How Can My Wife Be So Adorable?
How Can My Wife Be So Adorable Chapter 178 – I’m Not Human

“What’s going on?”

San’er exclaimed:【 This guy is actually a rare Creator Spirit Master! 】

【 Such Spirit Masters are not common worldwide! That black box should be the box he uses to create things. 】

Chen Xing nodded in surprise, but he was only slightly astonished. He walked expressionlessly while holding Zero in his arms.

When Chi Sifang saw Chen Xing carrying little Zero coming towards him, he was about to speak but noticed that Zero was sleeping in his arms. He wisely closed his mouth.

The demons in the queue didn’t react when they saw Chen Xing. He had told them not to expose his identity in front of others, so they all kept silent. They didn’t even look at Chen Xing; they treated him as if he were invisible. Following the orders of their Demon King was their absolute priority!

Although Chi Sifang didn’t say anything, he took out a piece of cake and handed it to Chen Xing. He thought that since they hadn’t seen Chen Xing for a few days, he might not have food reserves with him, so he prepared a cake for him.

Seeing this, Chen Xing gently adjusted Zero’s position in his arms. He switched from a princess carry to a one-armed hold. Throughout the process, he kept a close eye on her. She didn’t wake up, just furrowed her adorable little brows and then a sweet smile appeared on her face.

From up close, the sweet smell of the cakes was evident. The scent wasn’t strong but rather appetizing. Chen Xing took the cake and looked at it before preparing to take a bite. Suddenly…


Little Zero’s head moved, and she opened her mouth, biting down on the cake. Her eyes were still closed!

She took a big bite, stuffing her small mouth full, and the corners of her mouth got smeared with cream. Chewing with her eyes closed, she mumbled, “Mmm… Mmm~” (So good~!)

Then, she just laid her head on Chen Xing’s shoulder… Cream also got smeared onto his clothes.

Everyone was dumbfounded!

What’s going on?

Sleepwalking…? No! Sleep-eating?!

That was everyone’s first reaction, and it turned out to be true.

In her dream, she smelled the aroma, and off she went sleepeating…

Everyone’s attention was now focused on little Zero. After a while, they realized that she was still asleep.

It was indeed sleepeating!

Damn! It’s just too cute! A smile immediately appeared on Chen Xing’s face.

He gently moved the piece of cake to the side of Zero’s face. With a playful smile, he wanted to see if she would take another bite.

The crowd was also hoping that this little one would be cute once again. They stared intently at Chen Xing and the sleeping girl on his shoulder.

However, over a minute passed, and Zero still showed no reaction.

Chen Xing chuckled softly and took back the piece of cake in his hand. Looking at the unevenly bitten corner of the cake by Zero, he couldn’t help but smile again. He felt like the cake looked so adorable after being eaten!

Then he took a bite.

As the cake touched his tongue, Chen Xing suddenly felt something strange. It seemed like a surge of energy entered his body. “This cake is actually an energy-replenishing cake!?”

Just as Chen Xing was amazed, he noticed that Zero had woken up. She raised her head, opened her big eyes, and looked at Chen Xing in confusion. The two of them exchanged glances in the air for a long time.

Zero slowly pouted her small mouth: “Mmm… You stole a piece of cake while I was sleeping! You didn’t even give me any… Stingy!”


She didn’t know she had just eaten some.

Her anger was feigned; mainly, she wanted him to feed her.

Seeing her so lively, Chen Xing understood that it was the cake’s energy-replenishing ability that had awakened her. However, he didn’t mention her sleep-eating incident.

He just held the cake out to her: “Open your mouth, Ah~”

“Hmph… Ahwoo~!” Pretending to be annoyed, Zero took a big bite!

“Is it delicious?”

“Hmph, I want more~”

Chen Xing smiled and held it out to her again.


【Ding~ Congratulations, Host. Your wife, Zero, has successfully purified 400 demons! Rewards: Spirit Points: 600 million, Crystal Coins: 600 million!】

“Huh!?” When Zero woke up just now, she only had Chen Xing in her eyes, along with the cake in his hand. She hadn’t noticed the presence of the crowd of demons behind her.

The system’s notification sound did catch her attention, though. Her face immediately turned red!

I… I actually acted like that with Chen Xing in front of so many people just now… Oh no… I’m so embarrassed!

Scared and embarrassed, she even stopped eating the cake and quickly shrank back into his embrace.

Chen Xing chuckled and patted her head, feeling relieved that he hadn’t exposed her sleepeating incident. Otherwise, she would have been even more embarrassed.

Usually, Chen Xing knew that Zero often talked in her sleep when they slept together. Occasionally, she would sleepwalk too, which he found very cute, so he never brought it up. What if he mentioned it and she stopped doing it? That would be a shame.

After all, even in her dreams, Zero called him her husband.

However, Chen Xing was curious about one thing. What exactly counted as purification?

Zero smiled, and they were purified.

Zero took a bite of cake, and they were purified.

If understanding that Zero is cute could lead to their purification, then there were many times Chen Xing found her super cute. Why couldn’t that trigger the purification?

There must be certain triggering conditions. But he could only try slowly.

Chen Xing stored the cake back into the system’s space. It was quite delicious, so he saved it for Zero.

Then he asked Chi Sifang: “Are you a creator type of Spirit Master? What kind of things can you create?”

“Mainly food with added attributes.”


Chen Xing was somewhat surprised – this guy’s food could also have additional attributes!?

“Yes, like strength, speed, and more. There are even attributes that reduce skill cooldown times and various enhancements. There’s also rapid healing.”


Chen Xing was astonished. Wasn’t this guy trying to steal his thunder?

He mainly wanted to earn money by selling items with attribute enhancements. He originally thought he was unique in this regard. But now there was another one popping up!

At this point, Chi Sifang spoke again: “However, the effects only last for 10 minutes. And you can’t eat more than 3 pieces of cake in a short time, otherwise, you’ll go bald!”

Chen Xing was puzzled: “Bald?”

Chi Sifang nodded: “Yes, you’ll become bald, and you’ll never be able to grow hair again for your entire life! Not even the system can fix that! Only my brother and I are immune to this side effect. But strangely, this effect doesn’t seem to affect demons! They don’t go bald.”

Chen Xing nodded: “That’s still quite impressive!”

“By the way, I found a dimensional portal! It’s located two kilometers to the east of Minghua City! I tried it just now, and that portal does lead to the Spirit Continent!” Chen Xing pretended to be surprised, acting flawlessly.

“Oh!? Really?” Chi Sifang was filled with delight!

Finally, he could get out. Staying here was so boring!

As a Creator Spirit Master, he could replicate and reproduce anything he ate, without cost and without limit. Different foods had different attribute enhancements. So, he needed to try all kinds of delicacies from all over the world!

Only then could he explore all the possibilities. Staying here was clearly limiting his potential!

Plus, he naturally loved to eat. But here, he couldn’t enjoy anything except what he made himself. It was just too dull.

“I didn’t expect to find it, but it’s true! Finally, we can leave. I’ll inform Miss Chi Zi and we can leave together later.”

“Great! But… what about these demons?” Chi Sifang looked at the demons. Since there’s no food for them here, wouldn’t they starve to death?

Chen Xing definitely wouldn’t say that he’s responsible for feeding these demons. He replied casually: “They can eat the spirit beasts here, they’re self-sufficient. Anyway, they won’t be brought to the Hua country.”

“Oh, I see. Well then.”

With that, Chen Xing walked towards the intact small tavern nearby.

Before entering, he could already smell the suffocating smoke. Deciding not to go in, he called out at the entrance:

“Miss, I’ve found a dimensional portal to the east. Do you want to leave together?”

Chi Zi’s voice soon came from inside: “No, you guys go ahead. I’ll stay here.”


Chen Xing was dumbfounded. Why stay here?

Minghua City was already in such a state. Was she waiting here to die?

The smoke inside was too strong, and Chen Xing didn’t want to subject little Zero to secondhand smoke. So he gently put her down and said softly: “The smoke inside is too heavy. Wait here by the entrance for a while.”

“Umm… okay… come back quickly…” (╯﹏╰)…

Chen Xing lightly touched her little head: “Don’t run around, okay? Silly little bean.”

Initially, Zero felt a bit uneasy, but Chen Xing’s words immediately made her feel better: “You… you’re the silly little bean! Silly bean-hubby!”

After speaking, she realized that many people were listening! So she immediately corrected herself: “No… not… silly Chen Xing! Hmph~!”

Chen Xing smiled and couldn’t help but rub her head again.

Then he looked at the demons, his gaze turning cold. The message was clear: If there’s trouble, each and every one of you will pay!

The demons dared not speak, only trembling in place.

Then, Chen Xing kissed little Zero on the cheek and turned to leave.

“Um… come back quickly, okay!”


After that, Chen Xing entered the tavern.

As soon as he opened the door, a heavy fog of smoke rushed out. He furrowed his brows and thought: Geez, someone might think there’s a fire in there. Why don’t they open the windows?

“Huff~” Chi Zi exhaled softly from within and said calmly: “Just go ahead, I’m waiting for someone here.”

Chen Xing walked up to a window and gently opened it, immediately letting the smoke dissipate. But there was still a lot of smoke inside the room, so it would take a while longer to clear.

Chen Xing didn’t approach her. Instead, he leaned casually against the window: “The connection between Minghua City and other dimensions has already been severed.”

“No one else can come in. Even if you wait till you die, you won’t see anyone else.”

Chen Xing originally thought she was just acting suddenly and being a bit reluctant. A bit of persuasion would suffice. But he didn’t expect her to take a drag from her cigarette, exhale slowly, and then say calmly: “Then I’ll wait until I die.”

Chen Xing’s gaze sharpened: “Aren’t you afraid of the demons? They’re all on the S-rank power list.”

“I’m not afraid because you’re their master.”


Chen Xing was taken aback for a moment, somewhat surprised. Since she was being so straightforward, he dropped the act: “When did you figure that out?”

Chi Zi took another drag from her cigarette and exhaled lightly: “Ordinary people might not notice, but I’m not human.”

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