After Maxing Out All Classes
After Maxing out all Classes Chapter 13

Chapter 13: Everyone’s father

Robb walked out of the merchant’s house with the maid she had just acquired.

The thin blonde girl followed him in small steps, with her head and hands down.

“What’s your name?” Robb asked.

“Please give me a name.” The little girl bowed her head.

Robb was amused and was about to say, “From here on, you’ll be called Rem (TL: From Re:Zero),” but after thinking about it, he took it back and said, “I don’t want to erase the name your parents gave you. It is the most precious gift your parents have given you and will stay with you for the rest of your life, so I want to hear your real name, not the name I gave you.” The name I’ll give you may not even be something you’ll like, but you’ll still have to stick with it, which may be quite depressing for you.”

With that simple sentence, the girl suddenly burst into tears. After several seconds, she calmed down and said in a shallow voice, “Thank you, Master. My name is Lillian.”

“Very good, then I’ll call you Lillian from now on.” Robb smiled and said, “My name is Robb.”

“I will remember your honorable name.”

“Well, you don’t have to be this polite.”

“Yes, master!”

After six sentences, Robb realized that the conversation couldn’t continue. The maid acted like she didn’t want to talk to you and threw a special phrase at the end of the chat-“OK.”

Forget it, there will be plenty more chances, and it’s indeed very difficult to chat with a stranger of the opposite sex immediately. Robb smiled and said, “That’s all. Let’s go and get you new clothes. Your clothes are dirty and full of holes. Let’s change them.”

“Yes, master!”

The two went to the cloth shop in the center of the town. As soon as they walked in, Robb was recognized by the shopkeeper. Westwind town was too small. Last night when Robb and Gorda came back with the skin of the double-legged dragon, almost the whole town remembered his face, and after that dinner, everyone knew that he would settle down in Westwind town and manage the chapel in the town.

Robb immediately received a “Welcome, welcome, a warm welcome” from the shopkeeper. He didn’t stop there and relentlessly shouted “My Father” to Robb, just like how Westerners called priests. Robb, taking advantage of the shopkeeper, waved to the shopkeeper and said, “God bless you, my son!”

He suddenly found that he would be the father of everyone in Westwind town! He became a part of the older generation, whether it is a middle-aged man or an old man, anyone who sees him has to call him father obediently, and Robb has to call the person son. Moreover, whenever it happens, the people would happily listen…

However, the Westwind town really is a fussy place. If a father wants to take his son’s things, he has to pay money.

Westwind town itself doesn’t have the ability to produce cloth. Merchants from larger cities ship the cloth here, so the price is very expensive, much more expensive than cloth bought locally in the said larger cities.

Lillian’s eyes were locked on the coarse white linen in the store. She looked at the price tag and rolled out her tongue in fear, thinking to herself, “How expensive!” Although his Master is a priest of the Church of Light with a benevolent and charitable nature, he must consider whether such an expensive piece of cloth is worth buying for a servant.

As soon as she thought of it, Rob put his hand on a roll of white cotton, which was several times more expensive than the coarse white linen, and with a snap of his finger, a gold coin flew out and landed in the shopkeeper’s hand. “I’ll take this roll of white cotton. I’ll also take this can of black dye next to it,” he said, picking up the cloth in one hand and the can of dye in the other, and walked away.

The shopkeeper shouted at the back, “You only need 10 silver coins for that roll of cotton cloth. The dye is cheaper. You don’t need as many gold coins. Please stop. I’ll give you your change…”

Robb smiled and said, “give it to my maid.” Then, he turned around and left the store.

The shopkeeper called Lillian. “Hey, are you the maid that Mr. Robb just bought?”

Lillian nodded.

“Come here! Help take your Master’s change back.”

Lillian held out her pair of small hands and spread them out evenly. The shopkeeper put 82 silver coins in her hand and warned her, “This much money, you, little maid, don’t think about stealing it. It won’t do you any good. Westwind town is on the border, and it is full of monsters outside. If you dare to steal the money and run away, you’ll have no choice but to die. Even if you reach another town or country, the Church of Light will be able to catch you back. “

Lillian bowed her head and said obediently, “I won’t run away. Master is a good person. I will follow him well.”

In fact, even if the shopkeeper didn’t remind her, she knew that almost all the residents of Westwind Town, a town with a population of only a thousand people, knew each other. If she escaped from Robb, it would not take long for her to be found. Not to mention, leaving town is basically a death sentence. I don’t know how many monsters are loitering outside, waiting for stupid guys to run into the mountains to let them have a good meal.

If she wanted to survive, there was no other way but to listen to Robb.

In fact, from the moment her parents died, and her aunt adopted her, she knew that she had to listen to others in order to live. The only difference was who she had to listen to. She was lucky to be able to follow a priest who represented “light.”

Lillian came out of the shop with 82 silver coins in her hands, being careful not to drop them, and quickly caught up with Robb and followed him, “Master, this is your change from the shopkeeper.”

“Oh, keep it.” Without looking back, Robb said, “Here’s your pocket money.”

“Scared?” Lillian was startled. (TL: It doesn’t really make sense for her to say that in that situation ngl)

Seeing the little girl’s shocked and bewildered look, Robb had no choice but to change his words, “I want you to buy a lot of things for me. I’ll put the money with you for the time being.”

“whoo-hoo!” Lillian heaved a sigh of relief.

Although the girl didn’t say much, her facial expressions were very interesting, so Robb found himself to be quite fond of teasing her.

After a while, the two returned to the chapel.

In the eyes of ordinary people, a chapel is a sacred place. Lillian prayed at the door for a long time before she dared to set foot inside. She felt quite happy to think she would be living here in the future. There are no abusive aunts here, and there is no need to worry about being sold to anyone. Her new owner seems to be a very gentle and good man too.

Robb smiled and said, “Lillian, come here. I’ll help you make your new clothes first.”

“Making clothes?” When Lillian heard this, she exclaimed, “Ah,” Not to mention that the material Robb was going to use was expensive cotton. The most incredible thing for Lillian was that Robb said, “I’ll help you make it.” she couldn’t help but be anxious, “Master, how can that be? Please let me tailor the clothes myself.”

Robb rejected her solemnly, “No, the style of the clothes you’ll make certainly wouldn’t satisfy me.”


Just a college student that loves reading novels~!

  1. Akirei has spoken 12 months ago

    It is good that he didn’t name her Rem, many fans would curse the author for that. As for the maid outfit, I wonder if he would reproduce Rem’s outfit.

  2. Pessmistic_Optimist has spoken 1 year ago

    omg what type of maid outfit does he have in mind?! Since he is an OP I hope he makes it cute.


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