly showing no real intent to follow through.

But Lin Shu was prepared for this and wasn’t discouraged.

When she said she would close the deal, she meant it.

At the very least, she had made herself known to Li Dewen. She would wait for the right opportunity to act further.

Lin Shu grabbed a juice from the refreshments table and was just about to take a look around the venue when a commotion erupted near the entrance. Several reporters rushed over, and Li Dewen hurried to greet someone with a respectful look on his face.

A small influencer sipping juice next to Lin Shu looked curious. “Who’s the big shot arriving now?”

Her friend whispered, “It’s Wang Yizhou from Xinhao. They’re going to be one of Jin Yan’s investors.”

Tie Niu’s brother?

Lin Shu was intrigued. Once the crowd around him dispersed, she finally caught a glimpse of the man.

Wang Yizhou was tall and had well-defined features—not as sharply handsome as Xu Shijia, but still striking. His well-fitted suit gave him a mature, composed appearance. Although those around him seemed overly deferential, Wang Yizhou himself appeared approachable. Lin Shu observed him exchanging business cards with several people, his manner calm and polite, exuding the kind of refinement that only comes from generations of wealth and education.

No wonder Tang Xiao was such a fan of his.

And no wonder Tie Niu turned out so well—having an older brother like that as a role model must have made an impact.

As Lin Shu pondered this, she felt a bit sorry for Tie Niu. Both brothers came from the same parents, yet while the older brother was renowned for his noble character, poor Tie Niu’s reputation had been dragged through the mud. It seemed like Tie Niu’s unfortunate appearance was to blame for all the gossip.

Lin Shu was planning to wait until the crowd dispersed so she could introduce herself to Wang Yizhou and exchange business cards. But before that could happen, she spotted a familiar figure.

Who else could it be but Xu Shijia?

This was the same man who had recently claimed he was taking time off. Now he was standing amidst another group, looking sharp and scanning the area.

Unlike Wang Yizhou, Xu Shijia was dressed casually, not at all in a business-like manner—more like he was out for a casual stroll. Yet he had this effortless charm, as if even in flip-flops, he could pull off a runway look.

But it was undeniable that no matter how casually Xu Shijia dressed, he carried himself with enough presence, because his face was the ultimate fashion statement.

At this moment, a few influencers had already gathered around him, and Xu Shijia was eagerly exchanging contact information with them.

To be fair, Xu Shijia was more handsome than Wang Yizhou, taller too. Objectively speaking, Xu Shijia was the kind of strikingly handsome man you couldn’t forget. But once someone like that became your subordinate, all their charm turned into an annoyance.

A good subordinate isn’t about looks—it’s about being useful!

This lazy guy. Wasn’t he just saying this morning that he needed to rest? How could he be so full of energy tonight at this “Hot Night” event?

Lin Shu was annoyed. “Xu Shijia!”

Xu Shijia froze for a moment, clearly not expecting to see Lin Shu here.

He glanced at her, his expression tightening. His earlier enthusiasm vanished, and he ignored the influencers surrounding him as he frowned and walked over to Lin Shu, surprisingly taking the initiative to question her first—

“What are you doing here?”

Why couldn’t I be here?

Before Lin Shu could even get angry, she shivered.

The venue was a bit chilly, and she had rushed out without even grabbing a coat to wear over her dress.

Xu Shijia, while eyeing Lin Shu’s exposed collarbone and shoulders, still had the nerve to comment sarcastically, “You came out dressed like that? Of course you’re cold.”

Lin Shu was ready to burst with anger.

Just as she was about to snap, a jacket was draped over her shoulders.

It was Xu Shijia’s casual blazer.

Unfortunately, the man couldn’t keep his mouth shut: “I picked this casual suit specifically for the occasion. Now the whole outfit’s ruined—just a shirt on top with these casual pants. It’s totally unbalanced.”

“Thanks for the jacket, but Xu Shijia, men shouldn’t be so obsessed with appearances. What matters more is substance.”

Xu Shijia wasn’t having it. “What’s wrong with my substance? My substance is perfectly proportional to my appearance, no issues at all.”

Lin Shu held back, but couldn’t resist saying, “I’m here to expand my business prospects. What about you?”

“Xu Shijia, it’s one thing if you’re resting at home—after all, you’ve been traveling for work and working overtime, so being tired is understandable. But here you are, all smiles, swapping contacts with a bunch of influencers. You look like you could easily work another ten days.”

“Of course, it’s fine if you’re here to relax too, since there are quite a few successful people worth learning from at this event. Like Wang Yizhou.”

Lin Shu started praising Wang Yizhou, newly armed with knowledge, and went all out.

Someone like Xu Shijia, who thought so highly of himself, needed a little comparison to motivate him to improve.

“Look at Wang Yizhou. He’s not much older than you, right? Look how mature he is, how he knows exactly what to wear for every occasion. But you? When you were on a business trip, you dressed like you were ready to walk a runway.”

“And look how he treats others—so approachable. Xu Shijia, there’s a saying, ‘A half-full bottle makes the most noise.’ Wang Yizhou comes from a wealthy family, but do you see him acting arrogant? No, he’s incredibly humble. Unlike you—every time I, as your boss, give you some feedback, you act all rebellious.”

“He’s here at this annual party for work. And you? You’re here to exchange contacts with influencers! Look at the difference in your mindsets—your gap in vision is obvious! Aren’t you reflecting on this? Don’t you feel ashamed?”

“Is his family not wealthier than yours? Yet even so, he hasn’t stopped striving for more. Wang Yizhou isn’t at home living as a full-time son—do you really have the nerve to?”

After finally wrapping up his social obligations, Wang Yizhou looked around and spotted his brother’s figure in a corner of the venue. As he walked over, ready to call out to Xu Shijia, he noticed that his brother was already deep in conversation.

Opposite Xu Shijia stood a girl, talking to him rapidly, her gaze intense.

There were many beautiful women at the Jin Yan annual event, but few had the combination of beauty and fierce energy that this girl possessed. Her demeanor was sharp, and her eyes had a fierce glint in them.

Xu Shijia had great taste, and this girl certainly stood out. She was exactly the type of woman Wang Yizhou admired.

At that moment, Wang Yizhou felt a pang of guilt for his earlier assumptions about his brother. He had thought Xu Shijia had slipped away to do his own thing again, but it turned out he was diligently trying to find a suitable match for him.

Wang Yizhou adjusted his appearance, thinking of how he could naturally join the conversation as he slowly approached. It was then that he finally heard what the girl was saying.

“You know, Tie Niu and Liu Xuhui in the team aren’t as reliable as you. I genuinely see you as one of my own, and you’re the person I have the highest hopes for in the entire team.”

“You just shivered a bit, and you immediately took off your jacket for me. That shows you’re observant and considerate of others. Someone like you not becoming a lawyer is a real pity, and I don’t believe you’d ever just abandon the team halfway.”

“You’re just used to a more laid-back lifestyle, and now adjusting to a regular work routine takes some getting used to. That’s why I understand your need for a break, and I’m okay with a little attitude. But you really can’t keep this up.”

“You need to gradually adjust to the current work rhythm, but I have patience, and I’ll stay by your side as you adapt.”

“Come to work as usual tomorrow, alright? Don’t worry, I don’t have any hard feelings toward you. You’re still the employee I think most highly of. I won’t easily give up on someone as talented as you.”

“If you don’t show up tomorrow, I’ll come to your house and find you. When it comes to talent, I’m willing to go to any lengths.”

At this point, Wang Yizhou finally understood.

This was Lin Shu, his brother’s new boss.

But she was nothing like how Xu Shijia had described. Not only was she not ugly, but she was strikingly beautiful.

Her PUA (manipulative tactics) skills were also top-notch.

For most people, it would be hard to refuse any request from such a stunning woman focused solely on them. Not to mention, she seemed to have a mastery of every workplace manipulation technique in the book.

Was that why Xu Shijia thought she was hideous and detestable?

But clearly, Xu Shijia fell for this approach. After being hit with a mix of praise and criticism, he had long since lost his composure.

Wang Yizhou heard Xu Shijia clear his throat and say, “I guess I do have some talent.”

“And no need to come to my house tomorrow, I’ll be at work myself.”

Just a while ago, Xu Shijia had been adamant about taking a ten-day vacation, and now here he was, agreeing to go back to work tomorrow…

Wang Yizhou felt he should speak up for his brother—balance between work and rest was important.

But before he could intervene, he heard Xu Shijia sarcastically remark—

“And don’t think Wang Yizhou is perfect. He’s got plenty of flaws.”

“He’s had five relationships and five ex-girlfriends. His love life is way more complicated than mine—I’m much more innocent!”

“And you think he always wears business suits because he’s so professional? It’s because he doesn’t look good in anything else! I can pull off all kinds of styles, so I don’t need to stick to one boring outfit!”

“When I show my displeasure to someone I don’t like, that’s called being genuine and straightforward. He’s all polite on the surface, but do you think he doesn’t curse people behind their backs? That’s called being fake! Can he compare to me?”

“Let’s not even talk about anything else. Just look at our faces—I’m definitely way more handsome than him! My physique too—I’m taller than him by three centimeters!”

Xu Shijia’s tone was sincere: “Lin Shu, I’m really telling you this for your own good. Don’t keep seeing Wang Yizhou through rose-colored glasses. He’s really not all that. Most of the glowing articles about him in the media are just paid PR.”

“And let me clarify one thing—I wasn’t exchanging contact info with those influencers for myself.”

“Do I need to actively seek out women’s contact info? I was doing it purely for my older cousin, who’s a single guy and can’t seem to find anyone. He’s overworked and exhausted—I’m worried if he keeps going like this, his sperm will lose viability…”

Wang Yizhou heard Xu Shijia grumbling, “And you called out to me too soon. The internet was lagging, and I’d just opened my own QR code. I didn’t even get to add anyone yet!”



Suddenly, Wang Yizhou thought maybe his brother deserved a few more tough lessons in the workplace.

Better to kill him.

She was ruthlessly scolding Xu Shijia and even using him as a comparison to criticize his brother!

While she might have gone a bit overboard in her criticisms of Xu Shijia, the part where she praised him was, admittedly, quite accurate. So Wang Yizhou refrained from stepping in right away.

“Wang Yizhou has knowledge, skill, vision—no weaknesses. You? You don’t have weaknesses either, because everything about you is lacking.”

“Xu Shijia, do you know how disappointed I am in you? I had such high hopes, thinking I could mentor you. But after just three days of business travel, you’re saying you can’t handle it. Look at Wang Yizhou, working nonstop for ten days on an overseas acquisition. Did he ever say he couldn’t handle it?”

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