After Maxing Out All Classes
After Maxing out all Classes Chapter 1

Chapter 1: Being an Adventure is boring, I just want to be lazy

A huge, green-skinned flying dragon swept over the pine forest, bringing with it a gust of wind, swaying the pine forest below and making the sound of pine waves.

Robb was sitting under a pine tree while looking at the bulging belly of the two-footed flying dragons flying over the treetops, thinking to himself, “I am now a ‘God Archer’. Using the skill ‘Dragon Killing Arrow’, I can shoot dragons from the sky with one arrow. Then, I can equip a skinning knife and using the ‘Advanced Skinning Skill’, I can get the item ‘Dragon Skin’, then, using the ‘Advanced Skinning Skill’ again, I can make a pair of ‘Flying Dragon Leather Armor’. In this way, the proficiency of archery will increase by 5 points, the proficiency of skinning will increase by 2 points, and the proficiency of leather crafting will increase by 2 points…”

While thinking about this, he suddenly raised his hand and slapped himself. “What are you thinking about again? You’ve already practiced. You don’t need to practice anymore.”

Robb, who is 18 years old this year, is a senior gamer. A few years prior, he became fascinated by “Dark Blade”. “Dark Blade” is a large-scale online RPG, also known as a MMORPG (TL: Massively Multiplayer Online Role-playing Games). It is set in a Western world full of swords and magic, with a vast and seamless world map, rich monsters, and numerous occupations. It allowed players to freely change full-time and part-time jobs, with rich customization that enable the players to DIY their beloved game characters as they like.

Robb fell into the game by accident. Maybe it was because he was a Virgo, but he always played the game to the end, feeling uncomfortable if he didn’t practice everything that he could. Warriors, Paladins, Rangers, Rogues, Priests… and all other common occupations are all fully brushed, and even mining, tree cutting, cooking, skinning, leather making… and other skills are all fully practiced.

He established the largest guild in the entire server, defeated the most difficult of dungeons, defeated the strongest of epic-level monsters alone, and participated in a thousand-player raid.

However, one day, when he logged into the game, he discovered that there was nothing left for him to do.

Everything that can be experienced has been experienced by him.

The world of sword and magic completely lost the attraction that he once had when he first arrived. At this point in time, when he logged into the game world, he didn’t even feel the slightest bit of excitement.

Well, this may just be the ultimate destination of all gamers.

He decided to quit the game. However, at the that moment, he somehow transmigrated over and sat under a pine tree. He appears to look the same as appearance of his own game character. He’s a handsome blonde male, wearing T-shirt and jeans made with skin bought with krypton gold. He also inherited all proficiency points he gained and developed in the game.

He met an explorer and asked him some questions. He learned that this place is called the “Fengmo Continent”, and it is a world of swords and magic; however, it isn’t a game world, but a real world.

Either way, no matter what it’s called, whether it’s real or not, he’s already tired of everything about swords and magic. Seeing a goblin poking his head next to him, he didn’t even bother to fight it. When he changed his previous career and had not yet fully practiced and developed it, whenever he encountered a monster with a delicate and soft body like a goblin, he would definitely rush over and chop it up immediately, so he could obtain one or two points of proficiency.

However, what should I do if I don’t want to move at all?

Obviously, I just arrived at a new world, but why do I not have any interest in exploring at all?

He looked at the sky and fell into a state of indolence.

At this moment, a voice sounded in the distance and three people came over from the woods.

Walking in front was a man in heavy armor carrying a big sword, behind him was a man in leather armor with a bow and arrow, and at the back was a woman in a robe holding a wand. The woman s pretty good-looking, with delicate facial features, and red hair.

This is an authentic adventurer’s squad! They have a warrior, an archer, and a magician. Except for the lack of a priest, the overall structure of their squad is very reasonable.

Of course, Robb also knows that only in the game can there be a clear occupation. In the real world, a farmer who picks up a sword Is a warrior, who picks up a bow is an archer, and if he learns magic, he can become a magician. Here, there is no reason to hang a certain job name on one’s head, and there is no concept of experience points and levels.

So, in the real world, you don’t know what skills someone will use just by looking at them. Maybe a person with a staff will pick up a dagger and backstab you the next second. This is the norm here in the real world.

This small groups seemed to be very cautious. They took each step they take in the wood carefully. When they entered the pine forest, they saw Robb sitting under the tree. Unarmed and wearing a strange piece of cloth. He didn’t look dangerous at all, and the warrior in front asked, ”Hey! Are you a resident of Westwind Town? Isn’t it dangerous for you to come here alone?”

Robb wanted to save trouble and didn’t want to talk too much with strangers, so he just lied casually, “I just went into the mountains to collect herbs, although it’s a little dangerous, wealth and danger come hand in hand.”

“It turns out to be herbs.”, The warrior in front asked, “ Did you not see a green-skinned wyvern around here? It often attacks the caravan, and the elders of Westwind Town asked us to get rid of it.”

“Oh? Is it a flying dragon?” Robb really saw a flying dragon just now, and was even thinking about using its skin as leather armor, he pointed in the direction where the flying dragon disappeared and said, “It just passed from me. It flew overhead and headed in that direction. I saw that it flew slowly with a low altitude. It seemed that it was about to return to its nest. Its nest shouldn’t be far from here.”

The warrior smiled and said, “Great, we’ve been looking for it for a few days, and now we finally have new about the wyvern.” He turned around and smiled at the archer and magician and said, “Let’s go and kill it, so we can go back and get ourselves paid.”

The three nodded to Robb and said thankfully, “Thank you for the information.”

Robb shrugged and said, “You’re welcome!”

The three people left, but Robb didn’t care. When playing games before, when other players asked him “Where is the NPC for a certain task”, he usually pointed out the location of the NPC casually before ignoring it. He was not so enthusiastic as to accompany them on a task every time he was asked for directions.

He continued to sit under the big pine tree, lazily thinking about what he should do.

I don’t want to explore the world anymore. I’m not interested, and I don’t want t pick up any s*** quests or fight s*** monsters. He has done these things repeatedly in the game for several years, until he practiced all occupations and skills to perfection. Tired to the point of vomiting, thinking about it carefully, it is stupid how ridiculous it is that I have been picking up tasks, then going to do 10 tasks to blame this stupid thing for several years.

It’s better to be lazy than to do this stupid thing.

However, it is not enough to be lazy all the time.

In the real world, he needs to eat, sleep, and wear clothes. It seems that he is not allowed to sit under the pine tree in a daze.

He stood up slowly, thinking, “The first thing I should do now is to find a town where humans live? I have to find out what to eat and where to sleep first.”

At this moment, a violent roar suddenly sounded in the distance, it sounded like the voice of a flying dragon, and then a huge explosion sounded, this time, it was the sound of flame explosion magic.

Robb looked for where the sound came from, and a large first burst into the sky.

Then, the two-footed flying dragon that I had seen just now flew into the air, spinning rapidly mid-air. Several arrows flew up from the ground, but they were all dodged by it or beaten down by its wings. Then, it roared and rush down towards the ground.

“Oh? It seems that the three people just fought with the two-legged dragon?”

Robb has already seen this kind of things a lot. Walking around in the game, he often sees squads formed by players to fight against small bosses living in the wild. He really isn’t interested in getting involved.

However, now he needs to find a town where humans live to find food and a place to live. Rather than searching blindly, he might as well ask those three people/

The warrior seems to have asked him earlier if he was a resident of Westwind Town, which, thinking about it the other way around, is there a nearby town called Westwind Town. So, I can just ask how they get to Westwind Town.

Robb took a big step forward and walked towards the direction where the three were fighting with the flying dragon.


Just a college student that loves reading novels~!

1 comment
  1. Akirei has spoken 12 months ago

    An OP guy with zero motivation to adventure another world? This is new to me. I hope this is a good novel.


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