After Maxing Out All Classes
After Maxing out all Classes Chapter 35

Chapter 35: How many times do want to be beaten to death?

The circle of battle of the double-headed magician is now extremely lively. Nearly a hundred soldiers are fighting at it at the same time. They were well-trained, organized, and disciplined, but their individual strengths are weak which made it difficult for them to deal with the magician, which is a BOSS monster. (TL: BOSS is a rank, I guess)

The biggest problem is the magician’s “Defense”. The soldiers weren’t strong enough to penetrate through the thick skin of the magician, so their continuous attack didn’t spell much trouble for the magician.

Baron Perseus, who was in command, frowned. His army was comprised of light soldiers, and when they came, it was to search the mountain. Because of this, when they selected its members, they deliberately chose light swordsmen and archers for easy maneuvering through the mountains.

Although this kind of force is flexible and agile, their frontal combat effectiveness is not very strong. If it’s against weak enemies, they can deal with them, but there’s really nothing they can do when they run into a thick-skinned monster like this magician.

It was not until Gorda, Jike, and Xuelu joined the battle tat the magician finally suffered some injuries. It was scorched by Xuelu and suffered a heavy cut on its leg, which cut through its skin and made it bleed. Jike’s arrows are also more powerful than their archers, shooting several holes into the magician.

Baron Perseus felt that the battle was nearing its end. He joined the battle himself, and with the three adventures, he might be able to take down the magician. He draws his two-handed sword from behind and held It high.

It turns out that this guy’s a berserker.

“Soldiers, stand back!” Baron Perseus roared, and his eyes turned red. This is a sign of a berserker’s blood wrath. It burns his anger and doubles hit attack power, but at the same time, his body becomes vulnerable.

Of course, with the nun, he wasn’t afraid of getting hurt.

With a roar and a sword in his hand, he rushed towards the battle, and when the soldiers heard his command, they moved towards the sides. Baron Perseus leaped high, raised his sword over his head, and cut down from the top to the bottom.

“Die! Mountain Beheader!”

However, he underestimated the magician. The moment he leaped high, the magician shone red. Gorda was startled and shouted, “Be careful, it’s using Bloodfury!”

“Bloodfury” is the ability given to many monsters. It’s similar to the blood wrath of Baron Perseus. And it greatly improves their combat effectiveness. The magician seemed to have expanded in size, it has increased from three meters to four meters tall now.

Baron Perseus jumped high, but when the other side suddenly enlarged, he only managed to reach the magician’s chest, and “Mountain Beheader” lost its momentum.

Startled, he saw the magician’s stick seep over him and collide with his sword.


Baron Perseus flew like a sandbag. After several seconds, he sat up, shook his head, and said, “This thing is more powerful that I thought.”

“Don’t act rashly, my lord! Let’s cooperate.” Gorda jumped in front of him and raised his shield. “I’ll attract its attention from the front, and you jump in and cut it from behind.”

“Oh! Let’s cooperate then.” Baron Perseus, still feeling a little dizzy, looked around and asked, “Where are my sword?”

A soldier shouted, “Father, can you please bring me the Baron’s sword?”

Baron Perseus looked at where his voice was pointing at, and it turned out that his sword had fallen beneath Robb’s feet.

Robb bent his back and picked up the sword with both his hands. He weighed it in his hand. Well, it’s not bad. He’s quite satisfied with the weight. Just when he was looking for a weapon to beat the magician, a two-handed sword fell at his feet.

“Father… The baron’s sword… heyy, hey, hey!” The soldiers thought that Robb was going to pick up the sword and hand it to the baron. But Robb picked it up, waved it with his hand, seemed satisfied, and then put the sword on his shoulder before walking towards the magician.

“What are you doing?” The soldiers were startled, “It’s dangerous here. Don’t come.”

Baron Perseus jumped up and said, “Mr. Robb, wait! Don’t go and die, give me the sword.”

He had just taken two steps before Gorda grabbed him. Gorda shook his head and whispered, “Mr. Robb must have a plan of his own.”

Little Yi was also startled and wanted to call Robb back, but Xuelu grabbed her and said, “Don’t worry. Let’s see what Mr. Robb’s going to do.”

So, in full view of everyone’s eyes, Robb stood in front of the magician and looked closely at the monster.

The bloodthirsty magician was four meters tall and looked down at Robb, just like an adult looking at a six- or seven-year-old boy. He didn’t even both to take a look and kicked Robb.


The magician kicked air. It didn’t know why; the other side obviously didn’t move at all. His huge foot kicked past a motionless person? It doesn’t make sense!

It kicked again, seemingly unconvinced.


He still missed.

The double-headed magician felt its brain tremble, it has two heads, so when one head trembled, the other trembled as well. The blue head looked confused, while the red looked like Sparta.

How would it know that in the game, if the agility gap is too big, the hit rate of physical attacks will become 1%? Even if Robb stays still, the magician’s hit rate will still only be at 1%.

This kind of thing can’t happen in the real world. Robb can’t make his own rules. Once anything happens, he can only eat the rules.

However, even when he’s motionless, the magician only gets an average of one hit for every one hundred. Of course, even if it hits, it’s useless if it can’t break his defense, but that’s a different matter altogether.

Robb raised the sword with one hand, pointed at the magician and said, “How dare you destroy my house? You are dead meat. Let me ask you, how many times do you want to be beaten to death?”


Just a college student that loves reading novels~!

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