Super Random System
Super Random System Chapter 33

Chapter 33: Fate

“Kid, bored of living, huh?” The bandit sneered, a ferocious glint in his eyes.

Behind him, the six other bandits wore smug expressions, not taking Wang Xiaofei seriously at all.

After years of being bandits, they had developed keen instincts.

From Wang Xiaofei’s attire, it was clear he was from a nearby village or town.

And he was so young.

He certainly couldn’t be a skilled expert.

Perhaps he had charged out because he saw the pretty girl and got carried away with youthful bravado.

Well, they could kill one person as a warm-up. To them, taking a life or two was nothing significant.

But Lin Yue’er felt a bit anxious.

She feared Wang Xiaofei might be killed by these bandits.

“Hey, these people are bandits from Mount Baitou. It’s better not to get involved, let’s go,” Lin Yue’er said.

Hearing Lin Yue’er’s advice, Wang Xiaofei’s eyes brightened.

She reminded him despite his dangerous situation. This showed her kindness, a good heart.

Besides, Wang Xiaofei trusted his instincts.

Seeing is believing.

From the goddess’s appearance, she seemed kind and polite.

“Don’t worry, goddess, these little lackeys are no match for me,” Wang Xiaofei said.

“Goddess!!!” Lin Yue’er was taken aback. It was the first time someone had called her that.

Although it was the first time she heard it, anyone could understand its meaning.

This guy was quite unusual indeed.

Lin Yue’er once again sized up Wang Xiaofei.

He appeared ordinary on the surface, but from his smile and confident demeanor, there was an undercurrent of nonconformity and pride.

He was different from anyone she had met before.

“Damn, kid, you’re quite arrogant. I’ll bloody well kill you,” a bandit, unable to tolerate Wang Xiaofei’s disregard, grew furious.

He drew the steel knife in his hand.


He viciously thrust it towards Wang Xiaofei.

“Be careful,” Lin Yue’er exclaimed.

Though she felt Wang Xiaofei was unique, she still categorized him just like these bandits did based on his clothing and young age.

Thus, Lin Yue’er had already readied her internal qi, prepared to rush over and rescue Wang Xiaofei if he got into danger.

The bandits watching on all sneered.

“Get him, Chicken!” One of the bandits yelled.

At that moment, Wang Xiaofei smirked.

Then, without clear movement, he suddenly seemed ethereal.


This novel was translated on ShanghaiFantasy, If you are not reading on this website, it was stolen and aggregated

Wang Xiaofei’s body flickered, and he was already by the side of ‘Chicken’.


With a crisp sound, Wang Xiaofei kicked and broke ‘Chicken’s’ right leg.

“Ah!!!” Chicken let out a miserable cry, falling forward and faceplanting into the ground.

At the same time, the steel knife in his hand hit his forehead heavily.

“Damn it. Brothers, attack!” Seeing Wang Xiaofei easily take down ‘Chicken’, the remaining bandits were slightly stunned but quickly reacted.

However, they weren’t afraid. On the contrary, they charged forward like crazed beasts.

Having roamed Mount Daqing all day, these bandits had developed a fearless character.


“Punk, I’ll kill you.”

One after another, the bandits shouted as they rushed toward Wang Xiaofei.

However, despite their fierceness, they were nowhere near Wang Xiaofei’s match.

Wang Xiaofei’s current strength, if he used his full power, could easily crush practitioners at the peak of the Nine-Star Warrior Realm.

These bandits were merely at the Seven-Star Warrior Realm, so the gap between them and Wang Xiaofei was too wide.

In just a few moves, all the bandits were lying on the ground.

Among them, two were dead, and five were severely injured.

“Don’t… don’t kill us.” Only when a few heavily wounded bandits felt fear did they start begging.

Their fearlessness wasn’t genuine. They weren’t truly unafraid of death; they were just reckless and willing to take risks.

Now, facing an overwhelming difference in strength, they naturally surrendered.

However, in the face of the bandits’ pleas, Wang Xiaofei remained unmoved.

His agility unfolded, and in just a few leaps and bounds.

“Bang bang bang bang.” All five bandits were dead.

“Alright, it’s safe now.” Wang Xiaofei clapped his hands and said.

“Thank you for saving me. This is a small token of gratitude.” Lin Yue’er saw Wang Xiaofei had killed all the bandits.

Though she was somewhat surprised by Wang Xiaofei’s strength, as they were meeting for the first time, she didn’t inquire further. She took out a small bag of Obsidian Coins from her storage ring and tossed it to Wang Xiaofei.

“How could I accept something from a goddess like you? Isn’t this looking down on me? Take it back, take it back.” Wang Xiaofei tossed the Obsidian Coins back to Lin Yue’er.

“Oh, I see. Thank you then. I have something to do, so I’ll be leaving.” After acknowledging Wang Xiaofei, Lin Yue’er turned to leave.

“Wait a moment, goddess. Mount Daqing is dangerous. You might want to consider hiring a bodyguard. Right now, there’s a good option in front of you.” Wang Xiaofei added, deliberately puffing his chest out.

“Pff.” Seeing Wang Xiaofei’s comical appearance, Lin Yue’er couldn’t help but chuckle.

She came from a prominent background and possessed exquisite beauty. She was like the school’s flower at Tianlong Academy. Naturally, she was often surrounded by people.

This novel was translated on ShanghaiFantasy, If you are not reading on this website, it was stolen and aggregated

However, those people were either hypocritical pseudo-gentlemen or lowly scoundrels like those bandits. There were also some mediocre individuals who only dared to look at her from afar.

People as direct and thick-skinned as Wang Xiaofei were quite rare.

Especially, the young man in front of her was not unlikable.

“No need. Young hero, take care of yourself,” Lin Yue’er smiled slightly and said softly. Her voice was crisp and very pleasant to listen to.

“Oh, I see. Well then, goodbye,” Wang Xiaofei nodded. He didn’t drag things out and turned to leave.


Lin Yue’er was slightly taken aback.

From childhood to now, she had rejected countless people. Every young man she rejected either left in despair or continued to pester her. Some even left angrily.

No one had ever left as gracefully as Wang Xiaofei did.

Watching Wang Xiaofei’s departing figure, inexplicably, Lin Yue’er felt a bit lost.

However, she was only slightly surprised; after all, she was an elite of Tianlong Academy. Lin Yue’er composed herself and headed toward the meeting point with her senior brothers as planned.

After she had flown about four or five miles ahead.

Suddenly, a white figure emerged from the nearby forest at an oblique angle.

“Heh, what a coincidence, we meet again. It seems you and I are truly destined,” the youth’s hearty laughter echoed.

Lin Yue’er turned her head and saw Wang Xiaofei flying over.

Seeing Wang Xiaofei appear once again, Lin Yue’er’s mood inexplicably became somewhat joyful.

“Chuckle, it does seem like destiny. I wonder if we’ll meet again ahead,” Lin Yue’er’s laughter tinkled, and her figure accelerated, swiftly flying forward.

“Why make it so complicated? You’ve even fed the mosquitoes,” Wang Xiaofei teased, chuckling, as he chased after her from behind.

This novel was translated on ShanghaiFantasy, If you are not reading on this website, it was stolen and aggregated


Just a college student that loves reading novels~!

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