How Can My Wife Be So Adorable?
How Can My Wife Be So Adorable Chapter 185 – The Truth About The Demon Dimension

Chen Xing saw San’er laughing like that, and his face turned from red to pale with anger! If this guy manifested in his true form, Chen Xing would definitely give him a few slashes!


Holding little Zero in his arms, Chen Xing quickly left the area.

As he walked away, the rubble nearby suddenly moved. A blood ball emerged from it!

“What the hell! Luckily, I have a slender figure; otherwise, I would have been crushed by this rubble!”

At this point, the blood from the previously unconsummated fiancee, the two-headed dog on the big black mouse had dried up. The blood on his fur had turned into a dark red color. It made him look like a round sphere crafted from red copper material. Quite a nice appearance.

Glancing around a bit, he noticed the corpses of demons strewn across the ground but couldn’t find Chen Xing and Zero.

“I… have been forgotten again!?”

But strangely, this was exactly what he wanted. This way, he could wander around and search for his own son!

In a shadowy corner of the city with no sunlight.

Chen Xing asked with a stern face: “Moran, what’s going on in this world?”

The twisted worldview of this dimension made Chen Xing extremely uncomfortable. It wasn’t just about the dominance of women over men anymore. This was about completely exterminating the majority of male counterparts!

Trick them into marriage and then castrate them with a single slash! Is that acceptable!?

Could it be that Queen Succubus wanted to create a world with only female demons? A world of sapphic domination? That would be way too extreme!

Fine if you’re into sapphic relationships, but trying to turn all men into that? World unity sounds nice, but taking it to that level is just going too far!


Chen Xing’s demonic blade flashed with white light. Moran’s spiritual form appeared before him once again.

“Um…” Little Zero still couldn’t get used to the terrifying demonic armor he was wearing. Subconsciously, she held onto Chen Xing’s arm tightly.

However, with a timid voice, she greeted the intimidating Demon King before her: “You… hello…”

Demon King Moran froze on the spot. Staring into Zero’s eyes, he appeared bewildered!

The surrounding space seemed to change as if he was transported back to the night he was summoned from another dimension.

That night, his Qiqi, just like Zero, stood timidly before him. Her ten fingers intertwined, gently biting her lip, her first words were: “You… hello! Um…”

Then, blushing with shyness, she said: “Starting today, I’m your wife! You have to listen to me, okay? If you don’t listen, I’ll beat you!”

At that time, Demon King Moran was utterly baffled. But in the end, he was conquered by that little cutie.

The story of Moran and Qiqi resembled a parallel version of the story of Chen Xing and Zero in the demon realm. However, Qiqi eventually died, falling victim to hatred. And in Demon King Moran’s despair, Chu Jiu appeared!

It’s worth mentioning that Qiqi’s identity had another twist. And no, it wasn’t little Zero.

Seeing Demon King Moran spacing out while looking at little Zero, Chen Xing’s gaze turned sharp.

What’s this, trying to steal his wife!? Having a change of heart!?


However, Zero couldn’t sense tenderness from Demon King Moran’s blood-red pupils. She could only feel fear! Startled, she quickly turned around and buried herself in Chen Xing’s embrace.

Observing this, Demon King Moran finally pulled himself out of his reverie. A trace of desolation flashed in his eyes.

He explained at the same time: “Sorry, I was merely looking at her appearance and it reminded me of my wife.”

Chen Xing nodded, looking coldly at him.

Seeing this, Demon King Moran let out a light laugh. He felt that he should say something more and added: “Don’t worry, the person I’m looking for isn’t her. It’s just that they share a somewhat similar personality, both being a bit timid!”

Chen Xing’s expression returned to normal at these words.

Demon King Moran could understand, given that both of them were madly devoted to their wives. He continued: “The demon realm is quite peculiar. I don’t know if you’ve noticed something.”

Saying this, he looked up at the azure sky.

Chen Xing lifted little Zero into his arms and also gazed skyward. Squinting their eyes as they looked, they suddenly made an astonishing discovery and Chen Xing exclaimed: “No red mist!?”

Every time Demon Zero appeared, there was always a red mist.

Including the first time she transformed, and when the dimensional passage to the demon realm opened, there was always a red mist. Even inside the dimensional passage, it was filled with red mist.

That was why Chen Xing had been shocked by the demon world. He guessed that the demon realm must be filled with that red mist too.

So, in his impression, the world inside the realm should be full of greed, desire, and lust. However, the demon realm had no trace of the red mist.

Not only was there no red mist, but this world was also a twisted kind of purity. Highly strange.

Demon King Moran nodded and said: “Exactly! That red mist is actually generated from within the succubi. It’s an inherent trait of their constitution.”

“All the female demons in this world are succubi. Male demons are considered ordinary demons.”

Chen Xing couldn’t help but look at his little cutie in his arms. As expected, she was a succubus!

He couldn’t resist patting her small head.

Little Zero happily swayed her little horn, looking incredibly cute.

Demon King Moran couldn’t help but feel envious. There was a time when he and his Qiqi were like this too…

However, he quickly snapped back to reality and continued: “Originally, they were normal, but since the Succubus Queen’s descent, the essence within all succubi has been sealed and absorbed.”

“That thing is called ‘demonic qi’, and it embodies a demon’s greed and desires.”

“Having been absorbed, they lost their desires. This includes sexual desires, meaning they have no emotions left. All that remains in their hearts is hatred.”

“And that’s how, it has become like it is today.”

“In the history of the demon realm, it’s always a new king replacing the old.”

“At the beginning, the first demon king was very tyrannical, leading the oppression of succubi and treating them as playthings.”

“This led to the dissatisfaction of all the succubi across the realm. Various factions rose in resistance, and eventually, a powerful succubus queen emerged! She could even seduce the demon kings to their deaths. And thus, she became the first Succubus Queen.”

“So, in this demon realm, the succubi rose to power.”

“However, after being oppressed for thousands of years, they also became just as extreme as the first demon king.”

“The world flipped, with the Succubus Queen at the helm, and it became a world where women were supreme!”

“They even invented the marriage ceremony, declaring their intention to unify the entire world, creating a realm populated solely by female demons.”

“However, some succubi are quite unique and cannot be purified. They have special black markings.”

“Succubi with black demonic markings are called ‘familiars’. The peculiar energy within familiars can summon a strong being from other dimensions. After undergoing Yin-Yang secret techniques, these beings can become demon kings, leading the male demons to reclaim their position as rulers.”

Hearing this, Chen Xing understood. When a demon king descended, the world followed a male-dominant and female-submissive order. When a Succubus Queen descended, it became a world where women were superior and men inferior. This cycle continued, with each generation bringing a new ruler.

He hadn’t expected that the peculiarity of this realm was due to millennia of accumulated hatred.

However, he still had some doubts: “Is there no demon king who has rejected this cycle of oppression?”

Demon King Moran shook his head: “There are! Of course, there are! Most of these demon kings are from other dimensions and understand what’s right and wrong.”

“Almost every one of them advocated for peaceful coexistence.”

“But it’s futile. This struggle between the genders has been going on in the demon realm for thousands of years.”

“Even if some demons can accept these ideas, most demons won’t. After all, the injuries they suffered can’t be undone. The hatred is passed down from generation to generation, growing stronger each time.”

“Thousands of years of gender struggle have prevented the demon realm from progressing. Progress in various aspects has been very slow.”

“However, during my reign as a demon king, my wife and I almost resolved this age-old issue.” Demon King Moran revealed a proud expression but quickly turned sorrowful: “However, the price was that she lost her life…”

Chen Xing suddenly understood.

He thought about Little Zero purifying the demons.

Perhaps that purification was about making these demons let go of their obsession with restoring the male-dominant and female-submissive order. Purifying their hearts of years of hatred.

At the same time, he also suddenly understood the conditions for Little Zero’s purification of the demons!

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